
Safety requirements for firing. Training shooting from a machine gun, pistol, rifle

Safety requirements for firing are a list of rules that must be taken into account in the process of any kind of training and competition. In order to achieve maximum safety when handling various small arms, specialized instructions have been developed, according to which the shooter's behavior should be carried out during training and control firing, as well as while participating in competitions or carrying out team service. Due to the high level of discipline, safety requirements during firing allow to exclude the possibility of accidents, as well as minimize risks to others.

Personal shooting

safety requirements for firing

Checking the loading of weapons should always be carried out individually. Safety requirements during firing prohibit trusting people transferring weapons in assembled form.

In the process of training exercises, all the rules must be observed in full and in full. It is forbidden to aim at people and other living creatures, as well as to put at risk any objects of state or private property. Safety requirements during firing require careful handling of the weapon, regardless of whether it is charged or not.

When cocking the trigger, the barrel should be directed exclusively towards the target, and if necessary, it can be raised slightly. Without the need for a shot, it is forbidden to hold your finger on the trigger, since such actions can lead to various accidents, including traumatic and fatal situations. Before you begin training in shooting, conducting combat operations or leaving your home with weapons, you need to check how good it is, whether the various mechanisms are functioning correctly, and, in particular, note the correspondence of the established position of the barrel to ordinary parameters. Also, regardless of whether you take a discharged or loaded weapon, you need to check if there are any excess objects in the barrel.

Features of using different types of weapons

loaded weapon

If you are using weapons with free play, you first need to conduct training to hold the shutter. Even with a sufficiently long firing, he should not damage the skin on his hands.

Short-barreled weapons in the process of firing need to be held carefully. It is forbidden to touch its body or the muzzle, and the only exception in this case is the disassembly procedure. Such precautions are due to the rather fragile design of such weapons, in which most parts are movable.

In the process of firing a pistol or other weapon, occasionally there are situations when the cartridge falls out of the chamber. In this case, initially you will need to completely use up the existing bullets and only then raise it. Such a rule is mandatory when conducting competitions or exercises, and any leader should always monitor its compliance. If you are shooting from a pistol or other types of firearms, you need to develop a habit in no way distracted from firing, and any additional activities should be carried out only after it is finished.

Loading ammunition and firing should be canceled if any malfunctions were found on the ammunition. Be sure to pay attention to whether rust is visible on metal charges, as well as a special green coating.In the overwhelming majority of cases, such phenomena occur due to the fact that the store’s equipment is in the box for a long time, and it, in turn, is stored in high humidity. It is recommended to use bullets immediately after their purchase, since if this is not done, then various oxidative or deformation processes can subsequently affect them.

Training shooting

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, security measures are provided as follows:

  • Using the right guidance for firing with the provision of competent orders and recommendations.
  • The serviceability of any means used during the shooting, including the equipment of the store. This also applies to targets, weapons, various loudspeakers and lighting fixtures for guidance, giving commands.
  • Placing warning signs near a fenced place, on which there should be an inscription “Passage is forbidden” and “Shooting range”. They need to be placed in places where most passers-by can see them, and their good visibility should be ensured by the installation of specialized lighting devices.
  • The place where firing from military weapons is being conducted (for example, a shooting range located in an area with a large population) should be fenced with various barriers or dug in trenches. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of unauthorized persons entering this territory.
  • Each participant in the training does not have the right to start firing if the Fire command has not been given. If this event is held at night, then in this case the red lamp should light up. In other cases, firing from a machine gun or other types of firearms can be carried out only after the issuance of this command by the leader, and the order is given not only by voice, but also by raising the red flag.

Basic list of teams

pistol shooting

If the “Stop” command was pronounced, firing from a rifle or any other types of weapons should be simultaneously stopped by all firing. After that, all weapons should be immediately put on the fuse.

The “discharge” command indicates the end of the training process. After voicing it, not only the reloading of the machine is excluded, but also the final packaging of all weapons is carried out.

Each participant in the training must follow basic safety measures in the process of conducting various training events. It should also immediately cease firing in the event of any situations in which fire can lead to negative consequences. It is worth noting that the team on the part of the leader is optional, and if a person has found certain circumstances that indicate that it is necessary to immediately cease fire, he should give a signal “Stop”.

When does the shooting stop?

There are several main reasons why you need to stop firing:

  • During the practice shooting, some living things were found near the targets. In the same way, fire cannot be fired when cars or low-flying helicopters pass.
  • The leader gave the command to “Stop Shooting” (the shooting rules also include raising the white flag).
  • If there is a risk of a fire hazard or if ignition of objects due to a salvo has been detected.

What can not be done?

shop equipment

There is also a list of prohibited actions:

  • Assembling / disassembling weapons, as well as taking out or uncovering weapons, unless permission has been previously obtained from the leader.
  • Loading weapons with ammunition or firing shots without first receiving the appropriate command from the leadership.
  • The direction of the muzzle of the weapon at any living creatures or in the direction where they can appear.Such actions are forbidden to be carried out regardless of the state of charge of the weapon at the moment.
  • Conducting firing of weapons to be repaired, as well as after a ban on the conduct of this action by the leadership by voicing the “Stop” command or with a raised white flag.
  • The abandonment of military weapons in a place that is accessible to unauthorized persons, or their voluntary transfer.

Safe Learning Rules

combat weapon shooting

In the process of training and training activities, the following rules must be observed:

  • If the training is carried out in headphones, which exclude the possibility of sound penetration from the shots made, then before any manipulations with them, you first need to put a weapon. It is forbidden to correct them, put them on or take off while the weapon is in the hands of the shooter.
  • When any exercises are carried out with the aim of improving accuracy and at the same time sharp flips, turns or jumps are made, the weapon should always be kept on the guard, and its muzzle should be aimed in the safest direction. Remove it from the fuse and aim only after the shooter turns to the target.
  • In the process of carrying out any exercises or any manipulations with the weapon in the hands, as well as when pausing between shots, the barrel should constantly be aimed at the target.


When conducting the service, compliance with security measures is an indispensable condition, and any violations, respectively, lead to much more serious penalties. That is why you need to constantly remember and follow a certain list of rules:

  • The transfer of weapons to authorized persons is possible only upon personal delivery, while transferring responsibility for their safety and legal use.
  • An employee who has received firearms has no right to transfer it to any third parties. The only exception in this case is the receipt of an appropriate order from the senior officer or in the event of situations that are agreed upon in advance in the process of accepting an employee for service or are provided for by all kinds of regulatory acts.
  • When any operations are performed to ensure and maintain public order, the employee has no right to leave a firearm or transfer it to third parties (including his colleagues), regardless of the situation.
  • If a law enforcement officer received an order to ensure control over detained persons or people in custody, he must first conduct a thorough inspection of the territory to accommodate them. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these territories are special vehicles for transporting people or cameras where they are planned to be placed for a long time. Verification of these premises should in no case be carried out with weapons in their hands, and first they must be transferred to the senior guard for storage. During the transfer of weapons, the employee must be notified of his state of charge, and after the inspection, he should immediately be taken back.
  • The person accepting the weapon during the transfer must independently verify that his system has been protected by a fuse.
  • Firearms, which are used in the process of serving, under no circumstances can be transferred to ordinary citizens.
  • Before carrying a gun, you must first put it in a holster. In other words, it is forbidden to carry a gun in your pocket or even just put it there.
  • In the process of fulfilling the duties of an escort in judicial institutions or when escorting criminals falling under the classification of especially dangerous, weapons must first be prepared.For this, the holster must be moved in the opposite direction from the person in custody, and at the same time it must be unfastened.
  • When a person performs his official duties, he has no right to commit various extraneous actions with weapons entrusted to him. Thus, it is forbidden to remove the magazine, to remove the bolt, to remove bullets from the weapon, as well as to remove it from the fuse without causing a corresponding reason.

Proper operation

fire team

Proper operation of the weapon includes the following:

  • Each time the shooter takes it, he must check whether it is currently charged.
  • In the process of working with weapons, in no case should you direct its muzzle towards people or any valuable objects. Also, you must always prevent such actions from other shooters, and you should not even allow jokes with the implementation of aiming towards a person.
  • It is forbidden to trust other people's words about the state of charge of the weapon at the moment. Each shooter should be guided exclusively by the information that he can verify on his own.
  • The rules for the use of weapons provide for maximum accuracy, regardless of what state of charge it is currently in.
  • When cocking the trigger, the shooter must point the barrel at the target or up.
  • For no reason, the finger cannot be held directly on the trigger, and this can only be done if necessary to fire a shot.
  • Before firing, coming to training firing or competitions, it is imperative to make sure that the weapons used are fully operational, all parts used are assembled correctly and are in working condition.
  • Weapons cannot be used until an accurate guarantee is obtained that no living creature can walk at the target's location.
  • Firing can only be carried out in officially designated places for this, as well as on the territory of forests where vacationers or tourists do not pass.
  • If any actions are performed that are elements of technical techniques, then when carrying out any manipulations with the weapon or during the intervals between continuous firing, the weapon should be aimed upward, and if necessary, you can slightly forward it.

Useful Tips

disassembling weapons

In the end, we list a few actions that will help make your shooting safer:

  • In the process of firing in a team, you need to choose the safest possible location, and before you start shooting, make sure that there are no extraneous creatures near the target.
  • It is forbidden to fire at a target if the shooter does not see it in clear contours.
  • In the process of firing from PM in nature in a large team it is forbidden to use round bullets. The thing is that they can ricochet quite strongly and when conducting sloppy fire they are repelled from trees, which often leads to people getting into it.
  • Shooting can be conducted exclusively from a stable position.
  • When firing shots from a particular rifle barrel only, one must not stop monitoring the state of the second. If the cartridge is not used for a long time, this can lead to a pea-shaped inflation of the barrel, and in order to exclude such situations, it is recommended to change an unused cartridge at regular intervals.
  • When firing is organized outdoors in windy weather and at the same time sand, dust or heavy snow rises, periodically it is necessary to check the trunks, as well as the internal structure of the weapon. If fine dirt is constantly clogged into the device, it must be cleaned in advance, and only then start firing.

If a person uses a weapon, this already obliges him to fully comply with the established security measures, so as not to jeopardize himself or others. When firing for official or training purposes, it is necessary to implicitly execute the commands given by the leader.

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