
Contract service. Contract serviceman

Contract service in the Russian army begins with the conclusion of an agreement between the Ministry of Defense of Russia or another authorized body and citizen. This also applies to a representative of another country. The document must indicate information about the fact that the candidate voluntarily enters military service, the term for which he is concluded and his conditions are also specified.

The contract service includes the obligation in the terms of the contract military service citizen (foreign representative). Also, he must regularly fulfill the general, special and official duties of servicemen established by law and other regulatory acts. The terms of the contract include the privilege of compliance rights of a soldier and members of his family. Compensation and social guarantees are also included. contract service

The provision on the contract service governs the start of the contract from the moment it is signed by an authorized official. The termination of the contract is also prescribed from the day the employee is excluded from the lists of the military unit or from the moment the other contract is concluded by the military.

Requirements for admission to the service

Recruitment for contractual service takes place through professional psychological screening and a medical examination. If a person meets the established requirements, he will be recognized as fit for military service or fit with minor restrictions. In addition, the candidate is required to speak the state language of Russia.

After passing through psychological selection, one of four conclusions on professional suitability is adopted.

Draft order

If the candidate is recognized by the commission as meeting the established requirements, the selection point (based on the extract) prepares the relevant materials. On their basis, an order for contract service is drawn up. This document is a project. What is it? This draft order is submitted to the personnel department. It contains information about the submission to the conclusion of the first (next) contract with the candidate and his appointment to the training military unit for the post. Or, the document spells out the conclusion of the first (next) contract with the candidate and provides information on his appointment to a military training unit for a specific position

If a citizen has passed the selection for filling a military post, for which it is supposed to work with information constituting a state secret, the point at which the candidate is selected is obliged to submit to the military commissariat draft materials required to obtain admission to the state secret in the adopted form.

After the Minister of Defense issues an order, an extract from this document is sent to the personnel department military district. And after that he is brought to the point of selection. The next step is coming.

After receiving the extract, the head of the selection point calls the candidate, and then sends him to the military unit.contract service in Russia

"Survival Course"

After the military commissariat receives an extract from the order, the citizen is deregistered. His contract and personal file are sent to the selection point of the unit to which the candidate is sent for the purpose of completing combined arms training with a “survival course”.

The unit commander, based on the results of studying personal files of recruits, organizes control of their arrival. After all these conventions are fulfilled, a contract is concluded with them.

In the process of passing the "survival course", the command of the unit conducts a study of the military man. Acquaintance takes place in order to detect a predisposition to any military specialty and the presence of leadership qualities in a recruit. Upon completion of the course, the contracted soldier is sent to the unit of his choice. For this, in two weeks the personnel body of the training unit sends to the district administration a draft order on the appointment of a citizen to a military post.army contract service

The rookie is issued an order of departure to the specified unit. His personal file is sent there.

If the soldier’s "survival course" did not pass, he is expelled. The former candidate is sent at the place of residence for further military registration.

Conclusion of a contract

Contract service in Russia cannot take place without the presence of the contract itself. The following persons are entitled to draw up this document:

  1. Military personnel on conscription service. Also, persons who completed educational institutions in the relevant specialties before training and who received higher professional education in these institutions. We are also talking about candidates who have served at least three months and have been in military service on conscription.
  2. Persons who are in stock.
  3. Military personnel whose previous contract ends.
  4. Non-female stockpiles.

Citizens of foreign states have the right to conclude a contract only if they are legally located on the territory of Russia. Illegals cannot do this.

I have the right to conclude the first contract at the age of eighteen to forty years. Representatives of foreign countries do this between the ages of eighteen and thirty years.

The selection from non-military personnel is carried out by the military commissariat.

At the request of a citizen, the commission must provide a copy of the decision for review.

Reasons for refusal

Military service under a contract implies certain grounds for refusing a candidate to conclude a contract under consideration:

  1. Approved by the commander of the decision of the certification committee based on the results of the competition.
  2. The decision that the candidate does not meet the requirements provided for by federal law.
  3. Lack of vacant posts.

The contract service does not imply the conclusion of the contract in question with the following citizens:

  1. If a preliminary investigation, inquiry or criminal case is being conducted against them.
  2. Persons who are sentenced, with or without extinguished criminal record for committing a crime.
  3. Those who are serving sentences of imprisonment.military service

The decision to refuse to conclude a contract or a positive decision is made within a certain time frame. This should happen no later than three months before the expiration of the current contract.

The decision to refuse may be appealed to a higher authority, court or prosecutor.

The list of documents for admission to the contract service

At the initial stage, contract service in the army involves the provision of a citizen wishing to become a rookie. This document should contain information about the surname, name, patronymic, number, month and year of birth, place of residence, the estimated duration of the contract. It is also necessary to indicate the data of the federal executive body with which the candidate wants to conclude an agreement.

The application must provide identification documents and citizenship. Also, the candidate is offered to fill out the form in the established form. To all this is attached a certified copy of the work book and documents confirming education. An autobiography can be compiled by hand.Certified copies of birth certificates of children and the presence of marriage, as well as other required additional documents are also included in this package.

Contract service in Crimea

For contract service in Crimea, the candidates are subject to the same requirements as in the rest of Russia. The main condition is the presence of Russian citizenship and relevant physical data. Candidates at selection points must pass psychological tests and guidelines.contract serviceman

In 2015, the first conscription will be held in Crimea as part of Russia.

Guarantees for Crimean military personnel

Contract service in the Crimea implies the existence of certain guarantees for military personnel. What are they? Such guarantees include a full package of social benefits. This is state aid with housing, payment of mortgages from the budget, cash allowance free travel to the place of vacation.

Every citizen has the right to choose a place of service. At the same time, those wishing to perform contractual service in Crimea can come from other regions of Russia.

General grounds for termination of contract

Contract service in the army involves certain grounds established by federal law. They can cause termination of the contract, that is, dismissal. There may be several reasons for this. They are listed below.

  1. In case of reaching the maximum permissible age by military personnel for staying in the service.
  2. The expiration of the contract or the exhaustion of the military service time prescribed by law.
  3. Health status. In this regard, a serviceman may be deemed unfit or to a limited extent suitable for continuing military service.
  4. Due to the adoption of the validity of a court judgment governing the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment.
  5. Due to the expulsion from a military educational institution of a professional profile.
  6. Due to the deprivation of the contractor the right to hold military posts for a certain period of time. This is done by a court decision that has taken legal force.
  7. Election of a serviceman to other government posts on an ongoing basis.
  8. Termination of contract service during its suspension.
  9. Termination of Russian citizenship.
  10. Acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state.contract service in crimea

Early dismissal

A contracted soldier may be dismissed ahead of schedule for the following reasons:

  1. Organizational and staffing events.
  2. Transfer to service in other state institutions and bodies.
  3. Failure by the military to fulfill the terms of the contract.
  4. Deprivation of admission to state secret or a decision to refuse this.
  5. The entry into force of a court ruling on a suspended sentence, on the deprivation of a court sentence of the right to occupy military posts for a certain time.
  6. If the candidate has not passed the test.
  7. Transfer to the federal state civil service.
  8. Termination of Russian citizenship.
  9. Acquisition of citizenship of another state.
  10. Periodic violation of the conditions stipulated in the contract in relation to the serviceman.
  11. The recognition of a soldier is limited to fit for the performance of tasks.
  12. For family reasons.
  13. Election to government bodies.contract service order

The order of dismissal

Contract service in the Russian Federation involves the dismissal of a person, as well as his early removal. And these actions are governed by federal law. The dismissal of a soldier is made according to several options.

  1. Resign. If a soldier has reached the age limit of his stay in the ranks of the reserve or for health reasons at the time of dismissal.
  2. In stock. If the servicemen have not reached the maximum age of stay in the reserve at the time of dismissal, but due to health reasons, it is of limited use.
  3. If in relation to the serviceman appointed punishmentrestricting his freedom or depriving him of it.

Contract service involves the dismissal of the military on one of the grounds for suspension. If the candidate is dismissed for several reasons, then for the removal he chooses one of the reasons. When the dismissal occurs without the consent of the soldier or because of his appointment to another position, a report is not required from him. Suspension from duties on other grounds provides for the availability of this document.

The head of the federal government body determines the process of presenting a soldier for dismissal and the procedure for processing the necessary documents.

The nomination of the candidate for discharge from duties is preceded by a procedure for updating the data on his military service. An individual discussion is also planned.

On the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel, the contractual soldier must be provided with cash allowance, clothing and food supplies.

A former contractor, by court order, has the right to reinstate in military service by canceling the order of dismissal. The abolition of this decision is an official. This should be done by the one who issued this order, or his boss.

The military service of a contractor ends on the day he is excluded from the list of personnel due to dismissal, recognition as missing, death or death.

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