
Rules for using the passenger and freight elevator, safety tips

Each booth of the lifting device must have signs indicating the rules for using the elevator. But it happens that there is no information or it is not enough. How to use a passenger and freight elevator? What to do if you are stuck in an elevator? These and other recommendations and tips for extreme situations can be found later in the article.

A bit about the design of the elevator and the shaft

Passenger and freight elevators consist of the cab itself, the machine room and the mine. The machine room, in turn, includes a control station, safety devices, a winch and a speed limiter.

The mine consists of a counterweight, a guide for the cab, cables, electrical wiring, cable and the lower level - a pit.

It is located at the bottom of the landing site on the first or ground floor. This section contains various elevator maintenance devices and security systems. The most interesting element is the buffer, which serves for depreciation and emergency stop of the cab. Usually they are installed two in one elevator. One for the forklift itself, and the other for the counterweight. It is a mistake to assume that in the event of a breakdown, the cabin bounces on buffers to the upper floors. His goal is to soften the blow in the fall - no more.elevator rules

Security system in modern elevators

The new generation elevators are equipped with almost everything necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers during movement. These are devices such as:

  • video cameras outside the cabin and inside;
  • fire alarm;
  • button for calling for help in unforeseen situations.

General Terms of Use

Despite all the safety measures provided by the manufacturer and installers of lifting structures, the rules for using the elevator must be observed.passenger elevators

What postulates are written on the signs in the booths and the porch? Let's try to explain each item.

  1. “You should not enter the elevator unless there is an exact belief that the cabin is opposite.” It would seem, why write such obvious things? But there are times when the doors of the elevator shaft are open, and the cabin itself has not yet arrived or repair work is underway. If there is a malfunction in the brake system, the cab stops above or below the required level. By inattention, you can either hit your head on the upper part or stumble on the lower part of the cab.
  2. "When stopping the cab in the event of a malfunction between floors, do not try to open the doors and get out yourself." This may result in electric shock or fall into the elevator shaft. Be sure to contact the dispatcher and wait for the electrician.
  3. “You must not smoke in the elevator car, nor carry flammable and toxic volatile substances.” When smoking, the booth quickly fills with smoke, the air heats up, the living conditions become unbearable, especially if there are non-smokers nearby. The toxic substances transported in the elevator can inadvertently spill, and a person will be in a death trap.

service lift

The rules for using elevators in residential buildings are supplemented by instructions for using the “Call” button, “Stop” button and buttons with floor numbers. Also, the plate must contain information about the organization serving the elevator, and its phone number.

Rules for using the elevator for children

The following rules are equally important.

1. “Enter the cab immediately. Children accompanied by adults come last. ”

With the first sentence it’s clear, because the doors can close, especially if a short delay time is set. According to the norms, it should not be lower than 5-7 seconds. Why should parents go first? The fact is that passenger elevators are equipped with a HLG system (cargo weighing device). It comes into effect when loading from 15 kg and above and serves to delay the elevator for a while. If you let the first child weigh less than 15 kg, the elevator doors may close before an adult enters. You need to leave the cab first to the child, and then to the adult.

2. “If you have a pram, you need to pick up the child. "The stroller should be brought in after the parent has entered the elevator, and the stroller should be ahead when leaving."

This point after reading the previous one with the HLG system is already clear. But you must definitely pick up the child from the stroller in your arms. This is simply necessary, because in case of an unforeseen situation there will be no time, or maybe the opportunity to pull the child out of the stroller.

3. "It is forbidden to use the elevator for children of preschool age without parents."

First of all, this is because the child often does not know how to read at this age and will not be able to read instructions and rules. If it gets inside the cabin, it can remain there, and even without light, because the elevator system, because of its low weight, will not determine that there is someone in the cabin.rules for using the elevator for children

Additional safety measures when using a passenger elevator

If an elevator is installed in your house, then you must always remember that this is a high-risk device. Before entering the cabin, you should be as careful as possible and remember the rules for using an elevator with automatic doors. How to behave inside the cabin? What can happen during an emergency stop?

The following rules for using the elevator will help maintain good health:

  1. Stand evenly legs apart a little for stability, knees can be slightly bent.
  2. Hand hold the handrail.
  3. You can’t lean on one leg, leaning on the wall of the cab. This can be harmful in the form of a fracture of the limbs and ribs. During an emergency stop, a large load on the body occurs. If you follow all safety measures, then the maximum that threatens a person is the completion of a full squat.

Rules to help maintain lifespan

rules for using an elevator with automatic doors

Do not block the closing doors with your hand. This happens when the entry to the elevator is late. In extreme cases, you can put your foot in front of the sash in the boot. The sole should be pressed firmly to the floor. If a person is wearing sandals, then this can lead to bruises and cuts.

  1. Before leaving the guests do not need to continue communication at the elevator shaft, holding the doors. This may cause the structure to stop.
  2. Do not overload the elevator.
  3. Do not sweep debris into the elevator shaft.

Rules for using the freight elevator

The freight elevator provides its own terms of use. Each booth has its own plate with information about the following contents:

  1. Permissible load norm for transportation (for each model of a freight elevator it has its own).
  2. Telephone numbers of repair services.

rules for using elevators in residential buildings

There may also be basic requirements for use:

  • do not overload the elevator;
  • if possible, it is better to distribute the load evenly throughout the cabin;
  • if the elevator does not have an internal control system, passenger transportation is prohibited;
  • passengers and cargo should be transported separately;
  • if the freight elevator was stained with flammable substances during transportation, it is immediately stopped and washed;
  • After use, do not leave the booth loaded.

The rules for using elevators are not fraught with any difficulties. You just need to remember them and be careful when moving to avoid various troubles and damage to health.

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