
Metro Use Rules. Instructions for metro passengers

An increased danger for passengers is characterized by one of the types of urban transport in Moscow, located deep underground. The metro of any city requires extreme caution in operation and compliance with safety standards. Therefore, at the state level, special rules have been created for using the subway, which are protected by applicable law, the implementation of which is a prerequisite for each passenger.

People who first got into the subway do not always know how to use this mode of transport correctly. Few people know where and how to buy a ticket, how to find the entrance to the metro, go through the turnstile, how to behave on the platform and in the metro car. It is also very important to be able to use the escalator, so as not to spoil clothes, shoes or get a serious injury. Many are interested in issues of fire safety, about whether it is possible to smoke in the subway, waiting for the arrival of the train. It is also important to know which baggage is allowed to be carried free of charge, and for which you will have to pay.

metro rules

General information

You can enter the subway through the ground lobby. Inside the brick pavilion there are entrances to escalators, ticket offices. Some lobbies are presented in the form of a normal passage, which leads to a level down. And there is already a cash room with a diagram of the entire subway, a passage to the platform and platforms. Sometimes the entrance is presented in the form of an underpass, without a decorated building. Usually in areas of the city where there is no free space for extra buildings.

No matter where the entrance is located, in front of it there is always a note with a capital “M”, which will not make a mistake. Also here is a list of stations to which one or more functioning lines lead. When descending to the platform, you can find signs with the directions of trains. In the center of the lobby of the stations, a sign surely hangs out indicating the way to the city. The subway has a lot of direction signs on the walls and even on the floor, so finding a way out is not so difficult.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the rules for using the subway must be observed by all people located on its territory. And everyone who behaves inappropriately can be held liable for their non-compliance.

Passenger Responsibilities

People on the metro should be attentive to each other, polite and positive. Here, as in any land vehicle, it is necessary to give way to disabled people, pregnant women, passengers with children and the elderly. You must also take care of property and equipment, do not litter, do not break public order Do not interfere with the tranquility of other passengers.

The main responsibilities of metro visitors include the following:

  • comply with the rules of use;
  • Pass to platforms or escalators through special control points;
  • in the carriage do not block the passage and do not lean on the door;
  • Do not push when entering and leaving the car;
  • prepare for the exit in advance, carefully moving closer to the doors;
  • leave the cars after arriving at the terminal station;
  • inform the duty officer if someone fell or dropped things in the way;
  • urgently inform the duty officer or driver if a circuit has occurred;
  • talk about suspicious things, bags left unattended.

Moscow subway

Passenger Rights

The Moscow Metro provides for the protection of the rights of passengers who can carry for free:

  • children under 7 years of age upon presentation of a supporting document (provided that the child should sit on the lap of an adult, not occupying a separate sitting place);
  • baggage or hand luggage, the dimensions of which do not exceed 40 cm * 60 cm * 20 cm;
  • small pets or birds in special carryings, cages or bags;
  • a dog on a leash and in a muzzle accompanying a disabled person, subject to the availability of documents confirming the status of the guide.

Fire safety rules in the subway

At metro stations, in cars it is strictly forbidden to use open fire. Including smoking, use pyrotechnics (firecrackers, fireworks). Cases of short circuit, smoke, or fire must be immediately reported to the train driver via the “train-passenger” communication or to the duty officer.

You cannot make bonfires, burn garbage at a distance closer than 25 meters from the subway and its facilities (ventilation shafts, kiosks).

subway mode


Subway and every passage through the turnstile is subject to payment. You cannot carry more than two large bags, which are paid for in two places.

Travel documents that entitle you to free and reduced fare must be presented. Photocopies, even notarized, are invalid. Also, the privilege does not apply to the right to free baggage subject to payment.

Where can I buy a ticket

Subway access is only possible with a ticket purchase. You can buy a ticket:

  • in automatic and non-automated ticket offices of the lobby at the stations;
  • in land transport directly with drivers.

The ticket price, which is suitable for both ground and underground transport, depends on the number of trips. The cost of one entrance to the subway and one trip varies from 40 to 60 rubles.

Baggage allowance

The Moscow Metro Rules provide for the correct baggage:

  • pay for the transport of items whose length, width or height does not exceed 1.2 meters;
  • items that are longer than 1.5 meters cannot be transported;
  • put gardening equipment, musical instruments, skates, sledges, skis and other things in covers;
  • when transporting a bicycle, it is necessary to remove the front wheel and carefully pack the spare parts;
  • with payment for the tariff of one piece of luggage, you can carry a dog in a muzzle and on a leash, which does not cause inconvenience to other passengers;
  • baby carriages must be folded by wrapping the wheels with paper or polyethylene so as not to smear other passengers with dirt;
  • Do not put luggage on the seats, at the doors and in the aisle, where it will interfere with people.

What is forbidden to passengers

Metro rules prohibit:

  • try to go through the turnstile unauthorized;
  • be in a carriage with open food, ice cream, drinks, baggage, which can stain other passengers;
  • drink alcohol, drugs;
  • to smoke;
  • spoil the equipment;
  • protrude from the window;
  • open doors while the train is moving;
  • throw garbage out of windows;
  • prevent the opening and closing of doors;
  • go down the path into the tunnels;
  • enter office space;
  • clog subway cars, platforms, tracks, lobbies, escalators, etc .;
  • take pictures, video without the permission of the leadership;
  • to leave unattended luggage and hand luggage;
  • carry explosive, flammable substances, gas cylinders, weapons, piercing and cutting objects;
  • to ride on bicycles, scooters, roller skates, etc .;
  • run, scream, play musical instruments, turn on music through speakers and sound amplifiers;
  • walk on stations and platforms without shoes;
  • put on the way any objects that may interfere with the movement of transport;
  • without the permission of the administration to post announcements, apply coloring compounds, inscriptions, etc .;
  • put bags on station benches;
  • to put baggage on the passage in the carriage;
  • connect to the electric network of the subway without the permission of the administration;
  • for the sake of entertainment, use the “driver-passenger” communication button;
  • Press the “Stop” button on the escalator.

subway escalator

Responsibility for violation of the rules of using the subway

In case of violation of the current rules, the following types of penalties can be applied:

  1. A warning.
  2. Fine.

Responsibility is imposed by law enforcement officials to protect the subway. The amount of the fine depends on the type of violation. For example, for a stowaway, the amount of the payment is fifty times the fare. Employees are required to issue a receipt on the spot to the intruder. If it is impossible to pay the fine immediately, a protocol is drawn up, a case is started and its trial begins in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation. The offender must leave the metro accompanied by authorized subway or law enforcement personnel.

Moscow metro schedule

The working hours of the metro are from 6:00 to 1:00. Some stations begin to work half an hour earlier or later than the specified time. Even if you catch the last train at exactly one in the morning, he will definitely go his route to the end. This means that at the terminal station you can be at 2 a.m.

But at exactly one o'clock the escalators are turned off, so it is already impossible to make a transplant.

The flow of people at rush hour increases several times. This is the morning time from 7:30 to 9:30, when everyone goes to work, study. And the evening period is from 17:30 to 19:30, when everyone returns home. Station stations and terminal stations are especially loaded. A large crowd gathers on the platforms before entering the escalator. It is important here not to push the people in front, but to advance, following the "flow".

At the entrance to the station, in the emergency call desk, detailed information and the operating mode of the metro are indicated.

subway cars

Rules for using the escalator

Safe escalator traffic if you follow a few simple rules. Some stairs can be closed and run only at rush hour, allowing a large flow of people to resolve faster. At the entrance to the escalator in the subway, you need to grab the handrail with your right hand and step on the tape.

When descending or during an ascent, it is important to adhere to the rules:

  • face in the direction of travel on the right side;
  • hold small children in their arms or tightly by the hand next to them;
  • wheeled suitcases, transport trolleys, holding in hands;
  • do not put bags on the handrails;
  • You can not run on the stairs, sit on them, lean on the handrails.

Luggage must not be placed on the stairs; all things must be in the hands. For convenience, passengers are separated from each other through 1-2 steps. If the luggage is heavy, then, stepping on the escalator in the subway, it is permissible to put it a step higher or lower in front of you. A few meters before the end of the trip you need to pick up your luggage.

Do not block the passage on the left. Immediately after reaching the destination, you need to quickly step aside. Procrastination is unacceptable, since a person who descends or rises next, also need to quickly exit the escalator.

It is forbidden to enter a non-working escalator if there is no permission of the metro workers.

It is important to remember that the steps are made of a fine lattice. Heels, laces, straps, umbrellas can get stuck in it. When using the metro for the first time, it is better to wear comfortable and safe shoes.

metro ride

How to get through the turnstile

You can get to the Moscow metro by going through the turnstile. You can do this only if you have a ticket. To do this, you need:

  • find the yellow circle on the front panel;
  • lean against him a ticket;
  • wait until the circle turns green and the door opens;
  • move forward.

The monitor usually displays the number of trips paid by this ticket. If the trip is the last one, the number 0. will light up. If all the trips have already been exhausted, the circle will flash in red.

Suitcases, bags should be kept as close to you as possible. There should not be a space between a person and large baggage.Otherwise, the turnstile will determine that two people are trying to pass at the cost of one pass.

If carrying baggage is problematic, then you can contact the employee. After payment, she will lead a passenger with large luggage through a special passage.

fire safety rules in the subway

Platform Actions

Once on the platform, you need to find free space on the side, so as not to interfere with other passengers, and wait for the arrival of the train. In no case should you come close to the edge of the platform and go beyond the line of restriction until the train has completely stopped. As metro cars approach, the boundary line begins to glow, warning of danger.

There is a station schedule on the platform, which will help you not to get lost and make sure that the chosen direction is correct. In order not to create a crush, do not rush when leaving the car. It’s better to wait until the passengers in front come out.

Entering the car, you also do not need to stop, but you should move inland. So other passengers will be able to freely enter.

It is important to follow the rules for using the subway not only for your safety, but also for the convenience of others. Despite the rush, the crowd, the heat and other irritating factors, it is necessary, first of all, to remain a cultured person. No need to push, get annoyed and nervous. On the contrary, women, children, the elderly should be allowed to advance, if possible, be feasible help to disabled people.

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