
Fixed assets: postings. Accounting

Fixed assets (OS) are at any enterprise, both small and large. Otherwise, the organization’s work is simply impossible. What are fixed assets, postings on them, accounting rules and depreciation and other important points will be disclosed in this article.


The OS includes property and items that take part in the activities of the organization (production or trade). Key point: at the same time, they retain their shape almost unchanged. They can also be leased.

Let's look at fixed assets. Examples will help us with this. Take, say, a computer. Now almost no workplace can do without a PC. It is a subject of labor; without it, an employee cannot fulfill his duties. However, a computer may not be the primary means when it comes to a company that sells computer equipment.

sale of fixed assets

The following examples are an office building, company car, equipment. These items also take part in the production process at the enterprise. But, for example, scissors can not be attributed to fixed assets, despite the fact that this is also a tool. These are materials.

Indeed, to determine whether a property is a fixed asset or not, the task is not always simple. But try to figure it out.

Criteria for the allocation of fixed assets

To simplify, a number of features have been developed that the OS should have in terms of accounting. The issue is detailed in PBU 6/01.


  • The property was acquired in order to solve production or managerial tasks at the enterprise, or for leasing.
  • The service life of the facility is one year or more.
  • The object was not acquired in order to sell it.
  • The object has the ability to bring profit to the company; it was acquired in order to generate income.

In tax accounting there is also a cost criterion: over 40 thousand rubles. There is no such requirement in accounting, but in order not to create a difference in accounting and additional inconvenience, the cost criterion is used both there and there. Everything purchased at a price of less than 40 thousand rubles can be attributed to inventories. For purposes management accounting The principles for determining an object as an operating system can be developed by the organization itself.

movement of fixed assets

Correctly allocating objects to the group of fixed assets is extremely important. Errors are fraught with improper taxation of property tax, therefore, troubles during verification by the regulatory authorities.

Consider the accounting of fixed assets, posting in stages - from the appearance of equipment at the enterprise to the disposal.

Reflection of income

Let's now consider the accounting entries for fixed assets. Two accounts are used for accounting: 01 and 08. Both accounts are active.

A feature of accounting is that upon receipt, account 01 “OS” is never used immediately. The entry is made first on the debit of interim account 08.

  • 08 -60 - this reflects the acquisition of property;
  • 01 -08 - record that the OS was put into operation.

The source of supply may not necessarily be the supplier. Fixed assets can be donated - 08 -98, contributed as part of the authorized capital - 08 -75. It can be built - 08 -60.

The primary documents are OS-1, OS-1a, OS-1b, OS-14, OS-15. For each object received, inv. card in the form of OS-6, OS-6a, OS-6b.

If an object, for example, a computer, costs less than 40 thousand rubles, then its receipt is recorded on the debit of account 10, and then immediately written off to expenses (account 91).This is the difference between fixed assets and inventories. The cost of fixed assets is written off to expenses gradually through depreciation, and the cost of inventories immediately.

Depreciation charge

In order for the property value to be transferred to expenses gradually, depreciation of fixed assets has been developed. Postings will be considered in more detail. For this purpose, account 02 is used.

The essence of depreciation is that the costs of fixed assets are distributed depending on its service life, which in other words is called useful use, and is charged off monthly to expenses. For this, 10 depreciation groups have been developed. The accountant must determine which of them the fixed asset belongs to, determine the term of fixed assets.

There are four ways to accrue depreciation, the organization indicates the selected in its accounting policy. Again, in order to avoid the difference between accounting and tax, they choose most often linear. That is, they divide the cost by the number of months of useful use and write it off to expenses in equal shares.

Depreciation of fixed assets has the following form: 20 (44) - 02. After the service life has passed, an amount equal to the initial cost of property will be collected according to Kt 02. Then the accountant will record 02 - 01. The operating system will be fully depreciated and will no longer be on the balance sheet.

fixed asset accounting entries

Sale of objects

Despite the fact that one of the criteria for allocating property to the category of fixed assets is indicated that it is not for sale, this does not mean that it is prohibited to sell it. The organization has the right to replace property with a newer one, to get rid of what has become unnecessary. Let's look at how fixed assets sales, transactions and documents are reflected.

The first step is transferred to the account 01 all accrued depreciation from the account 02 (Dt 02 Kt 01). The difference between the purchase and depreciation will be the residual value of the property. It is transferred to the account 91 (Dt 91 Kt 01). The amount of proceeds from the sale shall be recorded Dt 62 Kt 91. The VAT shall be calculated - Dt 91 Kt 68.


For bookkeeping, it is imperative that accounting data are consistent with factual information. Therefore, inventories are regularly conducted. It is especially important to do this before balance.

Upon receipt for each fixed asset, a card is started and an inventory number is assigned. An inventory is compiled in the form of INV-1, into which data is transferred: name, assigned numbers. The commission compares the inventory with the actual data. The results are recorded in the relevant entries.

fixed wiring

The movement of fixed assets

The entire array of property of the enterprise is not stable. Any changes constantly occur in it. Objects arrive, retire for various reasons, move within the organization. This whole process is called the “movement of fixed assets”.

For the assessment of the developed coefficients, for example, retirement. This indicator allows you to understand how quickly obsolescence of fixed assets occurs, after what time there will be a complete depreciation of equipment and it will need to be replaced.

depreciation of fixed assets

The most detailed picture of the state of property at the enterprise gives a report called the balance of fixed assets.

Modernization and repair: what is the difference?

When equipment obsolescence occurs, there are two ways to go. The first is to write off the old and acquire a new one, the second is to modernize. It is very important to distinguish it from repair.

accounting of fixed assets

The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always possible to understand what kind of work was carried out using primary documents. But the costs of repair and modernization are distributed in different ways. A mistake can lead to incorrect taxation, which is fraught.

The essence of the repair is that the main tool does not get better than it was before, its properties are only returned to it. Let's say the computer crashed, his monitor burned out. Instead of the old, they bought him a new one. This is a repair.

Modernization improves fixed assets.Examples: a computer in the form in which it is operating is too slow, but still in good condition. Therefore, the decision was made to replace it not completely, but only individual parts that affect speed. As a result, the equipment began to function faster - this is an upgrade.

There is a difficult moment. Equipment, especially computer hardware, becomes obsolete quickly. Replacing a broken part after just a couple of years with a similar one is no longer possible, they are simply no longer being produced, only with improved characteristics. How then? Wanted a repair, but got an upgrade? If parts with the same parameters really do not exist, then such a replacement will still be considered a repair, but on the whole, indeed, there are many ambiguous issues in this matter. Solve them in each case individually.

Modernization and repair: wiring

With a difference in definitions sorted out, now reflection in accounting. We repair fixed assets: transactions - Dt 20 (44) Kt 60. The debit account is selected depending on whether the fixed asset relates to production or sales. From the record shows that the repair costs are transferred to the costs of the enterprise immediately.

We are modernizing fixed assets: postings - Dt 08 Kt 60, then Dt 01 Kt 08. See the difference? The cost of improvement increases the cost of equipment, which will then be gradually transferred to the costs of the enterprise through depreciation.

Disposal of property

Above, we considered only such a type of disposal as sale of fixed assets. Postings are reflected in accounting. However, in practice, the equipment is far from always “surviving” until the end of its term, it wears out or becomes obsolete much faster. How to be Such an object is not needed on the balance sheet, I don’t want to pay a tax for it either, write off.

fixed assets examples

So, fixed assets were written off, postings - 01/2 - 01/1 (the initial price is written off), 02 - 01/2 (depreciation removed), 91 - 01/2 (the balances are written off as expenses of the enterprise).

If it was required to involve third-party organizations for dismantling, then record 91-76 will appear. Suitable materials from the former fixed asset can be delivered to the parish 10 -91.

Accounting for fixed assets, transactions, primary documents - a separate section of accounting science. In large enterprises, a separate specialist is engaged in this. This site is considered quite complicated, therefore, it requires a specialist with good experience, developed expert opinion and high-quality knowledge of the details of accounting, and therefore the salary of such a specialist is higher.

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