
Off-balance account: accounting, property, fixed assets

Figures from not all cost items fall into the balance sheet. There are special off-balance accounts that display information on values ​​temporarily in use. They have a three-digit code, appear in correspondence with the main cost items and do not fall into the balance sheet.


According to PBU, an off-balance sheet account is used to summarize data on values ​​that do not belong to the organization, but are in its use temporarily. These may be leased fixed assets, material values on storage, in processing, property on leasing operations, etc. Based on such data, a “Certificate of values ​​on off-balance accounts” is compiled, which is attached to the statistical reporting. An organization can create its form independently, provided that the document contains complete information about the financial situation.

Which account is off-balance?

  • 001 "Leased OS".
  • 002 "Goods and materials accepted for storage".
  • 003 "Materials in processing".
  • 004 "Goods accepted for commission."
  • 005 "Equipment for installation".
  • 006 "Reporting Forms".
  • 007 "Write-off debt of debtors".
  • 008 "Collateral Received".
  • 009 "Issued Collateral".
  • 010 "OS Wear".
  • 011 "OS on a lease."

Additionally, can be used:

  • 012 "intangible assets received for use."
  • 013 "Central Bank received as a pledge."
  • 014 “Contingent assets”.
  • 015 “Contingent liabilities”.


Off-balance accounts 001, 004 are used to display the movement of property. According to article 001, data is presented on the commissioned facilities. Fixed assets are recorded at the cost indicated in the documents (contract, acceptance certificate, copy of the card). Correspondence is carried out by landlords and inventory numbers. Settlements with the client are displayed in accordance with article 76: for debit - accrual of rent, for credit - receipt of funds.off-balance accounts

The balances of the article "Installation Equipment" are used by contractors to display the movement of property that they have in the assembly phase. The breakdown is carried out by units at the prices indicated in the acts. Reception of equipment is made out by form No. OS-15. At the customer’s place it is listed on account 07: DT08 KT 07. If previously capitalized property is transferred, then a record is made: DT 01 subconto “Installation”, KT 01 subconto “At the warehouse”.

Fixed assets on the off-balance account appear in the contractor. Upon receipt of equipment wiring DT005 is formed. Installation costs are displayed according to DT20 in the correspondence of the relevant cost items (10 “Materials”, 70 “Payroll calculations”, 23 “Auxiliary production”). For the work performed, a third-party organization invoices: DT 62 KT 90-1. At the end of the work, these amounts are debited by posting DT90-2 CT 20. The cost of the finished object (construction) is formed as follows: DT62 KT90-1. The tax is charged by standard wiring: DT90-3 KT68. How to write off balance sheet accounts? It is necessary to credit them. The basis for the record is an application for the release of the OS in the installation. Transferred equipment that has not been installed to the extent capital investment does not turn on.

Raw materials

Off-balance accounts 002 - 004 are used to display the movement of materials.

The article "goods and materials accepted for storage" is used to display the movement of values ​​if:

  • The company does not want to pay for materials. The paradox of the situation is that ownership passed to the buyer at the time of transfer of goods and materials. Information that such materials are credited to off-balance sheet accounts must be transmitted in writing to the seller.
  • Goods and materials were received from suppliers, which under the terms of the contract cannot be spent.

State institutions on account 002 may indicate unused property that has not yet been written off. Accounting is carried out at prices from acts. Analytics are carried out for all owners, types and locations of storage.

Suppliers take into account paid values ​​left in storage, issued by receipts, but not taken out. In this case, the shipment is displayed by wiring DT002. Only after the goods are taken away, the account can be closed. Most often, this cost item is used by firms that accept raw materials for confidential storage. They do not receive real property, all operations are displayed off balance. As a result, the net assets of the organization are much larger than those indicated in the documents.off-balance accounts

The account 003 reflects data on the movement raw materials supplied at contractual prices. Analytics is carried out according to customers and types of materials. Processing costs are accounted for in accordance with DT20. The cost of production transferred to the contractor is reflected in the DT62 KT90-1 wiring. VAT is charged as follows: DT90-3 KT68.

The article “Commodities for Commissions” is used by commissioning organizations. Accounting is carried out at prices from the act in the context of the types of goods and customers.

Off-balance account 006 displays the movement of strict reporting forms - receipts, diplomas, certificates, subscriptions, tickets, coupons, etc. The list of documents is established by the organization. Analytics are conducted at storage locations.


The company carries out repairs under two contracts. The first organization sold the materials to the contractor, and the second paid for them. The raw materials were fully used in production. The cost of materials is 430 thousand rubles. (without VAT). The second organization handed over to the first raw materials in the amount of 787 thousand rubles. According to the report, 236.5 thousand rubles of materials were used for production purposes. These operations will be reflected in the control unit in this way:

  • DT 10-1 KT 60 - 430 000 - capitalized materials.
  • DT 20 KT 10-1 - 430 000 - raw materials are included in expenses.
  • DT 003 - 787 000 - accounting for tolling.
  • CT 003 - 236 500 - the cost of the consumed materials is written off.


Off-balance sheet accounts 007 - 009 reflect the movement of capital. According to the article “Debt of insolvent debtors written off," data on amounts attributed to loss three years after the due date of payment appear. The next five years, they are listed on account 007. After this period, it is impossible to collect the debt, even if the financial position of the debtor changes. Payment receipts are recorded by posting DT 51 (52) KT 91-1. Analytics is carried out for each client and debt.

fixed assets on off-balance sheet accountObtained (008) and issued (009) securing obligations are recorded by the amounts from payment documents and are written off as the debt is paid off. By DT are displayed:

  • bonds received / transferred to secure loans;
  • bills used as a guarantee for shipments;
  • options bought / sold and warrants.

All guarantees received in the form of a letter of a guarantor or an act on the transfer of values ​​serve as security for payments. They are accounted for according to payment documents and are recorded in the debit of account 008.

It is worth stopping at the funds that store owners charge from financially responsible persons. Individuals must make money before gaining access to goods. These funds can be used or deposited. In the first case, we are talking about a loan. The operation is executed by posting DT 51 CT 66 (67). In the second case, there is a deposit: DT 51 CT 76. These records are then debited from 008. When an employee is dismissed, funds are returned to him. If the relationship was arranged in the form of a loan, then interest must be paid additionally.

Write-off of the value of the object

Account 010 is used to display information about the amount of depreciation of housing facilities, external beautification, fixed assets of non-profit organizations.Accrual is made at the end of the year. On disposal, amounts are written off to CT 010.

You should immediately specify the difference between depreciation and depreciation in the context of this transaction. In the first case, the operating system accounted for on the balance sheet, and in the second - on the off-balance sheet account. Budget and nonprofit organizations do not create value. Accordingly, they do not show depreciation in the balance sheet. They have the cost of the OS fully debited at the time of purchase. There is no income, there is no opportunity to stretch expenses. In such cases, it is recommended to charge depreciation on fixed assets once a year to account 010. This operation does not increase expenses, does not reduce the basis for calculating VAT, but it is beneficial for organizations that pay property tax. The basis for its calculation is the residual value of the asset. It is determined by the following formula:

Balance at the beginning of the year (01) - accrued depreciation (02) - depreciation (010).write-off


The article “fixed assets in lease” is used if, under the terms of the transaction, the property should be on the balance sheet of the tenant. Accounting is carried out for each object at contractual prices. Leasing operations also appear here. The agreement states which party should credit the object to account 011. In both cases, the asset is debited upon the return of the object. If the agreement states that the property is recorded on the lessee's balance sheet, then the following transaction is formed:

  • DT08 CT76.
  • DT01 KT08 - the costs and costs of the received object are written off.


The organization provided grain storage services. The contractual value of the transaction is 100 thousand rubles. Services are estimated at 15 thousand rubles, the costs of the custodian are 10 thousand rubles. In the control unit, this operation is reflected as follows:

  • DT002 - 100 thousand rubles. - grain is accepted for storage.
  • DT62 KT90 / 1 - 15 thousand rubles. - received a service fee.
  • DT90 / 2 KT20 (25, 26) - 10 thousand rubles. - reflected the costs of the custodian.
  • DT51 KT62 - 15 thousand rubles. - reflected revenue.
  • DT90 / 9 KT99 - 5 thousand rubles. - revealed the profit from the operation.
  • KT002 - 100 thousand rubles. - grain returned to the customer.

Property on off-balance accounts

The process of capitalization of large objects does not raise questions. Problems begin when it is necessary to register, and then write off the OS at a cost of up to 3,000 rubles, especially when it comes to a government agency. In this case, you need to draw up a "Statement of issuance of goods and materials for the needs of the organization", then all damage is recorded on account 21.off-balance accounts in budget accounting

Assets that cost more than 3,000 rubles are listed until disposal. The write-off is enough to display on CT off-balance sheet accounts. No additional postings need to be generated. Book value objects up to 40 thousand rubles. after commissioning should be zero. For units that are estimated to be in the range of 3-40 thousand rubles, it is necessary to restore the original cost and depreciation.

The write-off from the off-balance account is carried out by decision of the commission on the basis of an act signed by the property owner and manager. The record is formed at the amount of the initial cost. Transfer of objects for use is executed on the basis of the act by posting on account 21 with the simultaneous change of the responsible person.

Objects up to 3000 rubles are credited to the budget off-balance accounts at the full price. The exception is library funds and real estate. OS are accounted for by primary documents confirming the commissioning of the unit. Internal movement is reflected by changing the person in charge and / or location.


Accounting for values ​​on off-balance accounts is usually not a hassle. It is conducted quite simply: the receipt, issuance or receipt of guarantees is recorded only on debit, and the repayment of obligations - on credit. Off-balance accounts do not correspond with each other. But even with such a simple scheme, companies do not pay due attention to accounting. As a result, tax officials find errors in the documentation and fine organizations.

Art.15 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation established administrative responsibility for violation of the rules of conduct of BU, under which a fine is imposed in the amount of 2000-3000 rubles. Such violations include the distortion of any reporting line by more than 10%. Art. 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation additionally provides liability for understating the items of income or the value of taxable items.

Commission agreement

With the transfer to the agent of the goods for sale, the principal does not lose ownership. Therefore, such values ​​are transferred to off-balance account 004 at the prices indicated in the act. At the time of transmission, these numbers are written off in full. The problem will arise if the organization reflects such goods on the balance sheet. A tax may qualify a contract as a regular sale. If the goods are paid for by a third-party supplier, then it will not be possible to prove the legality of the operation even in court.

Goods and materials

The accuracy of the calculation of property tax depends on the completeness of the reflection of information on account 002. If the inspection reveals that the organization acquired an operating system and unreasonably capitalized them on an off-balance account, the taxpayer will have to pay a fine and an additional tax. Crucial in such transactions is ownership. If the company received an OS for rent, free use and capitalized it on 01 instead of 001, the negative consequences in the form of inspections and fines will not take long.property on off-balance accounts


Accounting for off-balance accounts of state organizations occurs according to a similar algorithm, but with specific features. The land plots received by the institution for gratuitous use are accounted for at the cadastral value. An assessment will have to be done only if the object is located outside the Russian Federation. Off-balance accounts in budget accounting display data on such forms as disability certificates. When a vehicle is disposed of, the spare parts that were listed at 009 must be discarded. Cash inflow (outflow) is shown at debit 17. State organizations can write off receivables ahead of schedule if:

  • the debtor was liquidated, and this fact is documented;
  • the deadline for the resumption of the debt collection procedure has been completed.

Off-balance accounts with goods and materials may now also contain information on the movement of values, which are subject to write-off due to depreciation or due to the impossibility of further use.


To account for the values ​​that are temporarily used by the organization and do not belong to it, special off-balance accounts are used. All capitalization transactions are displayed on debit, and write-offs - on credit. If necessary, you can add off-balance accounts 1C and keep records, without violating the rules of the law. The basic version of the program already includes all cost items and subcontos. Typical operations and reporting are generated according to standard documents. Amounts in such accounts do not get into balance. Therefore, the net assets of leasing companies and organizations that take a large number of materials for storage are understated.

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