
Features of the flower business. Where to start, how much it costs and where to look for suppliers?

The diversity of entrepreneurial work fascinates with its certain financial independence. The boss himself is the dream of almost every citizen. But, choosing the sphere of professional activity, this citizen begins to get lost in desires and opportunities.

Beautiful business

flower business features

In this case, it is desirable to seriously decide what will interest the new businessman most of all, and how much the business you like will turn out to be profitable (in terms of finances).

Having mentally examined thousands of options, many are convinced that it is precisely the flower business that is gaining momentum today: beautiful in essence, but not as light as it seems initially. Each professional activity has subtle subtleties, therefore guiding actions should be deliberate.

If you are passionate about natural beauty, and the idea of ​​the flower business has solidified in your head, then do not get rid of it in any way. It is important to know all the facets of this sphere and begin to move towards the goal.

Where does the flower business begin?

The basis of the business must be lawful, which means that initially entrepreneurial activity should be registered with the relevant state bodies, in particular with the tax inspectorate. You can register both IP and LLC, which depends on your plans.

Perhaps you are planning to open a business with a companion. Then it will be necessary to draw up the charter of the company, defining the goals, objectives, responsibilities of the founders.

Choice of premises

By organizing the legal side business, It is necessary to begin to search for a room under a flower shop. Discussing the features of the flower business, one can not stop at such a point as the format of the institution. So, you need to decide how voluminous your trade will be. The search for the necessary place for sales is directly dependent on this.

The determining factor is the availability of premises in the property, which greatly facilitates the introduction of business activities. It is desirable that the space is at least 40 square meters, then there will be where to place the related products.

If it is not possible to purchase a room, then it is quite affordable to rent a flower pavilion. As a rule, it occupies a small territory. Therefore, there will be nowhere to place all the necessary equipment to maintain a comfortable atmosphere to preserve the freshness of the flowers.

buy a flower business

The right choice and related products

In order for the business to be cost-effective, it is important to purchase flowers that have persistent properties for long-term survival, since wilted plants naturally do not find their buyer and are sent to the bucket. One of the most popular and at the same time hardy flowers are classic chrysanthemums, carnations and to some extent roses.

In the pavilion it is really possible to place a refrigerator for the safety of products, a small stand for postcards, gift boxes, small plush toys. A large assortment of goods is needed for additional profit. These are not only the peculiarities of the flower business, but also the key to the success of the entire trading sphere.

Estimated business plan of flower business

When the beginning has been made, the business is registered and the premises found, consider that half the work has already been done. It remains to draw up a small business plan, purchase the necessary equipment, determine the suppliers, calculate the amount of costs (current and monthly).

Determining the costs of running a flower business, pay attention to its scale: either it is a flower pavilion, or a whole salon. It is possible to consider this type of activity from both positions.


Let's say you opted for a rental pavilion. Imagine an approximate list of expenses of such a plan.

One-time costs

  1. A refrigerator to preserve the freshness of flowers - 42,500 rubles.
  2. Rack for postcards, packaging boxes and other related products - 3000 rubles.
  3. A trading table for the workplace of a florist - 12,000 rubles.

Total: 57 500 rubles.

Monthly expenses

  1. The salary of the florist and accountant, which is better to hire in an audit company, is 50,000 rubles.
  2. The rent for the premises is 120,000 rubles.
  3. Flowers - 450,000 rubles.
  4. Packaging materials, accessories and other floral attributes - 20,000 rubles.

Total: 640,000 rubles.

For flower salon optional

  1. Air conditioning or split system to maintain the necessary climatic conditions favorable for plants - 21 000 rubles.
  2. Several racks, so that you can also deal with the sale of indoor plants - 9000 rubles.
  3. Salary for staff (you need several florists for a shift work schedule) - 50,000 rubles.

Total: 80 000 rubles.

In total, about 697,500 rubles will need to be spent on the flower pavilion, and the salon will cost 777,500 rubles.

It’s quite difficult to talk about the profitability of this business in exact numbers. It all depends on the owner himself and his ability to calculate the balance between the solvency of buyers and the willingness to give a certain amount.

Payback is pretty high. If an average of 10 people visit a flower shop per day, then the lump sum costs will be paid back after 4 months. And this is in the first year of operation of the institution.

Wholesaler Choice

A considerable problem is presented by wholesalers of flowers, of which there are many. It is very important not to make a mistake with their choice. Of course, if you have a decent flower salon, then it is better to buy bulk lots of goods abroad. The most popular and most affordable is the Dutch auction. Also, flowers are brought from Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya.

Direct deliveries for the flower salon will cost much less if you order goods abroad, since flower suppliers in Russia make considerable wraps.

Of course, for owners of a small flower business it would be unprofitable to transport flowers, say, from the Netherlands. In this case, it is more profitable to find a suitable supplier in Russia. It is possible that the customer will have to stumble more than once when choosing such an entity (and this applies not only to "ours", but also to foreign companies), because it is not always possible to check every flower in numerous batches, which leads to the likelihood of stale goods arriving. Hence the unforeseen loss in profit. This also should not be forgotten, considering the features of the flower business.

flower pavilion rental

Home flower paradise as a source of income

There is such a trend that flower business is gaining momentum, competition is growing. But the colorful business is not limited to flower stalls and salons; lovers of an eco-system and natural beauty acquire land holdings for cultivating different varieties of ornamental plants.

Import of flowers in Russia has captured the vastness of our vast country, but the patriotic people do not give up and are eager for their own, Russian production, which is an additional idea of ​​the flower business.

Having a possession of several hundred square meters, it is realistic to start building a greenhouse on a land plot (it will take a little money to build). The only thing is that every month we will have to give everything financially for electricity consumption. But provided that the flower product is sold all year round, the costs will be paid back in a sufficient measure, so this variety of summer cottage flower business is quite cost-effective.

As for the assortment, under such conditions, popular roses, asters, tulips, dahlias are fruitfully grown. And it is necessary to spend money only on tubers, seedlings and seeds.

It is worth thinking about selling your product in advance. It is easy to find customers among holders of flower pavilions, salons, small stalls. It is quite possible to open your own flower shop. If you carefully consider all the little things, the profit from a beautiful business will pleasantly please you and help you become richer.

Is it profitable to buy a flower business? Advantages and disadvantages

It is financial capabilities that determine where to start an entrepreneurial activity, regardless of the service sector. If you have enough money to buy a flower business (which is about 800,000 rubles), then why not? Although it should be remembered that there are pros and cons.

On the one hand, you don’t have to start from scratch. It is profitable to take a ready-made stall with all the necessary equipment and inventory, with established supplies. No need to look for a place and, most likely, working staff. True, their pitfalls are hiding here. It would not be out of place to ask why the business was put up for sale, whether the company had financial obligations to creditors, as well as to the tax inspectorate and other private and legal entities.

Of course, the reasons in this case can be of a different nature, and disputes arising between the co-owners of the flower business are not excluded. Probably scanty interest in the development of the business, which led to unprofitability.

To not be at a loss

If we take the flower business in Moscow as an example, then the determining factor is the location of the premises, since renting in Belokamennaya, in comparison with the rest of the Russian regions, goes off scale and reaches an exorbitant cost.

Therefore, having misallocated resources and choosing an inappropriate place to conduct this kind of activity, one can easily burn out. From the very beginning, things can be a failure if you do not think over an important point about the lease.

As for your own store, it’s easy to buy a flower business if you have decent capital. There are a lot of proposals, the main thing is to carefully consider each of them from all sides, choose the suitable, profitable and promising.

Further business development rests entirely on your shoulders. To develop the concept of a flower salon is necessary in the first place, so as not to be among the losers.

flower import in Russia

Marketing Strategy Development

And now you are the owner of a flower boutique with a spacious room in which a pleasant atmosphere reigns. In addition to the main product, the attention of visitors is attracted by the shelves lined with postcards and souvenir products. You have a polite and experienced staff with special education as a florist, you have a huge assortment of flower plants ...

On this favorable note, it is important to think about promoting your business. It can be easy to get started, but it's important to stay afloat. Due to the high competition in this segment of the market, it is worth developing a policy for developing a flower shop, considering advertising activities and using various ways to promote goods and services.

Spread of information

In this area, you can discard advertising on radio and television - it is costly and completely unprofitable. But flyers spread out over mailboxes in the surrounding areas are very relevant. Flyers should be colorful, with a prescribed assortment, some promotions and other pieces of a flower boutique.

Along with advertising, it is advisable to create a website where anyone could look at the full range of floral products, pick up a plush toy, choose a designer card and collect the bouquet on their own preferences (but the help of a florist can also be offered).

Assortment expansion

For a variety of products, artificial flowers can also be included in the list, amateur designers can be connected, and they can take on copyright work from them, such as decoupage boxes for decorating gifts, original cards using scrapbooking technique, topiary money and other interesting things.

Balloons and combinations of them have become a popular service in the flower business. For example, a rose from shdm has an original interpretation of a living flower.

And again about advertising

Often the owners began to use the services of a promoter: a guy or a girl, dressed, for example, in a blue bell, is standing on the street and inviting people passing by to a flower shop. Such an advertising move is fun and productive, it charges positive in any case, which means that they will pay attention to your store.


So we briefly reviewed the features of the flower business. It should be noted that here, almost like in any other field of activity, there is seasonality, but of a slightly different nature. Pre-holidays and holidays are considered to be “good” days with high income: March 8, graduation days, September 1, February 23, May 9, February 14, etc. Sales revenue at this time can be 10 percent of your annual profit.

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