
Features of the watchman. Caretaker job responsibilities

The watchman is a profession shrouded in many myths and preconceptions. For some reason, many people believe that only those who have long retired and want to increase their family income are working on it. Or those who have no other choice. However, as one popular wisdom says, "you should not judge a book by its cover."

In fact, this profession, like many others, has many forms and manifestations. All of them differ from each other both in wages and in the specifics of work. In particular, and what job duties of the watchman will be established.

caretaker job responsibilities

Who is a watchman?

Start with who the watchman is? After all, there are a number of specialties that, although similar to each other, are still completely different professions, for example, security guards or warders.

So, the watchman is a person who protects the object entrusted to him from all possible threats. Often the watchman’s work takes place during the night, although there are daytime as well as round-the-clock shifts.

The main task of the watchman is to keep order on the territory, check the integrity of all castles and seals, and also make sure that outsiders do not penetrate the object entrusted to him. To achieve these goals, he can use all available means, unless they contradict the law or the rules of the enterprise.

Otherwise, the caretaker's job responsibilities will depend on the policies of the organization for which he works.

Profession Features

Be that as it may, the watchman is quite dangerous profession, and do not forget about it. Naturally, most shifts are calm, but there is a certain chance that someone will want to get into the guarded object. In this case, the guard will have to take measures to neutralize the threat.

 job watchman duties

If we analyze the duties of the watchman by points, then it should be noted that he has to live according to a very unstable schedule. Indeed, working in shifts, he needs to regularly rebuild his biorhythm, either at night or at daytime sleep. And this is very difficult.

The basic duties of a watchman

So, each company has its own job description. It spells out all the duties and rights of workers, including the watchman. In most cases, it contains the following data:

  1. General information - the first part of the contract, which contains information about the organization, terms of employment, as well as direct superiors.
  2. Responsibilities - the head of the job description, which spells out all the actions that the guard must perform. For example, checking premises; notification of the control service every two hours; the procedure for going around the territory and so on.
  3. Rights - state all the privileges and capabilities of the employee.
  4. Responsibility, including material. Often, in this section all fines and administrative penalties are prescribed that can be applied to the watchman in case of his negligence or intentional failure to fulfill his own duties.
  5. Relationships - part of the contract, which indicates the persons responsible for communication with the security point, as well as industrial safety.

These are the basic elements of a caretaker's job description. However, it should be noted that their contents can vary greatly, depending on where exactly the watchman will work. So, consider the most common cases.

school watchman job responsibilities

The duties of a company watchman

The main feature of work in this place is that the watchman has the greatest material responsibility. After all, he will have to protect not only the premises, but also the goods stored in them. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the items describing the duties and responsibilities of the watchman before applying for a job.

It should also be noted that it is enterprises, factories and warehouses that are in the greatest risk zone. After all, there is always something that others will want to profit from. In addition, you have to check the workers serving in this place, because who knows how clear their conscience is?

Work as a watchman in various educational institutions

The duties of a watchman in a school are not much different from those established in other places. However, there are a number of features that distinguish this category of watchmen from the general mass.

So, first of all, this is a large amount of work. After all, even a small school has several floors and utility rooms, which must be regularly checked. In addition, you should be prepared for the fact that schoolchildren or students want to visit their school outside school hours, for example, to make another inscription on the wall, such as "9-B is the best."

caretaker watchman duties

The work of a watchman

The duties of a caretaker are very specific, as they have a number of features compared to other categories. So, a janitor is a person who is responsible for the order inside a certain house or hostel. Consequently, in addition to his usual duties, he will also have to play the role of a checkpoint employee who monitors who has come and who has left.

Among the risk factors should be noted the possibility of conflict with residents of the house or hostel. In addition, it is necessary to drive homeless and stray animals so that they do not violate the established order in the territory entrusted to him.

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