
Supply department at the enterprise. Organization of supply in enterprises

The material and technical supply of the enterprise is the primary task that management has to solve in order to ensure that the tasks are carried out in the most efficient manner.

purchase department

Company supply specifics

For small firms with a narrow range of products, this may be one supply specialist. For medium-sized organizations that produce a wider range of products, as a rule, a supply department is already organized. At large enterprises with a developed assortment, cases of creating management departments (directorates) for support with a developed structure are not uncommon.

In cases where individual product groups are large in volume and complex in assortment, a specialized department of material supply in areas is created.

For example, in all enterprises of the pipe industry, metal bureaus were part of the production divisions of plants. This is justified by the fact that the nomenclature of blanks amounted to tens of thousands of items and the scheduling of production depended directly on the rhythm of its supplies.

Head of Procurement Department

Supply Department: Functions

  • Organization of the formation of the nomenclature of materials for the production of products.
  • Supply planning by year and by year (quarter, month).
  • Market research of suppliers of necessary product groups through participation in exhibitions, fairs and other similar events. Selection of optimal supply options, taking into account logistics.
  • Conclusion of supply contracts material resources and control over their execution.
  • Organization of acceptance of incoming goods and products in accordance with applicable documents (Provision on supplies, Instructions P-6 and P-7).
  • Optimal placement of purchased material assets in warehouses, taking into account the internal logistics of the enterprise.
  • Development of standards for the consumption of certain commodity items in production and control over their implementation.
  • Development of proposals to replace expensive materials with cheaper materials, taking into account their manufacturability.
  • Organization of events for the preparation and implementation of enterprise standards in terms of material support.

This work at the enterprise is headed by the head of the procurement department. He reports directly sales director.

warehouse department

Materials Supply Organization

The procurement department, whose functions are discussed above, is usually built in three main areas:

  1. Material groups. They are involved in the organization and control of the supply of goods of certain groups (clothing and shoes, accessories, bearings, lubricants and fuel, household goods, etc.), control their proper use in accordance with the requirements of the process. Warehousing works in direct contact with them.
  2. OTC on acceptance. Organizes input control of materials and products in accordance with the above provisions. As part of the group, the participation of a qualified lawyer who heads the claims work is mandatory. The basis for the implementation of its activities is the relevant standard of the enterprise.
  3. Bureau of rationing. This unit develops and monitors compliance with the material consumption rate. It consists of a specialist responsible for the timely movement of accounting and financial documents and reporting on them, as well as an economist or a group. It depends on the size of the enterprise and the amount of information flow.

material supply department

Head of Procurement Department

An engineer with a higher economic education who has significant experience in a similar position is appointed to this position.

The head of the department represents the category of "managers". He performs his duties in accordance with the current regulatory and other documents on material and technical supply, the Charter of the organization and the relevant instructions and orders of the senior management, job description.


The head of the procurement department should know:

  • regulatory and legislative documents relating to the supply of the organization;
  • market methods of farming;
  • promising areas of enterprise development;
  • planning methods consumption of material resources, the procedure for norm-setting and monitoring the implementation of expenditure indicators;
  • organization of storage facilities;
  • the procedure for conducting contractual work with suppliers;
  • the level of wholesale and retail prices for the materials used;
  • the basis of legislation on labor protection and fire safety.

Commercial offer for work

Responsibilities of the head of the procurement department

  1. Organization of providing the enterprise with material resources in the required quality and quantity, as well as their rational use for maximum production efficiency.
  2. Management of prospective and current planning in terms of ensuring core business, the needs of the repair and maintenance service and other needs of the enterprise based on the application of progressive norms of material consumption.
  3. The search for ways to meet the needs of production at the expense of internal reserves.
  4. It provides the conclusion of contracts for the supply of necessary resources, seeks the possibility of establishing long-term cooperative ties.
  5. Organizes timely delivery of materials to the organization’s warehouses and their acceptance in accordance with applicable standards.
  6. Establishes and monitors claims work on deviations due to the quality and quantity of resources, compliance with delivery schedules.
  7. It provides regular monitoring of the state of stocks of inventory at the enterprise’s warehouses, and their timely replenishment in accordance with the standards.
  8. Initiates the development of measures for the rational use of resources, production waste and illiquid assets. Searches for ways of optimal delivery of inventory items to the enterprise.
  9. Organizes the functioning of the warehouse, ensures compliance with the rules for the placement of storage items.


The supply departments of factories and other enterprises directly affect the success of their work. In the cost of production, materials occupy a decisive place, which imposes a special responsibility on the supply department for the fate of the organization.

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