
Reviews about the Avangard bank: services, ATMs, loans, deposits

The banking system of Russia operates on the basis of many large institutions that operate in all regions of our country. There are banks that have representative offices in several cities, representing a fairly widespread network of offices and branches.

One of the largest banks, which also operates as a wide network, is Avangard Bank. Its offices are represented in dozens of cities in Russia, due to which the institution interacts with thousands of customers across the country.

In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive analysis of this enterprise and find out at what level customer service is provided here, what services are provided by the bank, what kind of feedback Internet users leave about it, and much more. Information for the review was taken from open sources, such as the official website of the institution, descriptions and ratings on other resources, as well as comments by users who had direct experience with this structure.


bank reviews

So, we will start with information about the bank's activities in the past. It was founded in 1994, after which it began its work as a universal commercial bank. Legally, this entity is registered as a public joint-stock company (PJSC). The main office of the entire structure that runs the institution is Avangard Bank (Moscow).

Until 1996, the institution functions under the name “Bank Sadr”, however, after renaming it begins to change its work strategy. In the future, the institution merges into a large commercial group, begins to invest in new sectors of the economy. New units are being created, in particular, Avangard-Agro.

Immediately after the start of work, due to a flexible business management policy, the organization begins to gain business momentum, attracting new customers and increasing the amount of capital. Very soon, the regional network of the institution is growing, Bank Avangard is opening new offices. Orenburg, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Vladivostok - over time, the network of this office envelops all new regions of Russia. Due to the rapid growth in market share, the structure is one of the largest banking institutions in the country.


At the moment, the vector of the structure’s work is the business area. Interaction with private clients is only a small part of the total turnover of the bank. Therefore, the foundation of the institution’s portfolio is enterprises holding their funds in accounts maintained by Avangard Bank. These deposits in their volume form a portfolio, due to which the institution occupies a rather high place in the banking rating of Russia.


It should also be noted that in its work the office actively uses technological solutions, in particular, developed Internet banking. This helps to actively attract new customers, offering them more favorable conditions, save time and operational resources, and get the maximum response from people who are served by Avangard Bank in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities.

The institution is ready to offer its customers the most comfortable conditions for assistance in any of the services provided to them. More details about what is included in this list and what are the features of the bank's work with certain products, we will tell a little further.

In the meantime, let's move on to the point that all companies like to boast of, including financial institutions.


Like any other office that carries out the same type of activity, Avangard Bank (Moscow) is represented in various rating ratings conducted by analytical agencies, media portals and various financial experts.


If we talk about financial indicators, then in terms of assets, the institution takes 57th place in the country with its 144 billion rubles of capital. If we talk about profitability, then the structure is placed in 43rd place, having 1.4 billion rubles of net profit. By the volume of deposits, as the reviews about Avangard Bank show, the latter occupies the 58th position with its 40 billion rubles. The loan portfolio by volume is 83 billion, due to which the institution is placed in the Russian rating in 54th place.

Thus, we see a clear picture of what parameters this structure has in the ratings compiled on the basis of various indicators. In general, this is in the middle of the top 100 list of the largest domestic banks.

True, there is one more criterion by which Avangard Bank (in St. Petersburg and other cities) takes the second position in the list. This is a “popular” rating of the popular edition of Banks.ru. This achievement is indicated on the pages of the institution’s website, therefore we decided that there is every reason to mention this merit. This shows that in terms of quality of service and comfort in working with clients, the characterized structure occupies very high positions.


The time has come to describe what types of activities the bank conducts and what specifically it can offer its customers. Now, using information from the official portal, we will describe why people turn to Avangard Bank. An account for accumulating funds, a deposit, a bank cell or a loan - which of these options are available to the clients of the institution and on what conditions - read in this section.

So, to begin with, it should be clarified that the entire set of services of an institution can be divided into three categories depending on the final entity receiving these services. These are, you guessed it, companies, individuals, and other banks. On the organization’s website you can find a division of the same kind. Further, depending on what the user chooses, the resource offers to see a list of services that Avangard Bank provides. A loan to buy a car for an individual or acquiring for a company - there are many similar options available. Information on each of them is presented in special categories, which we addressed.


to corporative clients

So, let's start with what Avangard Bank provides (Cheboksary, Penza, Yaroslavl - the institution operates in 75 cities) for companies. Of course, information on settlement and cash services is placed at the most prominent positions. Obviously, this is the most popular option among those designed for corporate clients.

As indicated on the pages of the site, the bank serves more than 100 thousand Russian companies. It’s profitable to work with this service here, as reviews about Avangard Bank show - you are given ample opportunity to inform using SMS, work with Internet banking, and a special calculator that can calculate the final cost of the entire package of services.

In addition, they offer a classic set of loans for business needs, as well as deposit systems for profitable storage of funds in the institution. The conditions here are different: from 11 to 17 percent per annum for the programs “Salary credit” and “Internet overdraft”. Conditions deposit accounts for legal entities are not designated, as everything is discussed individually. With these tools, a business can receive and provide money so that it can be managed by Avangard Bank.

A personal account for full management of all services is available to each company.As the recommendations of users with experience in cooperation with the bank show, the remote control system is quite convenient here - with its help all standard operations are carried out many times faster. Plus, it is also the ability to directly access your finances 24 hours a day from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Also, for companies, Avangard Bank (the hotline phone, by the way, is listed on the website - 8-800-555-99-93: you can contact it and ask any question you are interested in) provides collection and conversion services, salary project services, and also acquiring. They also conduct operations with securities and precious metals, and finance foreign contracts. In addition to these, many other options make Avangard Bank (the exchange rate, by the way, is also shown here in real time on the website for quick reference) as a universal, effective solution to all problems. Turning here once, you can take care of the successful resolution of several of your questions at once without the need to search for other structures with the same favorable conditions.

Private individuals


For individuals - private clients - the bank also has a whole branch of services that will help not only to receive or profitably invest funds by multiplying them, but also those that are also designed for the efficient management of money. To find out what Avangard Bank (Cheboksary or Omsk does not matter - the same service conditions apply in all cities) can offer you as an individual, just click on the appropriate tab (which we did).

Here, in the first place, the mobile banking service is indicated. With it, a client can perform a whole list of actions using only his mobile phone. In short, in the smartphone application you will have access to information about your deposits, open loans, accounts, the ability to make money transfers, buy tickets and book hotels, make payments from your card to someone else’s, and so on.

In addition, in the private services section you can order Avangard bank credit cards, apply for a car loan, get an opportunity to make transactions with currency values ​​and precious metals, open various accounts and much more. The conditions of loans and deposits are presented on the site - it does not make sense to publish them here in view of the frequent updating of rates. We only note that on average auto loans are provided at 21% per annum (1-5 years), and purchases are given the opportunity to work with a credit card that has 200 days of grace period. There are also many deposit plans, on average, the rate fluctuates at the level of 10-11% per year.

Again, as for corporate clients, the structure described by us strives to become the most universal, single solution to all banking issues. At least, many reviews of Avangard Bank confirm this information, referring to the structure of financial products presented on the site.



Finally, the third category of recipients of services from Avangard is other institutions from the banking sector. Accordingly, it is not difficult to guess what kind of services can be provided to them. These are relations in the field of operations with securities, precious metals, conversion transactions, interbank lending, cash servicing (this category is also called “banknote operations”, since it is about working with cash: exchange, collection, delivery of funds across the country).

All these and other options for other organizations from the same business segment are offered by Avangard Bank. Telephone is the most efficient way to directly contact the department’s specialists to serve such customers.


As we can see that the reviews about Avangard bank also confirm that the list of services of the institution is quite large - it is not in vain that it is among the top 60 Russian banks.Nevertheless, in order to attract new customers, it is also necessary to take care of the efficient presentation of the office network, the growth in the number of branches and their proper “setup”. For all this, a large regional network is being created, which represents the interests of the entire structure in different cities, where there may be people who want to contact the Avangard Bank. Cheboksary, Tolyatti, Voronezh - branches representing the whole bank have long been present in the largest settlements.

If you look at the policy of the leadership, then, of course, the network itself continues to develop, increasing volumes and connecting new cities, crowding out competitors. These processes are carried out gradually and slowly, but they are inevitable.

You can find out where the bank branches in your city are located on a special map with marked representative offices that serve the Avangard bank. Orenburg, for example, has 5 branches, the central one is located at Volodarsky Street, 5. The same information about any other office can be found using the main site. In addition to the information with the address, the telephone number and opening hours of the branch are also indicated here. In general, the Avangard Bank systematized the addresses of its branches in a convenient form, which greatly simplifies the procedure for finding information about them.

For example, the Moscow office is available by calling 8-800-333-98-98; In the capital there are several dozen branches, so listing their addresses does not make sense - just call the number and specify where the nearest branch is located. In addition, there is the opportunity to go to the company’s website, where a map with designated branches is presented and see for yourself where the “label” of the branch most convenient for you is. Again, the operating time is also indicated here - therefore, you will not lose out on this issue either. On the website servicing Avangard Bank, branch addresses are available on one page, while the main telephone number (hot line for answering all questions) is placed at the top of the window in all sections. It automatically changes depending on where you went to the Internet. This is very convenient for those customers who prefer to find out all the information they are interested in live, directly communicating with the call center operator.

Customer reviews


Information about a banking institution is certainly valuable in order to learn more about its work. However, do not forget about the recommendations of real people with experience with him. Finding such today is not difficult, because there are many sites on which user comments are presented. They relate to a variety of topics - from the greeting of the secretary at the client’s entrance to the office and ending with how clean the Vanguard bank ATMs are. Their addresses, by the way, are also presented on the map.

If you evaluate the reviews about this structure, in general, most of them are clearly positive. Many customers praise the work of the bank, noting the courtesy of employees, favorable conditions for the institution’s commercial products, and effective tools for working with them. Comments are completely different: some are dedicated to a high-rate deposit, which allowed the client to receive a higher income than other banks, from his point of view. There are also positive reviews on how the bank's security service works. For example, many write that they were able to return the illegally withdrawn money from cards served by Avangard Bank.

The ATMs used by the victims to withdraw cash were apparently equipped with some kind of reading devices, with the help of which the funds were withdrawn from the user's account. In all cases, the bank quickly responded to the requests submitted and made a refund.

Some praise the low commission favorable for conducting operations, established, for example, for currency exchange.Judging by the reviews, the bank charges only 20 rubles, which is much more profitable than many exchangers. This encourages users to use its services more often.

Often in large portals you can find laudatory reviews of satisfied cardholders or depositors who simply note the stable and decent work of the bank, its attractive conditions and polite staff.

At the same time, during the searches we managed to meet negative comments. Some of them, by the way, judging by the reports of the authors themselves, were soon resolved.

Negative opinions were left by people who also used a variety of services, so it is unlikely to find any patterns here. Information from those who gave a low rating describes the different areas of the institution.

For example, there are comments about the interaction with representatives of the “Vanguard”. When the author of the review, allegedly, turned to one of the departments - he was naughty and quickly stopped talking. As it turned out later, it is normal practice for employees to respond quickly to exchange rates and other urgent information. The bank representative simply responds quickly and essentially, which customers often perceive as rudeness.

Another aspect is the conditions of service. In some cases, the Avangard Bank may change the exchange rate in a few minutes. Imagine the surprise of people who had just left the department, having made an exchange, and saw that with them the course changed not in their favor. Of course, this will entail a negative assessment (although this is normal).

Thus, if we summarize the situation with the customer reviews of this bank, we would single out only positive assessments. The whole negative is either a simple misunderstanding, or excessively high customer requests, or a normal commercial situation, which visitors are simply dissatisfied with due to their financial failures. So, after all, it is not the bank that sets the rate of the same dollar or euro on the market!

Bank job

Having presented positive feedback from customers, I would like to see the same from the staff of the institution. After all, their number, according to information from one banking portal, in the state of “Vanguard” exceeds 4 thousand people!

It is not surprising that there are a large number of vacancies and constant announcements about the recruitment of new people.

Employee Reviews

To begin with, there are really many recommendations from employees. Most of them are negative, but do not rush to think that “everything is bad” here. The vast majority of negative reviews were written by people who did not pass the interview or were unable to pass the test!

Indeed, as it turned out, getting here is not at all easy. A person who is hired must undergo training. Special tests immediately follow after him, aimed at identifying capable employees. The questions in them are of an intellectual nature (often these are tests for ingenuity and IQ). Therefore, it is not surprising that out of 10 people, 2-3 people can actually pass them, and they are given jobs. They just write that the bank has a “white” and stable salary, interesting working conditions, workload and a quick process of assimilation of material. Such activity brings not only earnings, but also invaluable experience in banking.


Here it is, the Avangard Bank. A personal account (online), flexible terms of cooperation, a wide range of services, quality service - all this leads to the fact that the organization has a really good reputation. Even on sites with reviews, real negative comments are not so easy to find! This bank can definitely be recommended to your friends.

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