
Directions under the "brick" - what will be to the intruder?

Driving under a “brick” is a common occurrence on roads in Russia. Only not everyone understands what kind of violation punishment is. Which one? As a rule, it is exclusively administrative in nature. So you should not be afraid of prison arrest. Violation of the rules of the road, namely passage under the "brick", is far from the most dangerous action. Therefore, the punishment is not entirely terrible, but unpleasant for many drivers.

brick passage

What is a "brick"

For starters, what, in principle, will be discussed? Understanding fully what kind of violation is being discussed is the main task of drivers. You always need to know what it means to travel under the sign "brick". This is especially true for new drivers who are not yet versed in road slang.

What is a brick passage? In fact, this is the name of the violation, which is accompanied by the prohibitory sign "No entry." It looks like a red circle, in the center of which is a horizontally white rectangle. It reminds me of a brick. For this, this sign received a similar name. And it is used by drivers constantly.

One Way

It is worth considering that in most cases a fine is imposed for travel under a "brick". True, depending on the situation, it will vary in size. The most punishable are actions accompanied by passage under a prohibition sign on a one-way road.

brick fines

For such a violation, drivers are charged a fine of 5,000 rubles. In fact, this is the most common punishment. Cash payments and administrative violations are related. And almost always for such actions in Russia they punish the ruble.

Deprivation of rights

You made a trip under the "brick"? The punishment in each case is assigned individually. But there are some general rules and restrictions. For travel under this prohibitory sign when committing an act on a one-way road, another preventive measure is imposed.

What is this about? About deprivation of a driver’s license. For travel under the "brick" not only impose fines, but also driver’s licenses can rob. The term is not too long and is set individually. Varies from 4 months to six months.

Just such a violation is already scaring drivers. Not everyone knows that driving deprivation you can "earn" even for not the worst act. So, when driving under a “brick” on a one-way road, get ready for anything.

brick passage punishment

Adjoining territories

The softest punishment is also available. The fine for driving under the "brick" is a quite common measure of restraining most violations of traffic rules. It often happens that a citizen enters the territory adjacent to the sign. This is also considered a passage under the prohibiting "brick".

But you should not be afraid of such an act. Under such circumstances, you will simply be fined. And a maximum of 500 rubles. As practice shows, the corresponding repayment of debt is made most often on the spot. And after that you can continue to go about your business. Of course, you get a “reprimand” of an oral reprimand-warning not to repeat this violation.

For route transport

There is also a greater fine for travel under the "brick". It is assigned in the case when the driver leaves for the lane intended for the marching transport. Not the most serious punishment, but compared with the passage to the adjacent territories, the difference will be felt.

For such a violation, a payment of 1,500 rubles is due. Fortunately, such an act is extremely rare on the roads.But keep in mind that there is a punishment for it. And not a little one. You won’t be able to avoid it, because often drivers are "caught by the hand" at the crime scene. In any case, breaking the rules of the road, remember: if you get caught, you will often have to pay a fine. He is not always small.

what is the fine travel under a brick


What if you repeatedly violate the rules of the road, namely, often make a trip under the "brick"? Until you are noticed, nothing will happen. But when fixing a violation, a fine is imposed. Which one depends on the situation. Possible options are described above.

For repeated and repeated acts of this kind will have to pay every time. What is the fine? Traveling under the "brick" in this position will cost 5,000 rubles. Regardless of which particular case suits you - traveling to an adjacent territory, leaving for a fixed-line lane or even driving “on the way”, the fact remains - repeated violation of the rule will be punished severely.

In an extreme case, they can deprive you of rights. And not for six months, but for several years. A very common practice in such situations is to transfer the driver to pedestrian status for a year. Such a measure is not prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses, but it exists behind the scenes. And it acts only against malicious violators.

brick road

As you can see, this issue is very easy to understand. Try to always follow the rules of the road. Then you can not be afraid of any fines and other penalties. If before you had no problems with the law, for the first time you can get off with an oral warning from law enforcement agencies. Most often, this practice can be seen when driving in the territory adjacent to the sign of "brick". But hoping for such an indulgence is not necessary. Better keep track of where you are going. And pay attention to the clarification under the sign. Maybe you are allowed to enter the territory under the "brick".

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