
NPF RGS: customer reviews, reliability and profitability rating

Non-state pension funds in Russia are becoming more and more popular every day. But just deciding where to transfer the funded part of the pension is not so simple. Therefore, before making a final decision, you have to study the opinions of employees and customers about a particular organization. What can be said about NPF RGS? This company earns a variety of reviews, and it is impossible to determine exactly how good or bad the corporation is. As they say, how many people, so many opinions. Each focuses on some specific pros and cons, and then you have to make conclusions for yourself. So what does RGS (Rosgosstrakh) offer? Can this organization be trusted? Or is it worth keeping a distance from her?npf rgs reviews

Nature of activity

First, a little about what our current company is doing. Indeed, sometimes the specialization of a particular corporation is able to push customers away. NPF "RGS" reviews in this area earns mostly positive. The company does not conduct any suspicious or incomprehensible activity.

RGS offers its members retirement benefits. Or rather, its cumulative part. Something like a pension bank in which your funds for old age will be stored. Quite a normal activity in demand among the population.

In addition, you will be asked to slightly increase your money. It is for this reason that many aspire to non-state pension funds. In them you are at least a little, but you can multiply your savings by old age.

As an employer

Further it is worth looking at our current company from the side of employees. They know the corporation best from the inside. This helps determine the integrity of the organization.

NPF RGS receives mixed reviews from employees. Rather, they can be called neutral. They do not express any exact specifics. Only indicate some of the main pros and cons of the company. Honestly, all this is extremely important for future investors and job seekers.npf rgs personal account

The benefits include comfortable working conditions, flexible hours, stable salaries, bonuses. You will also be guaranteed and provided with a full social package (here both vacation and sick leave - all without delay in the payment of funds). Sometimes various kinds of seminars and continuing education courses are held. Free training also takes place.

Among the shortcomings that RGS NPF OJSC has, employees note stress at the workplace, constant fuss, customers dissatisfied with something or understand nothing (not all of them, but the flow of these people is huge). All this is nonsense in comparison with the main minus - you will be required to keep the funded part of the pension in the CSG. They will begin to attract you by all means to this step, using both honest and not quite legal methods (up to the threats of dismissal).

If all the advantages attract applicants, then one significant minus, on the contrary, repels. After all, citizens involuntarily think: why does the RGS force someone to join? Are they really so bad things?


Not at all. At least if you are based on the rating of our current non-state pension fund. It plays an important role for most potential investors. Indeed, this particular component indicates the stability of the organization.jsc npf rgs

NPF "RGS" rating is quite high. This fund is one of the ten best organizations in Russia designed for storage pension contributions. This factor pleases many. Especially those who care about the stability of the company. After all, non-state pension funds open very quickly. And they are also rapidly being stripped of their licenses. So, rating is a certain indicator of stability, stability.

Also worth paying attention to another point. This is what RGS (NPF) has a reliability rating. Or, as it is sometimes called, an indicator of customer confidence. Fortunately, everything is wonderful in this area. The level of the so-called trust is maximum - A ++. The indicator above at the moment simply does not exist. This means that the company really can be trusted. In any case, this is what statistics say.


The next point that you should definitely pay attention to is the so-called return of the fund. That is, its profitability for investors. It has already been said: a non-state pension fund is not just a repository of pension contributions. It also increases the total cash in the account to one degree or another. For many, this paragraph is fundamental.npf rgs rating

What is the profitability of NPF RGS? It's hard to judge. Indeed, reality and promises diverge. If you believe what the employees of the company say, then you will be entitled to about 9% of income per year. This is a very large indicator. Not all pension funds can boast of them. But if it comes to reality, then the picture changes dramatically.

As practice shows, the average return on the fund is set at 4%. The remaining 5 are “eaten up” by inflation. It turns out that RGS is no different in terms of profitability from competitors. Nevertheless, this is not an indicator for refusing to contact the corporation. Although for some lies with the profitability of NPF RGS, reviews are not getting the best. Some participants complain that they were deceived at the conclusion of the contract.

Unexpected guests

The negative aspects of the corporation do not end there. However, you should not be scared. In general, the picture of our current pension fund is exactly the same as that of competitors. Participants often remain dissatisfied with a phenomenon such as forced contributions.NPF RGS profitability

What it is? When checking information on the storage of the funded part of the pension, it turns out that it is already in the “CWG”. This is taking into account the fact that you generally did not contact the organization in any way. And even more so did not conclude any contracts. How is it that pension contributions end up in this fund?

Everything is extremely simple. Similar complaints are received from persons officially employed. RGS, like other pension funds, concludes contracts with various employers. As a result, all subordinates become investors - their pensions will be kept where the management of the company decides. The consent of the direct employee is not required, no information is being provided. Hence, the NPF “RGS” receives not the best reviews.

Eternal problems

But this also should not end the consideration of the negative aspects of the fund. Unfortunately, there are still some little things that upset customers. They are often indicated by investors.

For example, RGS NPF has a Personal Account on the official website. With its help, everyone can see the status of the personal account, get advice online, and also request a statement about it. Only this service is constantly not working. In it, as users note, some kind of malfunctions happen all the time. And getting an account statement is almost impossible.RGS NPF Reliability Rating

In fact, NPF "RGS" "My Account" has its own page, but it does not work most of the time. To get the information you need, you will have to contact your branch of the company yourself. Not everyone likes this solution.

This is my decision

But clients who independently decided to conclude an agreement with a pension fund have no complaints. In any case, for the time being. They note that the company's work is at the highest level.At any time you can get advice, they will always help with solving problems.

The contract for the provision of services will be drawn up in several copies. They indicate all your rights and opportunities. Here you can also find information on the transfer of funds to an account in another pension fund. No cheating or anything incomprehensible. For this, NPF RGS earns reviews only positive.

Surprises from the company

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. And as soon as you need to switch to another pension fund or to receive your funded part of the pension, major problems will begin with the “CSG”. Which ones?NPF RGS is up for sale

In the first case, they will begin to create obstacles to the transition, with all their might keeping you at home. At the same time, there will be justifications for the failures, but they are either invented or rigged. In the second case, pension payments occur with huge delays. And they don’t happen at all. That is, the fund does not fulfill its obligations in full. This is a good reason for refusing deposits.

How to proceed

Can you trust this fund? Everyone must decide for himself. In any case, the organization has a high rating. This is a guarantee that they will not close it.

Nevertheless, many people are repelled by the news that NPF RGS is up for sale. Indeed it was. But a very long time ago, back in 2013. Therefore, now the fund has a specific owner. And to decide whether it is possible to entrust him with his pension or not, will have to independently.

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