
Craft is a waiter. Waiter Responsibilities

For a profession such as a waiter, there are many business instructions from the heads of cafes or restaurants where they work. The position of the waiter in each establishment includes its duties and rules. The following are the most common ones.

Respect for visitors

In fact, this item is the main one. After all, everything else can be learned or remembered, but if the waiter is not sociable and does not know how to communicate with customers, then this problem must certainly be eliminated. Before submitting a waiter’s resume, it’s worth considering whether it will always be polite?Waiter Resume

Employees of any institution who work in the hall and in one way or another contact with visitors should simply radiate cordiality and show any desire to help. Thanks to the waiters, an evening at the establishment can be unforgettable for the client, which contributes to a good tip and a return visit of satisfied visitors. From the moment visitors arrive and before the guests leave the establishment, the waiter must be very respectful and helpful, provide assistance in choosing dishes or places.

Good menu knowledge

Profession "waiter" involves knowledge of the menu. Moreover, not exemplary knowledge, but ideal. Each waiter is obliged to have an idea of ​​what each dish looks like, what ingredients are used in its preparation, what are the nuances of serving each dish (some of which must be brought to full readiness before visitors) and, of course, what is the time for preparing each dish.duties of a waiter

In addition, a good waiter is always versed in the wine list and drinks on the menu. To do this, you should ask the bartender for advice and find out what taste qualities one or another cocktail has and what ingredients are included in them.

If the restaurant has at its disposal a wide variety of wines and spirits, then the waiter's responsibility is to learn everything included in the wine list, as well as information on which dish it is best to serve with, etc.

Also, the waiter should be aware of which of the products, and accordingly the dishes from them, are currently missing in the kitchen.

Knowledge of visitor service rules

The main point in the waiter's resume is, of course, work experience. After all, it depends on whether a person knows how to properly handle guests. Quality service is the direct responsibility of the waiter.

A good waiter is always versed in table setting, in dishes and cutlery. He must ensure that the tables are always properly served and clean, and also know how to properly clean dirty dishes and crumbs, change the tablecloth.waiter in a cafe

The work of the waiter has its own instructions, which he must follow. They are carried out by all employees and for each institution, as a rule, are common. This includes knowledge of the order in which drinks or dishes are served, how to properly meet, count or accompany visitors, etc.

The waiter in the cafe should be a kind of superhero: always come to the rescue in any matter. But at the same time, in no case should one be obsessive. That is, he must be able to be in the right place at the right time. Similar skills are acquired with experience. It is important to understand that if guests receive the proper amount of attention, they will leave completely satisfied, not forgetting the tip, and, perhaps, will come more than once.

Neat appearance

Another important factor that is the responsibility of the waiter is his neatness, because the waiter is the face of any establishment.A good employee should always monitor the cleanliness of his uniform and shoes, which, incidentally, should be comfortable, wear a neat hairstyle. Also, when using perfumes and cosmetics, you must remember that everything should be in moderation.official waiter

A sloppy appearance or an unpleasant smell will obviously become an obstacle to good communication with visitors. Accordingly, dividends also depend on this, which are unlikely to leave a person about whom there is a bad opinion.

Respect for subordination

Such duties of the waiter also play a rather significant role. No matter what the difference in years between the boss and subordinate, the second is in any case obliged to comply with the orders of the first and correctly respond to possible comments. There is always the possibility of career growth, but until it is realized, you should still respect subordination.

Of course, there are situations when bosses are less experienced than workers, but nevertheless this is not a reason not to react to their comments. Maybe it’s completely complete and does not make sense, but at least it’s worth creating the appearance of the work done in order to avoid conflict.

Correct visitor calculation

And of course, the duty of the waiter is to correctly fill out the invoice. He must correctly indicate the number of dishes and drinks in the check, as well as be able to quickly summarize everything and submit an invoice immediately after the client's request. When the account is filled in manually, everything is written legibly, without errors or corrections. The amount payable should be visible quite clearly. Sometimes, before submitting an invoice, it must be certified by an administrator or cashier.

profession waiter

You should always be respectful, even if no one thanked for the service. It does not matter if the waiter received his dividends or not, he is obliged to politely conduct clients and thank them for visiting the institution, inviting him to visit him again. It is important to realize that the waiter’s earnings directly depend on the visitors of the restaurant. If there are no customers, then the work in the restaurant will be lost. In any case, at any job it is important first of all to remain a person, to be decent and responsive, maintaining good relations with colleagues.

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