
Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations: content, features

These rules are mandatory for the personnel who service the electrical installations, turning them on / off, organizing repairs, troubleshooting and testing (commissioning) events.

What is the risk of non-compliance with these rules

Deviation from the rules during operation of existing electrical installations is punishable by the management of the enterprise where the employee is working. If the employee is not able to ensure strict compliance with the rules, he should immediately seek help from his immediate supervisor. If the boss is absent, any employee should provide assistance to the employee. Information on any malfunctions of electrical installations must be reported to the management as soon as possible, since improperly functioning equipment is dangerous to people and can cause harm to them.

Measures and remedies

In some specific cases, the management of the enterprise where the employee operating the electrical installation works, must take a number of actions to increase the degree of safety in working with electrical installations. All events planned to be held must comply with certain standards.safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations

All protective equipment that is used in accordance with established rules must comply with regulatory requirements. Mechanisms and machines, tools and each device must be pre-tested and checked for malfunctions and shortcomings before commissioning. In an emergency, when the worker suffered from electric current, the voltage from the installation must be removed immediately without prior coordination with the management.

If the management received an order to carry out a task that contradicts at least one paragraph of the established rules, the order should not be executed.

Basic rules for the operation of existing electrical installations. Learn more about online service.

Maintenance of the electrical installation can and should be carried out by specialized repair qualified personnel, whose duties include the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment. Certain rights are granted to persons who service electrical installations during their operation, inspection, preparation for work, admission of crews to the labor process.safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers

The type of service required and the amount of personnel needed for this is determined by the person who is responsible for the electrical facilities in the enterprise. Typically, such an employee is appointed after prior coordination with the organization’s management and is prescribed in local instructions.

Appointment of personnel responsible for the operation of electrical equipment

Operational maintenance should be allowed only to employees with special knowledge, familiarized with job and operational instructions, equipment features. These are persons certified by a special high commission who have confirmed their knowledge by passing an examination for professional suitability. For its passage, employees must study tickets well. Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations require maximum knowledge in this area. Otherwise, the person will not be allowed to work.rules and safety measures for the operation of electrical installations

According to the new safety rules for the operation of electrical installations (RK), a person appointed to service this or that type of equipment should have an electrical safety group of at least level 4 in installations with a voltage of more than 1000 V and level 3 in installations with a voltage of up to a thousand volts. All personnel assigned to operate electrical installations are required to work exclusively in accordance with a schedule approved by management. Replacement of one person by another is allowed only in cases of agreement with the direct or superior boss.

When starting a shift, the person responsible for operating the existing electrical installation must accept the shift from the previous duty officer, who, accordingly, is obliged to hand over it in accordance with the schedule signed by the management. Before the end of the shift, leaving the post is prohibited. This can be done only in cases of agreement with the authorities.

Precautions to take before accepting a shift

Before accepting the shift, the duty officer, taking into account the safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations, must:

  • inspect the equipment and make sure that it is in good working order (in accordance with the instructions);
  • get acquainted with information about the device to be repaired or in reserve;
  • having previously checked and accepted materials, tools, keys from cabinets, personal protective equipment and instruction documentation;
  • read all the entries made by the previous changer;
  • write down in the journal in accordance with the job description the information on the acceptance of the shift from the previous duty officer, assure the record with personal signatures of the person who gives and receives the shift;
  • inform the management of the fact of joining the duty and problems discovered during the adoption of the shift.

Cases in which a change cannot be accepted

There are a number of cases where a shift cannot be handed over / accepted. The first situation is that an accident occurred, and at the time the shift was delivered, the elimination of its consequences was not yet over. In the context of the implementation of mitigation emergency change delivery / acceptance is prohibited. If the emergency response process took a long time, then the change is accepted / accepted as agreed with the enterprise management. In each organization, this process occurs in its own way.safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The next case in which the change cannot be accepted is when the previous worker left the workplace in a mess and the equipment is dirty. If it is also faulty, then the duty officer can take it from the shift only with the permission of the person appointed specifically responsible for this electrical installation, or the manager - both direct and standing above him. In the event of acceptance of faulty equipment, the receiver must record information about the malfunction in a special journal, the maintenance of which is presupposed by the rules and safety precautions during the operation of electrical installations.

About duties and subordination

During the shift, the duty officer is responsible for the absence of emergency situations, he is also responsible for ensuring that the operation of the electrical installation is carried out in accordance with the instructions for use. The employee who is acting on the shift must meet the requirements of the inspectors of Energonadzor and the dispatcher of the company for energy systems, as well as the administration of the entire workshop where the electrical installations are located.

Emergency situations

In the event of an accident that contributed to the shutdown of the first or a number of electric transmission lines supplying the organization (enterprise), it is entrusted to the higher management to inform the senior management of the change of operational maintenance personnel about it.Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations of consumers provide for a certain pattern of personnel behavior in the event of an emergency.tkp safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations

If an emergency has occurred, then the operational duty personnel should immediately inform the management about the incident and restore the consequences to restore normal operation. If the duty staff makes any erroneous actions, the management should intervene in the process and take command until the moment the emergency response is completed. So, the safety regulations for the operation of consumers' electrical installations examine in detail cases of emergency situations.

Electrical Inspection Procedure

The duty staff at the time of making the shift must necessarily carefully examine the equipment and materials. Persons in managerial positions have the right to inspect electrical appliances for malfunctions only if they are allowed to do this work. Their actions must be approved by a special order of the top management of the enterprise, and the safety rules for the operation of electrical installations whose status is active, relevant and endorsed.

Inspection rules for switchboards, switchgear (switchgear) and assemblies with voltages up to a thousand volts prohibit the removal of warning posters and fences. It is also strictly forbidden to touch parts of installations capable of conducting current when the equipment is energized.new safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations

In cases of inspection of electrical installations with a voltage of more than a thousand volts, it is forbidden to penetrate beyond special fences, to perform any actions or work. The RU camera should be inspected while on the threshold or in front of a specific barrier. Inspection, including the entrance to the fence, may be subjected to the camera ZRU (closed switchgear). In this case, an employee with a security group of at least level 4 should carry out an inspection.

Cases when the company lacks personnel responsible for the maintenance of electrical installations

In the absence of special personnel, professional inspection, maintenance and repair of equipment is carried out by a qualified centrally visiting team or alone by a person whose responsibilities include supervision and all kinds of work to maintain electrical facilities. The results of the inspection and diagnostics are recorded in a special journal (TCH). Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations provide for its mandatory availability.safety rules for the operation of electrical installations status

Provided that the employee has not previously serviced a particular electrical installation, he is allowed to access it only after agreement with the management of the enterprise (responsible for the electrical facilities of the entire enterprise, a single workshop or section).

Safety precautions

During the operation of the existing electrical installation, all doors and panels in it must be locked. Moreover, for each of the existing locking mechanisms (doors, panels), there must be at least 2 sets of keys. One of them is the main one, and the second one is the spare one kept by the management.

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