
Flood Guidelines. What to do in case of a flood?

If there is a threat of flooding of the area where you live or are located, then it is important to know all the rules for flood behavior. In some cases, it can even help save lives.


Flood Guidelines

Currently, experts can predict the onset of most emergency situations, including floods. The main ways to deal with them are the construction of reservoirs and dams, carrying out dredging or shore-digging, and diverting water to other riverbeds.

For areas that are in a possible flood zone, there are certain rules. For example, the construction of houses in such settlements should be carried out on solid and high foundations. The people living in them should always be stored in a safe and easily accessible place valuable items, documents, money. They should also have a stock of basic non-perishable products.

There are certain rules for dealing with flood threats. First of all, people should know how and in which areas the evacuation is carried out. Information about the routes along which it will be conducted is also important. If such a threat arises, it is not recommended to procrastinate. Both people and, if possible, pets should be evacuated.

The main nuances

What to do in case of a floodThe main place in the event of a flood threat is given to the evacuation process. The population should be notified by radio transmitters and local television. Informing is also carried out through the administration of enterprises, educational institutions, house administrations and housing offices. At the same time, it is not only the rules of safe flood behavior that tell. The population is informed about the places of collection of evacuation points, the time of their work and the routes. Other information is also provided regarding the magnitude of the expected disaster, its duration and the projected situation.

If there is enough time, the evacuation is carried out together with the property. For this, each family is allocated automobile or horse-drawn vehicles.

Notification Actions

As soon as you hear that your settlement is in danger of flooding and is being evacuated, you need to prepare for salvation as soon as possible. If you follow all the rules of conduct during a flood, you must leave the house with documents, valuables, things necessary for the first time, and a two-day supply of non-perishable food. They must be sent to the evacuation point, where all people are registered.

Flood Safety Guidelines

Before leaving the house, you must turn off all gas and electrical appliances. In the ovens you need to extinguish the fire. All floating objects located outside buildings should be fixed or moved to utility rooms. If you have time, it is better to transfer household utensils to the attic or upper floors. All windows and doors must be closed.

Flood behavior

There are situations when the evacuation of the population is impossible. This can happen during flash floods. In these cases, the danger is warned in all possible ways, including using mobile loud-speaking installations.

In such cases, it’s important not to panic, but to remember what to do in a flood. If the rise of water is already visible on the street, then leaving the house makes no sense. It is necessary to rise as high as possible: residents of lower floors - to the upper, and residents of private houses - to the attics.

If the flood caught you in the workplace, it is important to listen to all the orders of the administration and to observe order.If possible, go to any available hills. In open areas, you can climb trees or use floating objects to save, for example, cameras from the wheels of cars or agricultural machinery.

Rescue Work

Flood Action Plan

All services begin searching for potential victims immediately. This is part of the mandatory flood action plan. For this, all available swimming facilities are involved.

When conducting such operations, it is important to carefully listen to the rescuers and comply with all their requirements. For example, it is strictly forbidden to overfill swimming equipment. All boats, boats, rafts must be filled in accordance with the regulations, otherwise it threatens the safety of all people on them, including the rescuers themselves.

State of emergency

It is important to know what rules of conduct for floods have been established if you were unable to escape and you fell into the water. In such a situation, it is necessary to take off all heavy clothing, get rid of shoes. You need to try to find any floating object nearby and hold on to it until rescuers find you. If possible, you must climb the hills, trees and be there before helping you. Trying to swim on your own in a flood is quite dangerous.

If you see a drowning person, then you need to attract his attention. Throw him any available swimmer, it can be a wheel chamber or even a foam sheet. When trying to get to the victim, be sure to consider the direction of movement of the water stream. In those cases when the sinking is in an inadequate state, it is better to swim to it from behind and tow to the shore, grabbing by the hair.

Post-disaster response

Flood hazard guidelines

It is important to know not only what to do in a flood. It is also necessary to clearly understand how to behave when returning to a flooded area. Before entering the house, you need to carefully examine it and make sure that nothing is threatening you inside: the walls are whole, and all objects are secure and should not fall. It is also important to ventilate the room. Until it is filled with fresh air, you can not turn on electricity, light a fire. In addition, it is necessary to check the integrity of the gas supply system, water supply, sewage and electrical wiring. It is better to entrust it to specialists.

To dry the room, you need to open all doors and windows, pump out water from the basements, remove dirt that has stuck on the walls and floor. Products in contact with water must be disposed of.

Knowing the basic rules of behavior during a flood and after its completion, you can evacuate in time. If this is not possible, then meeting the requirements of the emergency services will help save your life.

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