
ATV rental - business plan: necessary documents and a list of necessary equipment

ATV rental business planThe ATV rental business is currently a very promising business. It can be organized not only in large, but also in medium-sized cities.

In the event that you decide to rent ATVs, the business plan should include the calculation of the amount of necessary investment. In addition, the document should work out the process of organizing the provision of services. This will avoid the typical mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. With a correctly drawn up business plan, this project will begin to pay off after one year of operation.

Main steps

How to organize an ATV rental? Each novice businessman has to go through several stages before he engages in a conceived business. First of all, a business idea should appear. The following steps for organizing an ATV rental include:

- registration;

- purchase of necessary equipment;

- rental of premises, roads, etc .;

- study of legal aspects;

- competent staff selection;

- Choosing the right marketing strategy.

After the emergence of a business idea, do not waste time. The issues of all subsequent steps should be addressed immediately. This need arises in connection with the seasonality of the business. In addition, unresolved issues will cause downtime, which will cause the loss of probable income.

Business idea

Any business should begin with market research. You should have an idea of ​​your competitors who are already renting ATVs. The business plan you have drawn up will reflect how everything will function.

This important document should contain a complete description of the rental process. In this case, all details must be taken into account - from the location to working with customers. These points described in the business plan will become fundamental in the future.

check in

A novice entrepreneur will need to make a decision on the legal form of his event. The need for this arises due to the fact that a quad bike business must be registered with the tax authority.

In this case, a choice of one of two options is provided. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or organize a limited liability company. Why is this stage important? First of all, any legal activity is taxed. In addition, a rental contract must be concluded with the client, and the hired personnel that you invite to your work will need to pay wages.

With a small fleet of ATVs, the organization of IP will be the best option. Well, if your business takes on a serious scale, it is best to open an LLC. IP will be registered within a week. For an LLC, this period can stretch to several months.

Equipment purchase

So, you organize the rental of ATVs. A business plan, previously developed before the start of the case, should contain the answer to three questions that arise for a novice entrepreneur. First, you need to decide how many cars will be needed. It is important to decide which ATVs to buy, how best to do it.

Your fleet must have at least two pieces of equipment. One of them is transmitted to the client, and the second to the accompanying instructor. For a small business, it is optimal to buy three ATVs and one car for an instructor. A larger park can be organized with an increase in financial investments.In this case, ATV rental will become more widespread.

The business plan of the new event should include a question about specific types of equipment. New cars will have warranty service. In addition, if you buy ATVs in bulk, then the manufacturer will certainly provide additional benefits. At the same time, small discounts are possible. All conditions of the transaction will depend on the manufacturer.

ATVs can be purchased and used. In this case, problems with capital and current repairs of equipment are likely. With limited finances, vehicles can be rented. The disadvantage of this option will be a high fee for the use of equipment, which will significantly reduce the amount of income.

When organizing a quad bike rental business, you should pay attention to one significant point. Machines that have an engine displacement of less than fifty cubic centimeters do not need to be registered and passing inspection. This is enshrined in applicable law. However, such a power is not enough for a fast ride. Registration is subject to cars with an engine capacity of more than fifty cubic centimeters, as well as those that will be used on public roads.

Garage rental

The acquired equipment must be stored somewhere. Garage rental will help to solve the problem. It is advisable that he be close to the track. In this case, the cost of transporting equipment to the place of rental will be reduced. If it is possible to cheaper rent a garage located far from the highway, an economic calculation of the feasibility of such an option should be made.

Track selection

In resolving this issue, options should be considered. An artificial highway can only be built by someone who has a solid capital, because this is a very costly issue. It's easier to rent the right territory within the city or beyond. When determining a location, it is important to consider the following:

- whether it will be convenient for your customers to get to it;

- whether the terrain is interesting;

- Is it possible to create new tracks in this territory.

A quad bike can also be rented on the beach. This is one of the options for organizing a business.

Purchase of protective equipment

In addition to purchasing cars, you will need to seriously take care of the safety of your customers. You should not save on this issue. This will be much cheaper than paying for claims and expenses in case of loss of reputation.

ATV rental

Additional equipment will serve as protection for the chest, head and arms. It is advisable to purchase helmets of high comfort. For three ATVs, the purchase of such equipment will be approximately sixty thousand rubles.

Legal Aspects

Before starting work on the provision of rental services, a contract with the client must be drawn up. When resolving this issue, it is best to seek help from a lawyer. There are many reasons for drawing up a contract. This is a possible breakdown of equipment, and the risk of injuries, and the absence of certain documents from the client.

The contract should list all possible options for damage to equipment that the client must pay. Also, this document may prescribe the amount of the deposit, which is paid before the services are provided. The second important reason for drawing up an official document is the presence of client rights.

Staff recruitment

The main feature of the ATV rental business is its seasonality. In this regard, the staff recruited for work should be prepared for the absence of days off. The staff must take a mechanic and instructor, as well as a manager.

If the business will expand, then in addition to the state you will need to include a cashier. You will need staff to service the tracks. In the future, the chef who cooks a good dinner for the clients will not hurt.When expanding the business, it is necessary to hire an accountant and a person who will be engaged in advertising ATV rental.

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