
Psychology. How to get out of your comfort zone?

Every day, billions of people disappear because they could not find a way out of their comfort zone. It drags a person like a quagmire, not giving the opportunity to fulfill her dreams or at least somehow develop. The circle closes at the stage of satisfying basic needs: in food, shelter, clothing.

The first obstacle to the formation of personality is a way out of the zone of comfortable life.

Comfort zone. What is she like?

The concept of a comfort zone is often mentioned in psychology. This is the name of the human condition when there is no desire to engage in any useful activity. It is achieved by satisfying basic needs and secured through habit.

So people begin to live as they used to, afraid to take a step away from the routine rhythm of life. If they still have a desire to change something, then they are faced with extreme stress and discomfort.

get out of your comfort zone

A comfort zone is self-deception when a person is satisfied with life, satisfying his needs for food and shelter, but at the same time carefully avoids self-realization outside of these needs. It drags on for a long time: as a result, a person runs away from himself, from his goals and desires, from his recognition into the familiar comfort zone.

Why leave the comfort zone?

Why don't I stay in my comfort zone? What is my motivation? Do I need this if I am doing well? The answer is simple: you should leave your comfort zone in order to change the quality of your life. Life itself will not sparkle with new colors, it will not stop being dull and boring. She needs an effort on your part.

One of the most common causes of despondency and dissatisfaction with one’s life in people is just the horror of leaving a zone of comfortable existence. What are the advantages when leaving it? A chance to find yourself in this world. How can you realize your calling if you are constantly in the same habitual swamp of routine and boredom?

Everyone has at least once come to a state where they want to find something new in their life, but it’s scary to fulfill their desire, their dream. You cannot search for yourself without leaving your familiar comfort zone. So all goals and undertakings die. However, it is also wise to leave the comfort zone. Do not rush at every new desire as an embrasure. Weigh the pros and cons. It is possible that your brake is not fear, but a sense of self-preservation, realism and common sense.

Brian Tracy get out of your comfort zone

In most cases, the comfort zone is the fruit of your self-deception. You think that there simply cannot be a better alternative to the situation in the present, that too much effort and hope has been expended to build what you now have, that it is too late to change your life for the better. You decide to stay at one, albeit convenient, place, and with your own hands nullify all the possible prospects of your life. So the comfort zone becomes the end point of your life path. Do you need it?

Before leaving the comfort zone, first go into it!

How to get out of your comfort zone? Psychology has answered this question many times. But how often did she remind you that in order to leave the comfort zone, you must first get there?

What does “comfort zone” mean? This is a place where you feel warm, comfortable, joyful, tasty, satisfying, safe, where you are loved and taken care of. And where you care.

Many people simply do not have such a place. In the best case, there is a zone to "get through and lie down." This, of course, is more than nothing, but you cannot call a zone of comfort either. Like alcohol in the cold. In general, it helps, but very briefly.

If you are lucky to find yourself in a comfort zone - relax and stay in it. Who knows when you are lucky enough to return there. Relax with your soul, and only then leave.

This feeling cannot be confused with anything. You have enough strength for all the planned things, you have time for everything, and, perhaps, you are ready to learn something else interesting. There is a willingness to wake up early and run off to the pool, think about a work project that has been on the plan for almost a year now.

The most important thing is that the impulse to act occurs earlier than the thought of it. First you start to work - and only then do you think. No, not always with joyful readiness, but in some cases, this painful joy of overcoming oneself pushes to exploits. And you understand that I did something new not from my last strength, but because it was interesting.

how to get out of your comfort zone

Just say - get out of your comfort zone. The reviews of those who once dared to do this indicate that it is not so easy as it might seem. Not many people have the power to change something in an already established routine. However, this is not always wrong. People who appeal with the slogan “Get out of your comfort zone!” Change your life! ”Usually do not mean any interest. If you translate this into everyday language, you get something from the category "I feel somehow bad now, but if I start to torment myself even harder, then maybe I will feel better."

Doubtful statement, right? Therefore, before trying to get out of your comfort zone, first get into it at least for a couple of weeks: relax, gain strength for new beginnings.

How to get out of your comfort zone? 10 tips for those who want to live interesting

In his book, “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone,” Brian Tracy gives a funny analogy: he compares doing things that are necessary for success with eating frogs. That is, every business (especially if it is unpleasant) is a frog that must be eaten in order to achieve success. Out of the comfort zone for many has become a similar thing. Here is the author’s advice: just eat the frog.

Change your routine

Well, if you learned to follow the schedule and can live on a schedule. This helps to focus all on what you are doing at any given time. In his book, “Beyond the Comfort Zone,” Brian Tracy called the ability to focus on a specific task the main key to success.

However, sometimes you should choose a day to change your usual routine in order to try something new and interesting. This is one of the easiest ways to leave your personal comfort zone, which does not require much effort on your part.

get out of your comfort zone change your life

New acquaintances

Making new friends is one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. It can be anyone: a person whom you have never met before, your colleague whom you constantly encountered in the corridor, but you were always afraid to speak or any other random person.

Find a hobby club

B. Tracy’s book, “Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone,” describes a lot of interesting tips. One of them is to join a club, sign up for a section that interests you. All this can be found by looking at newspaper ads or forum posts in your city. Choose what you like and feel free to step in! The most important thing in this business is a regular visit to a club or section.

Alternatively, start learning a foreign language.

Unplanned trip

In the book “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone,” Brian Tracy also advises occasionally making unplanned trips. A couple of free days will be enough for this. Pack your luggage, decide on your destination and do not plan anything else. When you embark on this little trip, think about where you will stop and what you will do. You will not only be able to get out of your comfort zone, but also get a lot of pleasant experiences and, possibly, new friends.

tracy get out of your comfort zone

New responsibilities at work

Take charge of a new project in your business or work. Decide that you will not just work on it, but will work by investing maximum effort to do it well. Do not just make any changes to the work, but do it consciously and in order to succeed. So you can not only get out of your comfort zone, but also achieve an increase that will have a good effect on your career.

Exercise is the key to health and a happy life

If you are not already engaged in physical education - it's time to start. If you do, increase the load. Physical activity is one of the main components of health and well-being, and if you add an extra dozen squats to your exercise course, you will have another reason to be proud of yourself.

If you are not yet engaged in your body - it's time to start. There is no need to break all sports records, your task is to move to a new level. Sign up for a fitness center, or start going to the pool regularly. This will help you get out of your comfort zone, make new acquaintances and gain confidence.

get out of the comfort zone of brian

Improve your culinary skills

How to get out of your comfort zone? Open your cookbook, which may have been gathering dust on a shelf for several years now and find dishes that you have never tasted before. Get all the necessary products and cook some of them. If everything works out well, then you will discover a new recipe for yourself, otherwise expand your horizons.

Goals That Need Change

Going out of your comfort zone will help a goal that requires big changes. It should require you to change the situation or significant changes in yourself. In the book “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone,” Brian Tracy mentioned that only three percent of adults know how to correctly formulate their goals in writing.

Do not just think about what you could do and how to achieve it. Not. Set yourself a specific time frame in which you will achieve your goal.

New knowledge is the basis of a broad outlook

Learn something that you would never know in everyday life. Choose a subject that interests you, and begin to study it. Look for information, read articles, look through the encyclopedia. This will not only expand your horizons, but also become a brain training. If you always do only what we like, then knowledge, one way or another, will be limited. After some time, you will catch yourself thinking that you even like to do what you have never done before.

get out of your personal comfort zone

In Brian Tracy’s book, “Get Out of the Comfort Zone,” one of the most important components of learning new things is time management or the art of time management. For greater productivity, distribute the items you are interested in for the next month: select one week for each. Let it be 20 minutes of reading an interesting article per day, but you will move in the chosen direction.

Take your hobby to the next level

Choose one of your many hobbies and look at it in a new way. If you run your blog on the Internet, upgrade it. Are you growing flowers? Add a competitive element - make them more beautiful than your neighbors.

In each field of activity, set for yourself a problem that needs to be solved. Get out of your comfort zone - change your life! Change your daily routine, make major repairs in the apartment, learn a lot about the most ordinary and most unusual things, get in shape. In the end, get a good shake that will benefit you.

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