
Rating of countries by living standards: list, description and size. Rating of countries with a high standard of living

The financial and economic potential of any state determines the standard of living of the population living on its territory. At the same time, indicators of quality of life are made up of several fundamental aspects, including demographic criteria, income level and living conditions (climatic, social, housing, etc.).

You can get a rating of the countries of the world in terms of living by comparing the indicators of several of them. The following are the ten most successful states with a highly developed socio-economic system and a suitable microclimate for visitors.

Convenient Finland

The fabulous winter Finland closes the selected ten world leaders. Last year, the state’s gross domestic product per capita amounted to almost 39 thousand dollars. In addition, this country is not only a truly picturesque corner of the globe. It was possible to get into our rating of countries according to the living standards of Finland due to the achieved high financial and economic level. CIS living standards ratingThe main components of the state’s profits include the export of metallurgical products, marine vessels, household appliances, electronic computing equipment, grocery and textile goods.

However, among the first countries, Finland is the owner of the highest unemployment rate, which in percentage terms is about 8%.

Due to the clean climate and the predominance of forests, the average life expectancy here is quite high and is over 80 years, and the population is relatively small. In Finland, 5.5 million people live.

Smart Hi-Tech Japan

The next power, included in the ranking of countries in terms of living standards and occupying the ninth mark there, experts call Japan. This country is not in vain has such high rates. Being successful and wealthy, Japan has an exemplary economic system that can be divided into several profitable segments. These are the following industries:

  • world-famous engineering;
  • innovative digital technologies;
  • production equipment;
  • construction of ships and aircraft.

In general, we can safely say that Japan is one of the most successful countries. The population living within the state is provided with work, and unemployment rate makes up about 3%.

ranking of countries of the world in terms of living

A decent level of GDP per Japanese in 37 thousand dollars is brought out by the state with the highest life expectancy (83 years) on a par with other prosperous countries, despite the fact that the population of Japan exceeds 120 million.

Happy netherlands

The Netherlands is not only included in the ranking of European countries in terms of living, holding high places over the past decades. Among the world powers, developed Holland is also not on the last line.

High per capita GDP (about 41 thousand dollars) is the main factor contributing to the Netherlands gaining a better world position. Just over 17 million people living here are happy with their lives, as inflation is low and unemployment is virtually nonexistent.

The Dutch economy consists of agriculture, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the oil refining industry, the automotive industry, etc. Excellent living conditions contribute to its average duration of 80 years.

Cold iceland

Iceland - Iceland is the next power, which takes its honorable seventh place, entering the named rating of countries in terms of living standards. The UN recognized this state as the best, giving it first place according to criteria ideally suited for people's lives.

The main fishery in Iceland, which generates most of the revenue, is fishing and seafood processing. Also, due to the production of electricity, a worthy gross product of almost 60 thousand dollars a year has been calculated for each resident of Iceland.

ranking of countries by living standards

Slightly inferior to Japan in average length of stay, Icelanders have the highest rates - 82.5 years.

Strong america

A confident middle position is held by the United States of America. The most powerful nuclear state is often called a superpower. Countless natural resources and strategic energy reserves provide huge and modern America with the first place in terms of exported products, including automobiles, black gold and steel.

For several decades, the United States has been included in the ranking of countries in terms of living standards, occupying rather high lines there. More than 300 million people have a high income, which in terms of GDP is about 53 thousand dollars per person. In addition, despite the huge external debt of the United States, the country's unemployment rate is extremely small, barely reaching 6%.

Green Australia

The continent of dreams - so often speak of Australia. This country is not accidentally included in the ranking of countries with a high standard of living. A well-established economic situation is a model for many developing countries. The main areas of life in Australia are considered health and education.

ranking of countries by standard of living

Deposits of valuable minerals (gold, zinc, iron ore, uranium, etc.) make it possible to carry out constant raw material exports, which affects the quality of life of all segments of the population living on its territory.

The level of GDP, as the main indicator of the residents' well-being, is about 68 thousand dollars a year per person. The population is over 21 million, and on average people live here up to 82 years. By the way, in Australia, the most suitable conditions for doing business just arrived migrants.

Tiny belgium

A small in size, but with a lot of advantages, the royal state, located in Western Europe, continues to rank countries in terms of living standards. It is about one of the most densely populated countries of the named part of the world - Belgium.

Occupying a leading place in the export of diamonds, textiles and metallurgical products, the country has high economic indicators. At the same time, the Belgian territory is relatively small, but more than 11 million people live on it. Hence the geographical density of the people living here.

The per capita GDP in the Kingdom is in the range of 35 thousand dollars.

rating of european countries in terms of living

As a rule, local residents here note the possibility of high earnings, modern housing amenities and comfortable infrastructure. Belgians have virtually no unemployment.

The average life expectancy is 78-79 years.

Affordable Canada

Located adjacent to the United States, the state of Canada has excellent living conditions. One of the indicators of the highest quality of life in it is the availability of housing, so more than two-thirds of Canadians have houses in their private ownership.

Sustainable economy and stable financing of various industries (mining, automotive, metallurgical) demonstrate indicators of a confident state. For example, the level of GDP here is about 38 thousand dollars.

The population living in Canada totals 35 million people. On average, Canadians live up to 78 years.

An important role for the country's material well-being is played by tourism and agriculture - Canada is one of the main suppliers of natural products in the world.

Rich switzerland

Switzerland is a power located in the western part of Europe. In the story about her, the first thing that comes to mind is local banking institutions. The most influential people living in all parts of the globe keep their savings in them.

ranking of countries with a high standard of living

In an economically stable state, the chemical industry and the tourism business are at their peak.

A feature of the country is the high level of education of its population: 9 out of 10 people have higher education.

The country's population is relatively low - it does not reach 8 million people, each of which accounts for about 46 thousand dollars annually. Despite the fact that the number of non-working citizens here does not exceed 2%. Swiss residents usually live up to 82 years.

Dear norway

So, Norway, destined for her first place, opens the ranking of countries in terms of living.

ranking of countries according to the UN standard of living

Located in Scandinavia, the state skillfully provides the needs of its population, the number of which does not exceed 5 million. Norway owes its economic development and confidence to the oil and gas industry and fishing. Volumes from the export of these goods create favorable conditions for the quality of life of citizens. For example, GDP is here 57 thousand dollars.

Unfortunately, considering the high world rating of living standards, the CIS countries cannot yet be met there. Most of the post-Soviet states are in our time at a transitional stage of their financial and economic development.

However, among the countries that signed the Commonwealth agreement, undoubtedly, the first place can be confidently given to Russia. The huge annual volumes of exported goods of almost all kinds of industries, the potential of natural resources and the desire of the country's leadership and population to bring it to a new economic level are the main engines on Russia's path to improving the quality of life.

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