
The most cruel prison in the world. The most terrible prisons in the world

Every year in the world there are more and more people serving sentences. There are countries in which prisons are better equipped than student dormitories. Each chamber has a TV, a comfortable bed, a desk. You can compose real legends about excellent five-time nutrition. However, not many prisoners were so lucky. So, here are the 25 most violent prisons in the world over the past three centuries.

the most cruel prison in the world

Attica Correctional Facility (New York)

Our list is opened by the most terrible prisons in the world, and they are located in the USA. The institution mentioned above was opened in 1930 and from the very first days it became the place of detention of the most terrible criminals. The riot that took place in September 1971 brought world fame to this prison. More than two thousand prisoners were able to escape from their cells and take 33 hostages of the ill-fated institution hostage. The main requirement was to improve the conditions of prisoners. Negotiations with the invaders lasted four days, eventually killing 39 people, including nine prison staff.

Camp 1391 (Northern Israel)

This institution is one of the most classified places of detention for convicts in the world. Its existence became known only in 2003. The camp contains modern war criminals, however, due to the secrecy of materials about this institution, little is known.

25 most cruel prisons in the world

Stanley Prison (Hong Kong)

Another most cruel prison in the world is in Hong Kong. Its history dates back to 1937, and the institution became famous as the most popular place for the execution of the death sentence. In 1990, the prison ceased to exist. In the 20 years after World War II alone, about 122 prisoners were hanged there. This is not all: during the Japanese occupation, about 600 prisoners were killed here. This is just an incredible figure.

Montelupih Prison (Poland)

The most terrible prisons in the world belonged to the Nazis. During World War II, it contained political prisoners who disagreed with the regime, victims of street raids, deserters, as well as spies from various countries, including the Soviet Union. According to various historical estimates, about 50 thousand people visited this institution during the war years. Terrible medieval torture was widely used in it.

Vladimir Central (Russia)

And, of course, our list could not do without this institution. This is the worst prison in Russia. It was built back in 1783. The institution gained its fame in the twentieth century, when it became a place of detention for political prisoners. Today this prison is known all over the world. But not everyone knows what horrors lurk behind its walls. The crowded institution is famous not only for a huge number of diseases, but also for the terrible attitude of prisoners on the part of staff. There were times when convicts died due to beatings. Most likely, in Russia there is not a single adult who has never heard the song of the same name by the famous author and performer - Mikhail Krug.

the worst prison in Russia

Kamiti maximum security prison (Nairobi, Kenya)

This institution also falls under the category of "the most cruel prison in the world." It is located on 485 hectares. It gained great fame due to the terrible attitude towards prisoners, as well as due to the very poor conditions of detention. In prison, you will not see either televisions or bathrooms in each cell. Hunger, an ulcer and cholera reign here.

Butyrka (Moscow, Russia)

Another scariest Russian prison is located in Moscow. This largest transit prisoner is known worldwide for its cruelty.In total, from 1935 to 1938, there were more than 20,000 criminals in it, many of them were soon shot. The number of prisoners in one cell exceeded the norm by 10 times. The administration of the institution was famous for its incorruptible cruelty. Is it worth talking about the number of patients with AIDS and tuberculosis?

Nairobi Prison (Kenya)

Initially, the prison was planned to accommodate 800 prisoners, but by 2003 this number had increased to almost three thousand. That is why this institution is considered the most crowded place of detention of prisoners in the world. Because of this, problems with hygiene and sanitation have arisen. The stench that enveloped the entire prison institution will make even the most daring visitors shudder. Fans of clean and fresh air should stay away from this terrible place.

The scariest prisons in the world

Black Beach Prison (Malabo, Equatorial Guinea)

The prison, which became famous due to the brutal cruelty of the guards, as well as hunger and overcrowding in cells. Death within the walls of this terrible institution from chronic illnesses or endless beatings is a common thing. And about the virtuoso torture of the guards there are real legends.

"Vologda Penny" (Lake New, Russia)

Another most cruel prison in the world, located in Russia. This is a kind of Russian version of the world-famous Alcatraz. The institution is isolated from the outside world by a lake, and criminals who have committed violent crimes are serving their term there. Despite the fact that convicts are not subjected to constant beatings and bullying by the guards, it is very difficult for them to maintain self-esteem without a toilet and a washstand surrounded by water and snow.

This institution closes the list of 10 most terrible prisons in the world. However, even more terrible and at the same time intriguing places of imprisonment follow. Prisons will be presented in which thousands of death sentences were executed in just a few days.

10 most terrible prisons in the world

San Quentin Prison (California)

The prison was opened in the middle of the XIX century, it contained prisoners of both sexes. At the moment, it contains only men who were sentenced to death. In the early twentieth century, the penitentiary was famous for corruption, as well as interracial unrest. Annually due to terrible beatings, many prisoners died, including those who ended up in this vile place by mistake of the court. However, the prison administration simply turned a blind eye to this.

San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima, Peru)

As expected, the most terrible prisons on the planet were planned to house several thousand prisoners. For example, San Juan de Lurigancho was designed for 2500 convicts. Today, more than 7,000 prisoners eke out their existence in it. The administration does not care about their “wards,” so you can get everything there: from a wide variety of gadgets to drugs, and sometimes weapons. Constant fighting is a common thing for prisoners. And from the lack of attention of women, they also do not suffer much. Girls of easy virtue are escorted into the walls of this terrible institution, supposedly for physical examination. For a long time no one is surprised at the free walks of convicts around the prison buildings.

Diyarbakir (Turkey)

Diyarbakir is one of the most picturesque and colorful cities in Turkey. It is rightly considered the main place for growing watermelons. However, all this did not prevent the establishment of one institution in the vicinity of the city, which is included in the list under the name "The most cruel prisons of the planet."

From global statistics on human rights violations in prisons, we can conclude that this terrible locally leads among all other prisons on the planet. The institution is famous for cases of both physical and psychological abuse of prisoners. Sexual abuse, suicide, self-immolation are frequent. Do not be surprised if in this prison the child will serve his life imprisonment...

The most cruel prisons on the planet

"Gldani" (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Georgia is a country with a low crime rate. However, there are still prisons. A striking example is Gldani. About four thousand people are serving their sentences here. The institution has been mistreated with convicts; there are a lot of tuberculosis patients in it, and all because of frequent outbreaks of epidemics. However, there are peculiar advantages: thanks to the strictest discipline, thieves' laws do not apply here.

Rikers Island Prison (New York)

Another most cruel prison in the world, which is located in America. She gained her celebrity after in 2007, an eighteen-year-old convict was brutally beaten by his cellmates. The most noteworthy is that the guards at that time were nearby and enjoyed watching this process. After that, a total audit of the institution was carried out, as a result of which it became clear that this incident far from the only one. Cases of suicide of psychiatric patients due to abuse were recorded.

Le Sante (Paris)

One of the most cruel prisons in the world is in the city of love and beauty - Paris. And the name of the institution is translated from French as “health”. However, it is not true. Convicts eke out a miserable existence in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions. Crowded chambers are teeming with lice and rats. This place can even make a morally strong person break and despair. In just two years, from 2002 to 2003, 195 prisoners committed suicide in prison. This is too big a figure for a European public prison.

Alcatraz (California, San Francisco)

Almost everyone knows where the world's most cruel prison is located, thanks to a huge number of foreign films. During the construction of the Alcatraz, the aim was to make it impossible to escape from it. Convicts were subjected to very harsh treatment by staff. This institution was called the "devil's island" or "rock". The prison is not working at the moment. However, very often her image pops up in various films and series.

the most famous prisons in the world

Guitarama Central Prison (Rwanda)

Many inveterate criminals said the worst prisons in the world are nothing compared to this institution. It is not surprising, because the prisoners were serving their sentences in a room of four brick walls with an area of ​​square meter and without a roof. In such a small area, there was no question of beds. All the convicts slept on the floor, sitting, of course, if at all they could fall asleep. The prison was intended to contain 400 convicts, but during the genocide in the Round, about 7,000 people were left there to die. There have been cases when prisoners resorted to cannibalism due to a terrible famine. The criminals were in complete despair, so very often suicides occurred here.

ADX Florence High Security Prison (Colorado)

The construction of this prison was a response of the authorities to the terrorist attacks against prison staff in the United States. It was very actively used psychological pressure. Convicts were strictly forbidden to communicate with staff and to move freely. As a result, many people committed suicide.

Where is the world's most cruel prison

El Rodeo (Guatira, Venezuela)

Now in this prison there are about 50 thousand prisoners. More than half of them are still awaiting trial. In June 2011, a terrible massacre between gangs took place within the walls of this institution. The authorities needed to attract an army to resolve the conflict, but, despite this, it took a month to resolve the situation.

La Sabagneta (Venezuela)

This prison is also famous for its cruelty. Any act of violence - not only from the staff, but also from the same prisoners - is considered a common occurrence. The authorities do not care that the prisoners are killed by hunger and all kinds of illnesses. Outbreaks of cholera alone killed about 700 people.And because of the riot in 1994, 100 prisoners were killed, but is it worth talking about how many people were injured?

Bang Kwang Prison (Thailand)

This terrible place contains many foreigners sentenced to death. However, some of them will not live up to the execution of the terrible sentence. Due to the terrible psychological pressure from the staff of the institution, convicts go crazy literally within a month. The prison is famous for its overcrowding, terrible conditions of detention, as well as the lack of maintenance staff.

25 most cruel prisons in the world

Tadmore Military Prison (Syria)

The most famous prisons in the world fade in front of this terrible institution. This military prison gained its notoriety in 1980. In June of that year, Syrian President Hafez Al-Assad sentenced all (!) Prisoners to death. The reason was the unsuccessful attempt on him by members of the religious movement of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to inaccurate estimates, the number of victims varies from 800 to 2400 people. The massacre lasted about fourteen days.

the worst prisons in the world

Carandiru (Brazil)

In prison, there was a complete violation of an individual's rights. Endless beating, hunger, unsanitary conditions made her a living hell, and in the early 90s, 1,300 prisoners were shot. As a result, in 2002 it was decided to close it. Staff violence was not the only problem of the institution. The AIDS epidemic was spreading at an incredible rate. Of every hundred convicts, about 20 people were infected.

Camp 22 (North Korea)

This prison was built in 1965 to contain political prisoners. According to various sources, there are about 50,000 people in it. The most interesting thing is that not only the criminals themselves were put in it, but also members of their families from several generations. It was believed that this would completely eradicate crime in the country. Convicts were subjected to terrible torture and all kinds of experiences.

So came to an end a short story on the topic "25 most cruel prisons in the world." Now it became clear that not all criminals were lucky with the place of detention. Many of them do not have a private bathroom - they don’t even have a roof over their heads, and a bed is completely uncharted luxury.

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