
Barbecue business: how to open a barbecue. Barbecue business plan: documents and necessary equipment

how to open a barbecue

Spring has come, and this means that summer is not far off with his holidays. At this time, tens of thousands of Russians will rush from stuffy cities to suburban cottages. And what could be nicer than stopping in the middle of the road and relaxing in a roadside cafe, where juicy barbecue sticks so captivatingly attract!

Many entrepreneurs make good money on it. If you have a desire to start your own business, and in your pocket there is at least 300-400 thousand for it, then we will be happy to tell you how to open a barbecue. We hope that this will allow you not only to earn your first money, but also to do it easily and with pleasure.

What is the most profitable?

Experts and experienced entrepreneurs note that among small businesses, which, by the way, include roadside cafes, barbecues are considered particularly cost-effective. They are also opened due to the fact that they do not require serious investments in equipment, facilities and personnel. In addition, the entrepreneur does not require special skills and knowledge, as, for example, in the restaurant business.

In the case of the barbecue, everything is much simpler. In addition, unlike pathos, barbecue is a more democratic institution. Any person can come and taste meat here, regardless of status, costume and welfare. Due to this, a constant influx of albeit small, but still more or less stable money is ensured.

barbecue coals

How to open a barbecue? What documents are needed?

Before starting an entrepreneurial activity, be sure to think over all your actions, and better write everything down on paper. Shashlik, whose business plan is correctly composed (taking into account possible negative events), will certainly bring success to its owner. What should this document include? You should consider a place for the construction or rental of your cafe.

Next, you need to register with the tax office (IFTS), pay state taxes in it, purchase a minimum set of equipment and other necessary funds. The best way to make an emergency. For this, it is necessary to provide a tax application, a copy of the passport, and pay the state duty. Its size should be clarified by the tax office. Depending on the region, it ranges from 800 rubles to 1,500.

At the second stage, it is necessary to equip the establishment well, organize uninterrupted supplies of raw materials (for this, conclude the relevant agreements), recruit staff, establish the cafe’s operating mode and, finally, determine prices for finished products. Now let's talk about all this in more detail.

Where to settle down?

First things first, you need to determine the place for the barbecue. The best thing is to build it on the side of the central highway. Thus, you can provide your institution with a constant flow of customers. If finances do not allow you to engage in construction, look for the appropriate roadside premises that you could rent for a long time.

When sitting on the road, be sure to think about parking spaces. It is desirable that they should be enough for everyone: cars of truckers, and heavy wagons passing by truckers. According to entrepreneurs, an equally profitable place is not far from the bus station or a large shopping center.

barbecue business plan

We collect paper

When you decide on a place and understand that the business promises a good profit, it's time to deal with documents. You first need to register with the tax. They will offer to choose a form of ownership.You can open an LLC, LLC or IP. It all depends on how big your business is.

In the event that you want to engage in a small roadside cafe with several tables and a small staff, experienced accountants recommend limiting yourself to an emergency. If the plans are for a luxurious restaurant at several levels, with parking and a number of entertaining and entertainment bonuses for your customers, then choose LLC.

kebab on call

Start small

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the calculation of taxes directly depends on the choice of the type of commercial activity. It is best for a novice entrepreneur to register an IP. In this case, you will only need a statement, a passport and a receipt stating that you paid a state fee of 800 rubles.

By the way, in order to register an LLC, you will need to pay a tax of 4,000 rubles and collect a list of additional securities. In addition to tax, you will need to get approval from Rospotrebnadzor. This government organization will have to give permission to engage in entrepreneurial activity. To get it, you must submit quality certificates to the appropriate authority.

Keep everything clean

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service draws up a special opinion after examining the finished product of your company, and then issues a work permit for the barbecue. This document is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years and is issued within 2 months. When checking your cafe, officials pay attention to the sanitary condition of the institution.

In particular, they will be interested in the availability of individual medical books for working personnel. Further, the check will concern the presence of a sanitary unit in the building, the cooking technique and the storage conditions of the raw materials. In the event that everything is in order, no additional questions will arise for you. For violations, you may face administrative liability.

Minimum set

How to open a barbecue without equipment? It is simply not possible. Therefore, you will need to purchase freezing equipment for storing meat. Also buy skewers and barbecue. In addition to them, there must be an oven, a microwave, several tables and chairs and a distribution stand.

Experienced entrepreneurs estimated that the cost of the listed inventory and equipment is approximately 150,000 rubles. If your plans include providing barbecue to order, then you can reduce the cost, because tables and chairs you simply do not need.

In this business, the most important thing is to properly organize the cooking process and sell them. It is very important to find a reliable supplier of meat. Its role may be the same state of emergency as you (for example, a farmer), or a solid structure with a developed network of production and sale of meat products. The first option is better. It will be easier for you to negotiate a price.

Of great importance in the success of this business will be the barbecue menu. It should have enough variety of dishes so that the client can find exactly what he wants at the moment. By the way, in addition to selling fried meat directly to the cafe, do not exclude the possibility of selling barbecue to order.

Perhaps for many motorists in a hurry to get back behind the wheel as soon as possible, this option will be most preferable. For the first time, you can offer your customers pork or beef. And then, as your point unfolds, you can add variety in the form of lamb, bird and fish.

Make sure that due to the rich assortment and helpful staff your barbecue cafe has gained regular customers. To increase turnover, it would be nice to also sell first, second courses and soft drinks. If your establishment is located on the road, do not waste money on building castles, put a simple tent, and prepare meat dishes on the street. An alluring smell will attract new visitors.

barbecue menu


At present, pizza on call has gained great popularity throughout the country. You call, order, they bring you. Everything is convenient and simple. So why not arrange a barbecue on call? Surely from those who wish there will be no end. And in order for things to go by leaps and bounds, invite an experienced kebab to work.

A person should know absolutely everything about meat, and even a little more. In this matter, it is even important which coals are used for barbecue. They say that they are subject to special requirements. On the one hand, they must keep the heat even, and on the other, do not dry tender slices of lamb or young pork. It is important to choose coals for barbecue as reverently as meat.

How much money do you need to get started?

Let's estimate how much money it will take to open your own business. Equipment and equipment for the cafe will cost you 150 thousand rubles. For utility costs will have to allocate 3 thousand per month. Salaries of employees (depending on the city) - from 15 thousand, cafe rental - from 50 thousand. You will also have to spend money on the purchase of meat and other raw materials. But do not worry, experienced entrepreneurs say that you can recoup all investments in a maximum of 2 years.

We hope that we have fully answered your question about how to open a barbecue, and now you, armed with knowledge, will be able to start your own business.

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Good day!
I want to open a roadside cafe-barbecue to issue as an IP, I read on several sites that documents are needed on the layout of the cafe, do I need to call a specialist? Or is it enough to open a call to the SS, the agreement of Rospotrebnadzor, and a fire? And still not an unimportant question from the premises of the cafe at what distance should the barbecue stand?


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