
How much is the state registration fee? How to make a payment?

The state duty for marriage registration must be paid without fail. The receipt confirming the fact of payment is one of the most important documents that are the basis for the painting of the future husband and wife.

marriage registration duty

Common Formality

For some future newlyweds, the state duty for registering a marriage is alarming. Many people unenlightened in this topic are wondering why this is necessary at all. But do not worry, because the amount, firstly, is small, and secondly, this process is pure formality. And you must definitely go through it if you want to formally consolidate your relationship with your soulmate. And the state duty for marriage registration is paid for the provision of registry services by the registry office and its employees. So everything is logical, in addition, this provision is spelled out in official legislation.

Payment process

Typically, the registration fee for marriage is only two hundred rubles. Compared to other costs that you will definitely have to bear, this is a negligible amount.

payment of state duty for marriage registration

After the guy and girl come to the registry office, they are given a special form, which after filling will become a statement. They will also be given a receipt with the amount previously specified in it and the details for payment. We all at least once in our lives, but went to the bank to deposit money for something - for electricity, water, gas, or just to make a money transfer. The state duty for marriage registration is paid in the same way - this is a matter of five minutes. After this procedure is completed, you will need to return to the registry office, give the workers a statement and a receipt. It is worth noting that they need the original. A copy, of course, can be taken just in case, but the real receipt will be in the registry office.

Nuances and exceptions

Well, as you can see, there is no simpler process than payment. The state duty for marriage registration is paid quickly and without problems, but sometimes they still arise. So, for example, if there is no bank branch nearby or if there is simply no free time that needs to be devoted to this. But in this case, do not panic. You can pay the state fee in advance. Take the form in the registry office in advance, and then - the same as in the usual case. Then only one thing remains - a receipt. The state duty for marriage registration must be confirmed, this must be remembered. Mandatory receipt must be referred to the registry office.

marriage registration receipt

By the way, there is one more nuance that I would like to talk about. It is about exemption from payment of state duty. This may be the case if the future husband and wife were given a marriage certificate with typos or errors. It will be exchanged for free. But for the registration of a marriage for the first time, you still have to pay. By the way, do not hesitate after submitting an application - there is a deadline for everything. If the application is overdue (you can usually not appear in the registry office for three months), then you will need to re-submit it and pay the fee. Therefore, in order not to lose time and money, it is worth considering everything and discussing it in advance.

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