
How many years can I get married? Find out!

Getting married is voluntary, but there are restrictions on how many years you can get married. This is established by law in any state. Different countries have their own norms.

How many years can I get married in Russia?

Many girls aged 14-16 really want to get married as soon as possible, but those who are already married are advised not to rush. And that is the truth. Indeed, in adolescence, married life seems simple and beautiful. I would like to wear a white wedding dress and veil as soon as possible, but few people in their youth think about what will happen after the wedding. After all, the idyll ends quickly, there are everyday problems and contradictions that not everyone can solve. But this does not stop those who really want to get married as soon as possible and are interested in how many years you can get married. And if neither the advice nor the opinions of those around you bother you, then keep in mind that, in addition to great desire, there are also norms that establish the age of marriage in the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

how many years can you get marriedIn accordance with it, you can enter into an alliance when you are 18 years old. But if there are special circumstances, then marriage is possible at 16 years. If you have not yet reached the age of majority, then how many years you can get married, your parents decide. That is, marriage up to 18 years depends on their permission and consent. Since you have not yet reached the right age to make this important decision yourself. Since how many years you can get married in Russia, if you have not yet reached marriageable age, it can also be determined by local authorities.

Marriage under special circumstances

During pregnancy, girls may be allowed to marry a man earlier than required by law, but this must be authorized by the regional authorities. Moreover, if the girl’s age does not reach 14 years, and the young man is more than 16 years old, then he can be attracted for seduction. When both are already over fourteen, then with their consent, the consent of the parents and the permission of the local administration, a marriage can be concluded. But such situations are more an exception to the rule than a pattern.

How many years can I get married in other countries?

In all countries there is a different age for marriage. Moreover, in some it is different for men and women. For example, in Egypt, a man can marry at 18, and a girl at 16.

how many years can I get married in RussiaIf in Russia they are struggling with early marriages, then in some African states such issues are quite the opposite. In Yemen, Kenya and some other countries, girls can get married as early as 9 years old, and for them this is the norm. But in China, on the contrary, marriageable age reaches 22 years for men and 20 years for girls.

What is happening in Muslim countries?

Since how many years you can get married, in many countries it is determined by customs that have developed over hundreds of years. However, the majority adapt to modern life and change the foundations that developed many centuries ago. Also in Muslim countries, young girls were previously married. There, the groom chose the groom. When the girls were just born, their fathers were already looking for a couple.

how many years can you get marriedWe chose a better-off family, in which there was a boy, and agreed among themselves that in the future their children should get married. And as soon as the girls reached the age of 9-10, they were married out without asking their consent. Currently, the laws still set later terms for marriage, but not all are subject to existing legislation.Many provinces also continue to follow old traditions and marry their children as quickly as possible. Sometimes even before puberty occurs.

By consent only

In Russia, what time to marry and get married, a person decides for himself, no one can force him. After all, when registering a marriage, they always ask for the consent of two parties. And if one of them does not agree, then the marriage will not take place. Also, the laws that are established in the country cannot be neglected. If they are not observed, then the punishment will be incurred both by the one who decided to marry before the established marriage age, and the one who registered such a marriage.

Family life is not a formality ...

If you omit the legal issues of marriage, it means that you have already reached the age of majority, you can decide for yourself whether you want a wedding now or you are not ready yet. After all, family life is not just a formal part, but also a responsibility that you assume in relation to your spouse, as well as children who will later appear in your marriage.

age of marriageMany psychologists advise not to rush into this, since, being at a young age, many want to take care of them, and are not ready to give care to someone else. Everyone has the realization that he is ready for a married life, comes in different ways. Someone, maybe already at 20 years old is ready for family, and some at 30 are still not resolved. In this matter, you should not rush, but it is better to listen to the advice of those who have been married for more than one year.

However, you need to make a decision only yourself, relying on your feelings and sensations. If you are ready every day to see this person next to you, you are sure that this is the only chosen one for life, then create a family and enjoy your marriage.

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