
Own business: production of laundry soap. Production of liquid soap as a business: equipment and technology

laundry soap productionToday there is simply a huge number of promising areas for opening your own small business. At the initial stage, it is important to know that the business will not burn out, but will really be profitable. We will consider the production of household soap, liquid and toilet. All this product is in great demand in the modern market.

Laundry soap production

It should be noted that the competition in this area is currently not so great, so the manufacture of soap is a very profitable activity that does not require large investments both at the initial stage and in the future. In addition, funds will be fully refunded in the worst case after six months, and at best after 3-4 months of active work.

As for profitability, this is about 40-55%, which is very good. Basically, the profit depends on the skill of the person making the soap. One way or another, you can start without even having the slightest idea of ​​soap making technology, and after a while you will have both precious experience and skill.

It should be noted that the more environmentally friendly products are used for production, the better sales will be, and this is a proven fact. Today, the market saturation of the product is only 50%, which is very small.

What is laundry soap and what are its benefits

If we talk about a natural product, then industrial laundry soap has a number of significant advantages:

  • both in hot and cold water it copes with stains of any kind;
  • they can wash children's clothes;
  • well suited for sanitary cleaning, mashing dishes, etc.

But there are some drawbacks:

  • has a specific smell;
  • dries the skin.

It must be said right away that the unpleasant smell of laundry soap can be easily eliminated, especially if we are engaged in our own production. To do this, you will need to add special oils to its composition, but more on that later. Of course, the production of laundry soap is a rather time-consuming process. However, as a result, we get not only a pure natural product, but also a good profit.

How to cook soap

The choice here is small. There are just a few ways you can make laundry soap at home. Of course, it is desirable to possess at least some knowledge in the field of chemical processes, since during cooking we will encounter alkali and fats on a vegetable or animal basis.

For the first of them, we need 2 kilograms of caustic soda, which must be poured into water in a ratio of 1: 4, that is, 8 liters of water will be required. The mixture is heated to a temperature of +24 ... + 27 degrees Celsius. In parallel with this, we melt fat at a temperature of 50 degrees, and pour the solution from soda and water there. The amount of fat is clearly fixed; if we talk about our case, then this is 12.8 kg.

The entire mixture must be thoroughly mixed until the mass becomes completely homogeneous. Next comes the casting on the boxes, here it is preferable to use wooden structures. It is necessary to wrap the boxes with felt and set for 4-6 days to solidify. After complete hardening, our soap is ready for sale.

Another variant

The second way is to use an odorless base with a transparent color.This mass is easy to buy in any specialized store at an affordable price.

It is difficult to say which method makes soap production more efficient. Both methods are good and popular.

There is a clear sequence, according to which you need to make laundry soap. All work takes place in the following sequence:

  1. The base is pre-crushed and placed in a special bowl. After that, it is melted on a stove or in a furnace.
  2. After we have received the molten mass, it is necessary to add aromatic oils and essences.
  3. We give the future soap color - it all depends on the imagination of the master, but it is important not to overdo it.
  4. We use other additives (sugar, poppy).
  5. Pour the liquid mass into pre-prepared forms.
  6. After the soap has frozen, we take it out of the mold and admire the result.

If you strictly follow all the steps, then at the exit we will get an exceptionally high-quality product that no longer has an unpleasant odor and does not dry out the skin so much. It should be noted that laundry soap can not be packed at all or wrapped with polyethylene or paper.

Liquid Soap Production

liquid soap production

In parallel with the production of laundry soap, liquid hygiene products can also be sold. It should be noted that here you will need serious equipment for the production of soap, so the costs will be much greater.

Nevertheless, such a business pays off an order of magnitude faster. If it is planned to sell on an industrial scale, then in half a year all funds will be returned back.

There are many recipes you can rely on in the process of making liquid soap. With sufficient knowledge, you can even develop your own unique product that will be in demand in the market.

It should be noted that the purchased equipment can be used without special training. Simply put, you can do it yourself, but if the production of liquid soap is planned according to a modular system (increasing production capacity, expanding the market, etc.), then without specially trained people this is unlikely to succeed.

Equipment required for production

soap manufacturing equipment

As noted above, we will need not only raw materials for the production of soap, but also special equipment:

  • two tanks (one for feedstock, one for refined);
  • emulsification and mixing engines;
  • feeder and temperature sensor;
  • pump and gearbox.

In general, we have to create our own mini-workshop. Of course, it is advisable to contact the professionals to clarify the prices. In many ways, the cost of equipment will depend on productivity, so the approach should be competent, you do not need to choose the cheapest equipment for the production of liquid soap.

With professional equipment you can get a high quality product. Then it remains to find a wholesale outlet, and the business will gradually go up. It should be noted that liquid soap will boil for a long time, because it is a complex chemical process, where all elements must be mixed in series.

A bit about the technology for the production of liquid soap

First of all, wood ash dissolves in water. Potassium carbonate is cooked over low heat, after which an emulsion should form. After this, the next stage begins - saponification. It is necessary to add a portion of liquor to the previously obtained emulsion (1: 1 ratio), after which the mixture must be boiled until a soap is obtained.

To understand whether a product is ready or not, you need to take a sample. Do it as follows. Take a few drops of liquid and pour it onto a glass surface. If, after complete cooling, the color has not changed and remains light and transparent, this indicates that everything is ready.

Often you can see that foreign substances, such as anise oil, soluble glass, etc., are added to the liquid soap.This is done solely to make the product heavier. It should be noted that this affects the quality of the product in the worst way. It is highly recommended that you do not use this method in your own production, as the client will sooner or later notice a catch.

Cooking toilet soap

As a basis for creating toilet soap, take any kind of sebaceous soap. It should contain either alkali or pork fat with coconut oil. All ingredients should be as fresh and of high quality.

Fat can be cleaned on its own, which is much cheaper, but can be purchased in a store already refined. You should also clearly observe the proportions: for every 10 grams of fat, take 5-20 grams of coconut oil. As for the cooking process itself, it is exactly the same as for laundry soap.

It should be noted that the production of toilet soap is a fairly profitable occupation. To create a clean and high-quality product, special equipment and knowledge are not required. It is only necessary to observe the proportions and constantly monitor the cooking process.

To always get a perfectly clean product, you need to hang it during and after cooking. As a rule, the bottom contains soap with impurities, so it is recommended to drain the liquid not completely, but leave a small residue.


raw materials for soap production

As a conclusion, I would like to say that the production of household soap, liquid or toilet soap requires a lot of time, but investment in some cases can be minimized.

In order to produce a product of medium quality, 2-3 thousand dollars are enough at the first stage. Then you can buy equipment more modern and expensive.

It should be noted that the production of soap as a business is not only earnings, but also the creation of hygiene products of excellent quality, this is a kind of art.

You can give the soap any shape you want, experiment with color and smell. In the end, you can get something special that people will like. The main thing is to work not with the goal of profiting from low-quality soap, but as a pleasure, and, of course, not at a loss.

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