
What to do after grade 11: choosing a school

Sooner or later, every high school student must choose a future profession. In this article, we will discuss where to go after grade 11. We will try to understand how to make the right choice and not make a mistake. But let's immediately decide what will need to be taken from the objects, what to prepare for. It is good if you are currently studying in grades 7-8 or 10, when there is time to prepare for passing exams in the necessary subjects.

Common mistake

Be sure to decide in advance what the soul lies to. In no case should you choose your future profession thoughtlessly. It is also not recommended to succumb to the universal appeal to receive a prestigious specialty. Why? Let's look at an example. A few years ago it was prestigious to study as a lawyer in order to become a lawyer, an expert in the future. But people learned in 5-6 years, and the profession has become less in demand. Now we need sensible technical engineers.State University

It is also undesirable to go with a friend for the company. You can later regret that for many years it has been devoted to an unloved specialty. The teenage years are ending very quickly, and the institutions of Russia require full return, especially to the session. In addition, students are required to undergo practical training in the appropriate institution according to their profile.

A student choosing a profession must understand that the choice will be completely his. No need to reject the advice of elders, especially those who are familiar with the proposed future profession.

By profile or not

In Russia, many higher education institutions in a particular field (for example, transport or energy) are opening humanities and economics. But at the same time, as a rule, they try to incline everything to the main profile. Suppose linguists are given a lot of tasks for translations that are related to technology, transport. Economists also solve transport or energy problems. Therefore, it is advisable for future translators and economists to enter the university that will be more interesting in profile.

Try to choose only the specialty that is closest to you. Below we consider examples of the sad experience of those who chose the wrong path, the wrong path.

What happens if you choose the wrong profession

For example, a teenager dreams of becoming an architect all his life, and he is forced to go to study as an economist. Often, the older generation justifies this with the fact that there are enough architects, they pay little, but economists are now needed everywhere, and the salary is high.

Now compare these two areas of activity, imagine how far they stand from each other. Suppose a teenager really likes to design buildings, draw facades, beautifully design interior decoration, and work with graphics. He has talent, many people appreciate it, even specialists in this field praise the sketches. Everyone, including himself, believes that this is his future. Suddenly - a bolt from the blue: you need to go to study at an economist, so that there is prosperity in the house! And what should such a specialist do? Consider, be able to solve problems in economics, know a lot of foreign words spoken by almost all economists, work with relevant programs, numbers. Is the architect far from an economist? And how! Therefore, you need to seriously think about where to go after grade 11. higher education institutions

Many adults are unhappy, reluctant to go to work, but only because they made the wrong choice at one time. One who has mistakenly chosen a field of activity cannot be an excellent specialist.

If you couldn’t enter the institute or there is no desire

Sometimes you can meet such high school students and graduates who do not want to graduate for various reasons. Someone is a burden to learn complex disciplines, and they consider it superfluous, someone wants to get an education and work as soon as possible, leave the country with a profession and so on. schools after grade 11

Almost all Russian colleges after 11th grade take such guys. Learning to be with those who came after 9th grade. But with one condition: they will take immediately to the 2nd year, since on the 1st they study the external program of 10th and 11th grades of the school.

Duration of training depends on the complexity of the specialty. As a rule, 2-3 years of study in colleges (if you enter after grade 11).

Desire to become a military

This section is dedicated to those guys who firmly decided to go to a military institute. It is worth mentioning right away that they accept for training those who are fit for service, received a civilian specialty, and have good physical training.

military institute

If you really want to quickly become a military, then there is a chance for this. In any big city there are similar schools. After grade 11, you can try to do. But you need to consider that after training graduates are required to serve in the army. And whether to remain then under the contract or as a career officer is up to the student to decide.

It must be remembered that it is very difficult to get into military schools, the FSB Academy or the Ministry of Emergencies. Applicants pass a very strict selection. In addition, you need to collect certificates at the place of residence, in medical institutions, the military registration and enlistment office.

Medical universities and colleges

If a student has a dream of becoming a physician, then it can come true. But entering the institute is very difficult. Necessarily a graduate needs to know chemistry and biology for a solid five.

You need to be prepared for the fact that a medical student will need a lot of time to study, an excellent memory, the ability to patiently understand the disciplines. After all, it depends on the doctor whether the patient will recover / survive.

 colleges after grade 11

Medical institutes of Russia accept for paid and budgetary education. The competition is very high. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay very expensive for training.

If chemistry is a difficult subject for a graduate, and you really want to become a physician, then you can go to a medical college to study as a nurse or paramedic. It does not require in-depth knowledge of chemistry. But anatomy and microbiology are required.

State or non-state?

In Russia, there are both state and non-state (private) educational institutions. It is better to give preference to state ones, especially if you want to live and work in Russia, to find a serious job. Not every personnel department will accept a non-state diploma, as the program of study in a specialty may differ from general standards. State University, as a rule, has accreditation, draws up a training program according to what the Ministry of Education and the enterprise require.

How to make your choice?

First of all, the student needs to think: what does he want to become? What is the soul? Maybe he has a favorite pastime that brings pleasure. Sometimes it happens that a school d-class at the university receives a red diploma! Because he chose his specialty, for example, sports or programming.

It is better to think in advance (in grades 5-8) about what the student wants to become. Sure, desire can change many times, but, nevertheless: what is his favorite subject? There will come a time when the question will be relevant, where to go after grade 11? It’s better to decide in advance.where to go after grade 11

If there are many options where you would like to go to study, then you need to choose the most suitable. For example, a child dreams of becoming a doctor, dog handler, teacher or lawyer. But he does not know what to choose, because he likes everything, even if it relates to different areas.For example, chemistry is difficult for him, he is allergic to animal hair, he doesn’t get along well with classmates, but he manages to easily solve someone’s problem, to understand a difficult matter. Then, of course, you need to choose a legal specialty.

If not accepted to college

There is no need to despair if you are unable to enter higher education institutions for any reason. You can try your luck in college or enroll in correspondence. If there is no desire to lose a whole year, and there is a chance not to do it again, then it is better to go to college. They always take everyone there, the only question is whether you will have to pay on the budget. But there will be a diploma in 2-3 years, and not 5-6 years, albeit about graduating from a secondary special educational institution.Russian institutions

Schools and colleges after grade 11, as mentioned earlier, accept everyone. The choice is huge. You can become an actor, veterinarian, accountant, technician. Often specialists with secondary education pay more. But it all depends on the chosen specialty. One can rejoice: there are no less professions with secondary special education than with higher education, and sometimes it is much more interesting to study.

About difficult receipt

Not every desire can come true. For example, a young man dreams of becoming a pilot, but he has serious health problems. He will not be taken to a flight school. The same thing with work in the FSB, at nuclear power plants, in space exploration. The Military Institute, the Academy of the FSB and the Ministry of Emergencies carry out a very strict selection. In addition to good health, physical and psychological parameters must be observed. It is necessary to find out in advance what is required upon admission, which profession is in itself, whether the applicant will cope with it.

A few words in the end

So we talked about how and where to go after grade 11. Remember that you need to choose a specialty according to your interests, abilities, capabilities. If you notice that something is not being given to you, it is better not to try to do it, even if the profession seems very interesting. For example, journalism. If you do not know how to write texts well, communicate with people, then it is better not to learn such a profession.

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