
Own business: carriage manufacturing. How to build a carriage with your own hands? How to find customers for the manufacture of carriages?

carriage making

In our automotive age, there are still people who take up the manufacture of carriages. At the same time, they turn their rather expensive hobby into a business. So is there any point in investing in a business so unusual for modern realities?

Features of the carriage business

For the organization of such production requires a certain courage. But with proper planning, a small workshop can bring a steady income.

Be sure to carefully study the demand for your products before writing a business plan. You can even pre-negotiate with potential customers options for cooperation. You need to be sure that you can implement horse drawn carts.

The manufacture of any product is costly. Therefore, determine the financial reserve for the purchase of the necessary materials. Calculate your profitability. It does not bother to understand the intricacies of creating carriages. If you are not a pro in this, then you will need to find a master.

After that, do not forget to register your company. The IP form (individual entrepreneur) is quite suitable for you. It is clear that you will need to contact the tax office and register. You do not need to get any licenses and permissions.

We are looking for a clientele

So, who might be interested in your product? In the first place in the list are travel companies. Many of them offer their clients horseback riding in historic places. Indeed, it is boring to see the sights from the car window.

But a ride in an old carriage is already exotic! Large firms can keep several wagons in reserve at once. So the manufacture of carriages for this category of consumers can turn into a long-term contract, especially since the wear of the crews is quite intense. And you will have to deal with their repair.

The second category of clients are agencies involved in organizing weddings. Event-companies often instead of bored limousines, huge hammers and other representative cars offer newlyweds a festively decorated carriage. It is romantic, fabulous. Which of the brides does not dream of being in the place of a happy princess! And the photos in the album will be simply amazing.

Expanding customer base

In addition to the above clients, do not ignore the villagers. They often need trinkets, carts, carts. Finding a master in the village is now quite difficult. Therefore, they will be happy to contact you for a solid and reliable horse-drawn cart, and they will also advise your neighbors. Now many farmers keep horses, preferring to leave for carriage for household needs, as this is a more economical transport than a car.

Custom carriages are also in demand by collectors. But here it must be taken into account that they are asking to create a copy of a concrete historical thing. You will have to strictly follow the sketches, drawings, with a magnifying glass, studying the available photographs or images in books. Such orders, of course, are very expensive. But they require significant costs. At the same time, collectors are asked to use original, sometimes only authentic materials. Therefore, you can’t save on consumables.


It is clear that doing business in the garage will not work for you. You need a workshop with a warehouse.You can rent a small industrial building for these purposes. Place the necessary equipment and devices in it. Equip a place for storing materials and workpieces. And don't forget about fire safety. You will work with flammable and flammable materials. You will be calmer if the room is equipped with an exhaust hood and fire extinguishing system.


As mentioned above, you should understand what stages the production of carriages consists of, and not only understand the technology, but also be able to work with your own hands.

how to make a carriage

But even if you are a doc in this matter, you still need helpers. You can engage in the production of complex, expensive orders. But apprentices are quite capable of dealing with the simple carts and carts that farmers need.

Thus, you increase the productivity of your enterprise.

How to build a do-it-yourself carriage

Now let's dwell on technological issues. Of course, modern carts are very different from their ancestors. If you make the carriages exactly as they did several centuries ago, then tourists or newlyweds are unlikely to be satisfied with a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. It shook decently in wooden boxes.

Therefore, modern masters largely follow the automotive industry. Here, technologies familiar to motorists are used: disc brakes, shock absorbers, springs. These mechanisms make the trip more comfortable and safe.

The case is made of lightweight materials.

The general outline of how to make a carriage looks something like this:

  • components of the future product are cut out from moisture-proof plywood;
  • windows and doors are cut on the corresponding blanks;
  • then the case is assembled (make sure that all parts are securely attached to each other);
  • racks are fastened with bolts, curly parts are carefully aligned;
  • after the body is ready, a frame is made (an glued shield is suitable for it);
  • then mounted a place for the coachman and the rear footrest;
  • the skeleton is ready, it is necessary to make doors and windows;
  • then proceed to the internal and external decoration;
  • for upholstery use materials used in production of upholstered furniture, stapler.

Of course, technology and steps may vary slightly. It all depends on whether you are doing open or closed crew.

Yes, and the appearance can vary greatly. So, you can order very non-standard models. For example, be prepared to create a carriage in the form of a pumpkin, as in fairy tales about Cinderella. If you take up an order for a collector, then you need to adhere to the finer points of all the technology that was used in a particular era. Here it will be necessary to study historical chronicles, books, studies of specialists.

About wheels

Wheels for carriages can and should be manufactured using modern technology. In the city on the asphalt is not very convenient to travel on traditional wooden wheels. Most often, lightweight options equipped with tires are used. Their move is softer, and the horse will be less tired of pulling the cart.custom carriage production

Although in some cases you may be asked to make wooden wheels. But keep in mind that this process is laborious. Especially this statement is true for the manufacture of the axis. Therefore, many masters try to purchase ready-made blanks whenever possible.

Profitable or not?

Is carriage making profitable or not? To answer this question, let's count. In one column we add all the costs.

This will include the purchase of materials, equipment, tools, building rental, tax expenses. In another column, we add our revenues. The simplest chaise or wagon costs about 5 thousand dollars. But the more impressive carriages, designed for holiday or tourist trips, are much more expensive.

Here the countdown goes from 10 or 12 thousand dollars. The cost of collection items jumps up to several hundred thousand dollars.One good master with experience and skillful hands is quite capable of making two or three carriages per month. So you will have a profit.

But these calculations are true only if there are potential, and even better, regular customers. Therefore, in the first place you should be faced with the task of finding those who will need your crews.

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