
Your business: how to open a tattoo parlor? Tattoo salon business plan: necessary documents and equipment

how to open a tattoo parlorTattoo art is one of the oldest on Earth. He is about 30 thousand years old.

That is, as soon as a personlearned to walk directly and create basic tools, immediately began to paint his body.

But never were tattoos just decoration. They denoted belonging to any nation, ethnic or social group, caste, profession.

Tattoos protected from evil spirits, brought good luck, talked about love, demonstrated achievements, warned of danger. The drawings on the body were very popular among the Gentiles. But in Christianity, tattoos are forbidden - it is believed that they disfigure the perfect body created by the Creator. This review was decided to devote to the question of how to open a tattoo parlor.

The popularity of wearable images in the modern world

The states are now mostly secular, and the population is not particularly religious. Tattoo fashion is back. Both young and mature people decorate the body with drawings. Apply various flowers, butterflies, names of loved ones, as well as ancient magic signs, Chinese characters to the skin. Tattoo is no longer only part of prison culture.

She was no longer called a "tattoo." There are many "free artists", specialists in tattooing. And of course, novice entrepreneurs are thinking about opening a modern salon that specializes in applying wearable images. So how to open a tattoo parlor?

Where is the best place to open your own salon?

As a rule, tattoo parlors open at fitness centers, hairdressers, and beauty parlors. By type of activity, they are equated with treatment rooms. Here they can not only apply tattoos, but also do piercing, scarring, permanent makeup, sell equipment or conduct master classes.

tattoo parlor business plan

What should be the room?

Before you open a tattoo parlor, you need to find a good room. The requirements for it are high: not less than 12 square meters. m for each workplace, separate entrance, washable walls, floors and even ceilings (analogy with the operating room), the presence of a utility room. This is the minimum, unless, of course, we are talking about an underground cabinet for alternative youth.

The location approach is normal: convenient transportation, mandatory parking, lots of traffic. A plus is the proximity to the metro station, a large shopping center, market, etc. An interesting noticeable sign and a general presentable appearance are required. It is easy to find out for yourself the cost of renting such a room in the city of interest.

Do not save on equipment

How to open a tattoo parlor? You should take care of the acquisition of all necessary equipment. About 100 thousand rubles will be needed to purchase equipment: armchairs, needles, paints, etc. You should not save on a laser tattoos device for tattoos. By denying tattoo information, you can lose customers.

A very important element, without which it would not be possible to design a high-quality business plan for a tattoo parlor, is the presence of a computer on which the graphic part of this entrepreneurial idea will be stored. You will need to install the necessary software through which the processing of drawings will occur.

A special chair is also required. For a tattoo parlor, it plays an important role, since it is on it that the client will sit during the application of the image.

Who must be found without fail?

For high-quality design of a business plan for a tattoo parlor, you need to decide on the recruitment of staff. The main resource for the salon is a master, an artist (they consider themselves to be just such). Here you have to "hunt for their heads." They will have to be lured from competitors, to look for among lovers of tattoos and piercings. Clients will go to the master, even to a remote area of ​​the city.

Many craftsmen work the old fashioned way at home, and pulling them out of there is very difficult. Usually the motto is: “I am an artist”, “I am free”, “I cannot work for someone”, “I cannot drive myself into the framework of working hours” and so on. We will have to sweat, explaining about AIDS, hepatitis C, the consequences of the arrival of SES, the level of clientele (meaning financial situation), etc. And most importantly, you will have to share the profit.

As a rule, the artist takes up to 50% of the order value. That is, from the shaft, and not from net profit. This percentage can be differentiated. It may depend on whose client. Thus, the tattoo artist will be interested in not only bringing his clients to the salon, but also finding new ones.

Mandatory workplace certification

Do I need a license for a tattoo parlor? She is simply necessary. In addition, each workplace is subject to certification. Be sure to issue medical books to employees. Most often, the tattoo artist does not have a medical education.

This situation is controversial. On the one hand, doctors do not know how to draw, and on the other hand, an artist deals with needles, blood, contraindications, complications, etc. Therefore, a certified medical officer in the state is necessary, at least so that clients can be calmer.

documents for a tattoo salon

What documents are needed to open a tattoo parlor? First of all, you will need to register your business by choosing LLC as the legal form. It will also be necessary to obtain permission to open a salon from Rospotrebnadzor, Pozhnadzor and the administration. A lease document will be required. Well, without medical license not enough. These are all required documents for a tattoo parlor, which you will need to collect in any case.

Salon promotion activities

When the equipment for the tattoo parlor is purchased, the documents are collected, then it is worthwhile to thoroughly engage in promotional activities. The main channel for promoting a tattoo salon is Word of mouth also free. It will certainly work if customers are satisfied with the services of the salon.

And at the initial stage, you need to be prepared for advertising and marketing expenses - you need a website where information about salon services, price, photos of works, reviews of grateful customers, information about employees will be posted. You can do the site promotion yourself, but it will be more efficient to pay for the services of professionals.

what documents are needed to open a tattoo parlor

Participation in thematic events

Tattoo conferences, tattoo festivals, exhibitions of cosmetics, specialized equipment are held periodically. It is necessary to participate in these events. You will need printing products, a team of promoters (preferably body art models), a stand for the exhibition with samples of work. It would be nice to get to an event such as a gathering of bikers. This is the most target audience.

In general, the basic principle of low-cost marketing is "do it yourself." But if the budget allows, you can hire a professional marketer who will develop a plan for promoting a tattoo parlor in the market.


Renting a room that will meet absolutely all standards and requirements will cost about 200 thousand rubles per year. In order to buy all the necessary equipment for a tattoo parlor, you will need to spend at least 100 thousand rubles. But this is only the minimum threshold.

Do not forget about the expansion of the business, which will lead to additional costs for technical equipment.Mandatory certification of employees will require about a thousand rubles. Advertising activities entail expenses in the amount of approximately 100 thousand rubles. Thus, the amount of initial capital at a minimum level should reach 500 thousand rubles.

armchair for tattoo parlor

Salary payback

With the right approach, investing in such a business quickly pays off. According to the owners of existing salons, a full payback takes about a year and a half. This period may be shorter in the presence of regular customers and high-quality effective promotion to attract new ones.

Generally speaking, to implement such a business project, there is no need for special medical education or any special skills in the field of tattoo art or piercing. You need to be a marketer rather than a beautician. Another very important point is the reputation. God forbid from diseases or blood infections. Now people are very afraid of infections (and this is very good).


Thus, the three components of the success of a tattoo parlor:

  1. Talented tattoo artists.
  2. Competent promotion.
  3. Impeccable reputation.

And beauty will save the world!

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