
Profitable business: production of wooden toys. Business plan for the production of wooden toys

wooden toy business plan

The production and sale of children's goods for entrepreneurs has long been considered promising activities. The situation has not changed in our time. A vivid confirmation of this is the huge selection in the market of toys intended for children of various age categories.

On the other hand, quantity is not the main indicator, because modern people prefer to buy useful and high-quality things for their child. In this regard, we can safely say that the production of wooden toys is a promising type of entrepreneurial activity.

Market Review

As analysis of the domestic market for children's products shows, the lion's share of it belongs to cheap products of Chinese origin. If a few decades ago, goods from the Middle Kingdom were considered a real curiosity, now in the overwhelming majority of cases they are nothing more than consumer goods, from which our consumer is frankly tired. As a rule, these products are made of substandard materials.

Now in the market there is such a situation when domestic consumers increasingly prefer more expensive, but high-quality and environmentally friendly goods. This is especially true for parents. In this regard, the business plan for the production of wooden toys now looks very relevant.


Toys that are made of wood have several advantages compared to plastic counterparts. First of all, in this case we are talking about the environmental safety of such products for the child. In addition, they are more durable and have an original design.

manufacture of wooden toys

As a business, the production of wooden toys looks very attractive in connection with the need to invest a not very large amount of financial resources at the initial stage.

As practice shows, usually about 50 thousand rubles are enough to purchase equipment and organize this kind of activity.

The entire manufacturing process in this case is quite simple and consists in the preparation of blanks, their processing, painting and packaging.

Wooden toys are not inferior to their competitors in such an aspect as modernity. The fact is that, in addition to the usual classical models (pyramids, cubes, cars), a wide range of modern varieties is now available on the market. Among them, recently, toys with electronic elements, as well as developing models, have become the most popular.

Necessary equipment and personnel

A wooden toy factory should consist of several rooms. Each of them will specialize in certain types of work, which were discussed earlier - processing, assembly and painting. As for tools, at the initial stage it will be enough to get a milling machine with digital programmed control, as well as drilling, edge banding and grinding devices, a chisel, a hacksaw and a plane.

Knowing the main characteristics of future products, as well as the potential scale of production, we can draw conclusions about the need for certain tools. Among the consumables, in addition to the wood itself, packaging means (bags, boxes), as well as varnishes and paints, which must be chosen for reasons of their environmental cleanliness, are necessary.

toy factory

The production of wooden toys cannot be organized without the hiring of appropriate specialists. At the initial stage of business development, part of the work can be done independently, but still two or three people still have to call for help.

It is advisable that they have some experience in this area. In the future, subject to the achievement of certain successes, in addition it will be possible to hire artists, designers or other specialists. In order to save financial resources and the delivery of goods at first it is better to do it yourself.

Finished Product Sales

Having organized such a type of entrepreneurial activity as the production of wooden toys, it is necessary to think over ways of selling finished products in advance. As practice shows, the best option is to open a website.

In addition, you can try to establish cooperation with specialized stores. Such products are highly valued abroad. On the other hand, one cannot fail to note the fact that the production of wooden products there is properly established. In this regard, in order to interest foreign consumers, it is necessary to create exclusive author's handmade models.

toy manufacturing business


In order to successfully establish the production of wooden toys, a novice entrepreneur needs to master a number of professions, starting with a sales manager and ending with the director of the company. Additional staff is recommended to be hired only after the appearance of a stable number of orders and an increase in sales revenue. Based on the experience of many similar companies, this occupation has every chance to become the main business of life and bring a stable profit.

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