
The duties of a repairman

Today, there is practically no such sphere of human life, wherever the repair of any equipment is required. Maintenance of machines and mechanisms in working condition is carried out by specially trained people - repairmen. Thanks to such specialists, industrial machines work, metal is melted, bread is baked, books are published, etc. Therefore, the article will examine in detail the duties of a repairman and his rights. Each of us will be able to understand how really hard the labor of a working person is and what technical knowledge he should possess.

General positions

The duties of a repairman are regulated by standard job description. This document was developed in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. These documents allow you to regulate the relationship between the employer and the employee throughout the country.duties of a repairman fitter

The instruction makes it possible to evaluate the business qualities of a locksmith, to analyze the results of his work according to the results of completed tasks. Any repairman is directly subordinate to the head of the service (unit) of the enterprise. In particular, if we are talking about metallurgy, then it is appropriate to talk about the subordination of a mechanic to the mechanics of the workshop.

Basic minimum knowledge

The duties of a repairman include studying and good knowledge:

  • Rules of labor protection.
  • Sanitation standards used in its production.
  • Fire safety basics.
  • Rules for the use of personal protective equipment.
  • All the requirements put forward to the quality of the work performed by him.
  • Varieties of marriage, methods for their elimination, prevention.
  • Production alarm.
  • Methods of optimization and rationalization of labor directly at their workplace.

mechanic repairman job responsibilities

Get to know the bit grid

Each repairman of the 3rd category, whose duties are given below, must:

  • To have knowledge of the device, equipment serviced by him.
  • Have skills in repair, disassembly, assembly of units, machines, mechanisms based on the required technological sequence.
  • To know about the interaction and purpose of the interconnected nodes and mechanisms.
  • Be familiar with the properties of materials that are processed.
  • Have the skills to use instrumentation and universal devices.
  • Know the tolerance and landing system, accuracy qualifications, roughness parameters.
  • Correctly sling and move loads.
  • To be able to operate lifting equipment controlled from the floor.

The duties of a 4-level repairman include knowledge of:

  • Equipment repair.
  • Adjustment of nodes, mechanisms.
  • Skills and methods for eliminating defects in the process of repair, installation, assembly, testing of equipment.
  • The device and operation of control and measuring instruments.
  • Material science (knowledge of the properties of metals and alloys).
  • The basics of preventive maintenance items.

duties of a mechanic repairman 5 category

Consider also the duties of a fitter 5 category, which should:

  • Have knowledge about the design features of the equipment being serviced, understand the hydraulic and kinematic schemes of complex units to be repaired.
  • To be able to diagnose breakdowns, perform assembly / disassembly, repair, installation / disassembly, conduct tests and check the strength of equipment after repair.
  • Know the maximum permissible loads on functioning machines, mechanisms, units.
  • Have the skills to carry out preventive measures in order to timely prevent a variety of malfunctions.
  • Know the technological processes of repair, testing and commissioning directly of equipment that is technically complex.

The duties of a 6th level repairman are in many respects similar to the above, it remains only to add that a highly skilled worker should:

  • Know in detail all the design features of the equipment.
  • Perfectly navigate in the schemes: kinematic, pneumatic, hydraulic. Be able to read the drawings.
  • Own knowledge of all the nuances of assembly, installation, checking the accuracy of the mechanisms that underwent repair.

duties of a mechanic repairman 4 categories

Some subtleties

Regardless of the discharge, the repairman, if necessary, fills out the shift reception and delivery logbook, maintains technical documentation, cleans up in his premises, and maintains his tool in working condition.

The rights

Repairman, whose job duties we have examined in detail, on the basis of legislation can count on:

  • Providing him with the work, which is specified in his employment contract.
  • Availability of a workplace that complies with all standards and labor protection requirements and collective agreement.
  • Timely receipt in full of wages, which should fully reflect the qualifications assigned to the employee, the complexity of his work, the quantity and quality of operations performed.
  • The provision of tariff leave, if necessary, paid sick leave.
  • Further training by attending special courses, the procedure for passing which is established by law.
  • Getting the most reliable and complete information about the implementation of the concluded labor contract.
  • The ability to resolve disputes in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • To receive social insurance provided for by Russian law.
  • Getting the opportunity to get acquainted with materials and documents that are directly related to his professional activities.

mechanic repairman 3 discharge duties

Admission to independent work

Having studied the duties of a repairman on the basis of production, technological and job descriptions, the employee is trained at the workplace with the subsequent passing of a profile exam. The internship is carried out under the guidance of more experienced professionals with sufficient knowledge. Only after this the specialist gets the right to work independently.

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