
The best universities in the world. Rating of the best universities in the world

Every year, the best universities in the world fight for the opportunity to get into the ranking of the most prestigious educational institutions, which is published by QS World University. The list is compiled based on the state of infrastructure, the number of opportunities for students and finances.

Among the other universities in Moscow, for example, Moscow State University, were included in the new rating. Other universities of the post-Soviet space did not stand aside. Shevchenko University of Kyiv is a regular guest of such lists. However, traditionally the top positions are occupied by British and American institutions with a colossal history and the same budgets. Each overseas or, for example, the University of London on the list is unique. Consider the most prestigious universities.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT (recognized abbreviation) has long been the global abode of the exact sciences. It was founded in 1861, but the outbreak of the American Civil War then delayed its full-fledged discovery. Only four years later the first students entered there. In the XX century, the university became the center of innovative technologies and scientific discoveries.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has released eight dozen Nobel Prize winners from its walls. Many students became recognized scientists in the field of natural sciences and received national awards and fame abroad. For example, MIT's graduate is Buzz Aldrin, the second person to enter the moon twenty minutes after Neil Armstrong.

In recent years, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has successfully implemented a financial assistance program for students who cannot fully pay for their studies. In 2011, the university began to cooperate with the Russian Skolkovo. Moscow universities send their students or graduates there to study according to Western standards.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


This university is known to every layman, even far from an academic education. Anyone at least once heard about the long rivalry of Cambridge with Oxford for the title of the best educational institution in the UK. This debate is manifested in everything from scientific advances to the annual canoe race. In addition, the University of Cambridge was even founded by scientists who had previously taught at Oxford. This interweaving of fates and the struggle are very reminiscent of the Russian rivalry between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Cambridge University is best known for its book publishing house, which publishes scientific literature in a wide range of disciplines. These books have become the benchmarks of the genre of academic textbooks and supporting materials. University funding is largely composed of the revenue from publishing.

Cambridge university

Imperial College London

The higher educational institution under this name was not independent at first. The college was owned by the University of London, which now has one of the most complex and branching structures in the education of Great Britain.

In 2007, Imperial College became independent. This event was timed to the centenary of foundation. Immediately, the institution took the top lines of all prestigious ratings due to the outstanding quality of education provided. Here, as nowhere else, student life is in full swing because of its favorable location in the city of London.

There are four faculties with a bachelor's degree. Main specialties: engineering, medicine, natural sciences and business school. In the educational programs of the college, much attention is paid to the introduction of elements of other disciplines into the main specialties.

the best universities in the world


This university is very close to MIT, with which it traditionally has many connections. The institution was founded back in 1636, when the United States was not yet, and the American mainland itself was not even fully studied by Europeans. The title of the oldest university in the country, which is Harvard, the university confirms the high quality of education.

This is not surprising, because there is the most fertile soil for productive scientific activity, including the largest donation fund in the world. 12 diverse faculties compose and complement Harvard. The university released several US presidents from its walls: both Roosevelts, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. In addition, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

Moscow universities


It equals the best universities in the world. Oxford was founded in the 11th century and is the oldest institution of higher education in all of Europe. Here, as in Mecca, the most striking and capable students from all over the world are striving. In total, foreigners are about a quarter of the total number of students.

In spite of everything, the university has preserved a unique medieval atmosphere. The buildings here were used as scenery for the production of Harry Potter. The amazing architecture and the special spirit of the local walls inspired Lewis Carroll to create "Alice in Wonderland."

Oxford graduated from dozens of UK prime ministers and Nobel laureates in a wide variety of specialties. The university awarded honorary degrees to Anna Akhmatova and Ivan Turgenev.

University of London


The ranking of the best universities in the world can not do without the center of Silicon Valley. It was here that the founders and inspirers of the modern IT industry studied. Over the years, a whole town has grown around Stanford from the infrastructure of companies such as IBM, Apple and Microsoft.

The university was founded by the authorities of California, but now it is a private educational institution. Its graduates have created many information and computer companies that now occupy leading positions around the world in their niches. This is Electronic Arts, Yahoo! and many others whose names are known even to a person far from the Internet and programming. It was here that Sergey Brin studied, who immigrated from the USSR as a child, and founded Google in adulthood.

Due to its wide financial flows, Stanford is considered the third largest university in the world in terms of income. Resources allowed to create a real student eden here. The press calls Stanford Harvard of the 21st century.

Princeton University

In the United States, there is the prestigious Ivy League, which brings together the country's best higher education institutions. The founder of this community is Princeton University. Since the 18th century, it has remained one of the national leaders in the field of social and human sciences.

Over the years, more than a hundred thousand graduates have left Princeton. Among them were eleven Nobel Prize winners and four Pulitzer Prize literary and journalistic winners.

As nowhere else, a sports system has been developed here. All student teams are divided into three levels depending on the degree of skills and abilities. Everyone can start from scratch and, thanks to diligence and diligence, climb the stairs that have been created by several generations.

Since the 19th century, there has been its own “Code of Honor”, ​​which contains rigorous requirements for all students. For his violation of the offender awaits severe punishment up to the exception.

Yale university

Every year about 12 thousand students study here, who undergo the most rigorous selection. Yale University is not just an education of the highest standards, but also a status name that has become legendary over three centuries. The university is the third oldest in the United States. In importance, it is second only to Harvard and Princeton.

Every fifth student in these walls is a foreigner.The multifaceted and multicultural community that formed Yale University is a wonderful and vivid example of how relationships should be built within the institution. Everyone here is busy with something else besides their main studies. This is not just a feature, but also one of the requirements for those who want to become part of this distinctive world.

The presidents of the United States, members of the royal and royal families, including the Romanovs, studied here. It is not surprising that everyone who goes through the local school becomes a leader. In order to graduate from Yale, you need not only to make a lot of effort, but also to devote yourself to study entirely.

Yale university

University of Chicago

A great city cannot do without the same university. Therefore, it is not surprising that the University of Chicago can rightfully carry such an epithet. It is a center for scientific research that welcomes all kinds of research thinking.

The university was founded on the funds of businessman John Rockefeller, who at the end of the 19th century was the richest man on earth. The tycoon himself later admitted that he considers this project his best investment in a new business. And this does not seem cunning, because in Chicago campuses were created from scratch with the richest funds, libraries and all the conditions necessary for the most versatile training. In the first years, the educational institution took as a basis the German education system, where there were peculiar conditions with the degrees of masters and graduate students. American reality in the form of undergraduate and liberal education overlapped this background.

Over the years, Chigaki University has not lost its face; it has many traditions that allow graduating the best specialists in the country.

ranking of the best universities in the world

University of Pennsylvania

This is another member of the Ivy League along with Princeton. Like the best universities in the world, the University of Pennsylvania has a significant scientific and research base for future applications. 25 thousand students annually study on new programs that embody all the best in the educational thought of our time.

Penn, as it is called in abbreviated form, has a developed system of grants revealing the most capable and talented applicants around the world. Students can choose one of many ways to gain useful knowledge and skills. This may be a program for a bachelor, studies in several disciplines, master's programs, etc.

It is the developed system of international education for citizens of other countries that allows the University of Pennsylvania to graduate brilliant specialists in various fields. Talented foreigners at one time became heads of state or successful entrepreneurs in their countries. For example, this was the case with the presidents of Nigeria and Ghana.

Columbia University

Any list that includes the best universities in the world must have a column with this university. Compared to other world famous universities, very few students study here - only 6 thousand. For such a scale, this is a relatively small figure.

But this allows the university to pay more attention to each of the applicants who have passed the selection. The private university has campuses in New York. The campus here is a unique world with its own rules and atmosphere. Numerous libraries and research laboratories provide all the conditions for the emergence of specialists in both the humanities and mathematics, as well as the natural sciences.

In addition, the university has a network of representative offices around the world from Turkey to Brazil. Many teachers and students who lived within these walls deservedly received their Nobel Prizes and international recognition for their discoveries and many years of dedicated work.

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