
Profitable business: how to open dentistry. How to open a dental office: necessary equipment and documents

One of the most profitable businesses of our time can be considered the provision of dental services. Private tooth rooms have always been and will be in demand. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are interested in the question of how to open dentistry. So, what is needed in order to start a business in this direction?how to open dentistry

Looking for a place

After thinking about how to open your dental office, you need to find a room to start with. Indeed, without it you will not even be given permission (license) to start a business. There are two options: either buy or rent. Pros and cons are enough for both.

So, for example, when buying a room you will be an independent businessman who does not depend on the rise and decline in the mood of the landlord. And finding a suitable area for rent is not so simple. Well, for example, the room must have electricity, heating, water and sewage. Today it’s nowhere without it, and it’s very expensive to do everything yourself.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: buying a room for a private dental office is still better. But here, too, there is a stumbling block - this requires a large amount of money, which many simply do not have. If you have the right amount of funds, then make no mistake with the choice.

The following tips will be relevant for both buying and renting a room.

  • First, try to have it located on the first, maximum second floor.
  • Secondly, if you want your business to bring good profit, then look for a place where people are “spinning”. Indeed, if you open a dental clinic on the most extreme street of the city, then you are unlikely to wait.

If you buy an apartment, then, accordingly, it will be a residential building. Therefore, before you open a dental office, you will need to re-register it in non-residential. Here you can go in two ways: either do it all yourself (cheaply, but troublesome), or entrust it to a company that provides similar services (expensive, but a little faster).

Necessary area for the clinic

According to the requirements of SES, at least 14 square meters are required per dental unit. meters of the room. When planning more jobs, add another 7 square meters. meters for each. Add to this a bathroom (5 sq. M), a room for economic activities (5-10 sq. M), a reception with a patient waiting area (20 sq. M) and, if necessary, a diagnostic room (12 sq. M). Therefore, pre-calculate what total area for work is needed. Also, keep in mind that in the future you may want to expand your business, and you will need much more space.

Room decoration

Before you open dentistry, and after you rented and bought a room for a business, you need to think about repair. The main thing here is not to rush and to calculate everything carefully. The main thing to be done is to bring all the necessary communications (electricity, water and sewage) to the dental chair.

dental license

Saving on the decoration of the premises is not worth it, as many patients can evaluate the quality of the services provided by this principle. On average, repairs will cost you 4,500-6,000 rubles per 1 sq. Km. meter.

How to open a dental office: collecting documents

This part of the business project is the most troublesome.Well, firstly, you will definitely need a license for dental activity, the receipt of which can take quite a long time (up to a year). Secondly, you need to get permission to start work from a large number of different authorities (fire department, architecture department, district administration, SES, etc.).

A little more about the license. What you need to get this document:

  • certificate of ownership or lease of premises in which dental services will be provided;
  • conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor that this room meets all sanitary requirements;
  • certificates of conformity and registration certificates of existing dental equipment, as well as an agreement with the company that will provide its services;
  • various documents confirming that the medical staff of your clinic has the appropriate education and qualifications;
  • many other papers.

A license for dental activity will cost you about 1,500-2,000 rubles. Of these, 300-700 rubles must be paid for consideration of the application for its receipt and from 1000-1500 for the document itself. But, as practice shows, in order to somehow speed up the process of registration, it is worth contacting a qualified lawyer. And his services, of course, are not free - about 25-40 thousand rubles! And if you are satisfied with both the authority of the law firm and the cost of services, add these expenses to your dental office business plan.

By the way, if in your dental office there will be surgical, plastic or children's departments, then the license for dental activity of these types will have to be taken separately.

The right to provide services is issued for 5 years. But if you violate any conditions under which it is issued, the license can be taken away. Such cases include even an incorrectly completed sterilization log.

Equipment purchase

The next point that worries all entrepreneurs who do not know how to open dentistry is the cost of buying all the necessary tools for work. This part of the project is the most expensive. For example, according to the requirements of licensing dental clinics, the most necessary equipment includes:

  • dental chair, the cost of which can vary from 180,000 to 400,000 rubles;
  • apparatus for sterilizing instruments - from 150,000 to 230,000 rubles;
  • supplies and accessories for the dental office, which will need to be acquired as they are used, from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles for each dental chair;
  • tools (for one workplace) - from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Additional equipment and interior items include:

  • X-ray unit - from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles, and prosthetic equipment - from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles (this is if these services are provided in your dental office);
  • reception desk;
  • tables and chairs for doctors;
  • a computer in which all data about patients, the purchase of supplies, etc. will be stored;
  • TV, sofa, wardrobe in the waiting room for patients.dental office accessories


Before you open a dental office, it is worth considering the selection of doctors. The main condition by which you must take them to work is a diploma in medical education and a certificate that allows you to engage in this activity.

You can regulate the number of doctors yourself. So, for example, if the office’s work schedule is daily from 8 am to 8 pm, it will be rational to hire 3 people.

Probably, many are interested in the question of what kind of salary a dentist has. There is nothing to hide here - with work experience of three years or more, he should receive at least 25-40 thousand rubles a month.

For each doctor, you need to “attach” one assistant who will help him during the reception of patients and sterilize the instruments. His average salary is about 10-15 thousand.rubles.

In addition to these workers, you need to hire a nurse (one or several), whose tasks will include cleaning the unit after receiving the patient, as well as the rest of the room and once a week to disinfect walls, floors and ceilings. The fulfillment of the last duty requires strict control, since every month in your clinic Rospotrebnadzor employees will analyze air samples.

If you wish, you can hire a security guard, whose average salary will be about 15,000 rubles, and an administrator - from 10,000 rubles.

How long will the investment pay off?

This question does not have a clear answer, because the amount of profit depends on many factors. For example:

  • Does your dentist have their own customer base?
  • What kind of advertising does your office have and does it even exist?
  • In what area is your clinic located.
  • What are the prices for services in the office - lower or higher than competitors. According to experts, young clinics should not overestimate the cost of their work. Treatment of one tooth should cost the patient about 1000-4000 rubles, depending on the complexity.
  • How many services you have (x-ray, orthopedics, surgery, plastic, children’s office) - the more the better.

According to rough estimates, on average, a patient should leave about 1.5-2 thousand rubles at a time in a young clinic. For the first month of work, the number of visitors can reach 6-8 people per day. With this calculation, the monthly turnover of a dental office with one unit is about 350,000 rubles, given that it will work seven days a week.

Advertising your project

Now, after all the necessary work and installation of equipment, before you open the dentistry, you need to declare your clinic to the company. For starters, you can make a large colorful sign. By the way, it can be hung even at the moment when finishing work is going on - so more people will learn about the opening of a dental office. At the second stage of promoting your project, you can advertise on TV, radio or in the newspaper.

Also, a good way to express yourself is to create your own clinic website and place third-party advertising on the Internet. And if you still have some money, you can contact special companies that are involved in business promotion.

what is the dentist's salary

Dental clinic business plan: how much does the opening cost?

So, let's calculate how much money you need to start your business:

  • purchase of equipment - from 430,000 to 810,000 rubles;
  • obtaining a license - 2000 rubles, and if you hire an employee to draw up a document - 27 000-42 000 rubles;
  • purchase of premises - from 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 rubles, rent - from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles per year;
  • Finishing work - 50,000-100,000 rubles;
  • promotion - 200 000 rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 80 000-100 000 rubles.

Total, on average, you will need from 3,000,000 to 6,500,000 rubles.


So, now you know how to open dentistry and what approximate amount of money you need to have in order to start your plan. Of course, there are a lot of costs for starting a business of such a plan, but as they work, they will fully pay off, and after a while the business will bring good profit.

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