
Military pensions in 2015: accrual procedure, size, calculation formula

All “servicemen” are concerned about military pensions. Indeed, it is often because of them that people remain in the service. In Russia, it is generally accepted that the military in old age are well provided by the state. To some extent this is true. Nevertheless, in order to receive military pensions, you will have to try. How to calculate how much a pensioner is entitled to as payments? What formulas will be used? And what is needed to apply for a military pension?military pensions

Not for all

It’s worth starting with the fact that these payments are not assigned to everyone. That is, not every citizen who served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation can apply for military pensions in 2015 (and so on).

To be able to receive appropriate support from the state, you will have to work hard. And have at least 20 years of service experience. At the moment, just such a rule has legal force. Otherwise, you can get an ordinary pension.

What influences

What factors will affect state support in retirement age? There are not so many of them. And if you even know what scheme is used to calculate any pension payments, then it’s not difficult to guess what is at stake. What to worry about?

First of all, your seniority affects military pensions. More precisely, the period in which you were in the service. The larger it is, the higher the payouts will be.

Secondly, the position. And as a result, the salary. Please note that when calculating any pension payments, your contributions to the Pension Fund are taken into account. The more you produce them, the higher the compensation will be.military pensions in 2015

Thirdly, the so-called length of service. To obtain a military pension, you will need to serve at least 20 years. Everything that is accumulated beyond the deadline contributes to an increase in payments by fairly decent amounts. Pensions to military pensioners in Russia, as you can see, are high. And all thanks to the features of the calculation.

Fourth, the age of going on a well-deserved rest. To some extent, it can be equated to the length of service. But this is a slightly different point. The later a person retires, the higher his benefits will be. This is a long known fact. Military pensions, as you see, mean a lot of nuances. But what formulas are worth calculating?

Accrual basis

In 2015, military pensions (and not only) were calculated according to an extremely simple scheme. It is understandable even to a child, not to mention an adult. So what is the accrual algorithm?

In simple terms, you can rely on the following data. To get started, take your salary and experience. These are the main indicators that you need to pay attention to. Now consider: for the first 20 years of service as pensions you will be charged 50% of the salary amount. Therefore, it is important that earnings are higher.

Military pensions in 2015, as well as at other times, as already mentioned, depend on the length of service. For each additional year (in excess of the prescribed 20), you can count on a kind of allowance. In 2015, military pensions allowed you to receive 3% additional from the amount of your salary. So far, the situation has not changed.

It turns out an extremely simple situation. For the first 20 years of service, a pensioner is charged 50% of the salary, for the rest of the time - another 3%. But there are limitations in this system too. Not too big, but they are.military pensions in 2015


They concern only interest earned as a premium. After all, limits should be on all charges and formulas. The thing is that the premium cannot total more than 85%.

Based on the foregoing, it is worth noting: a citizen must serve about 48 years to get the maximum in this matter. Then for the first 20 years of service he will earn 50% of the salary, and for the rest of the time - the maximum rate of allowances. In practice, this phenomenon is extremely rare. Pensions for military pensioners are honestly easy to calculate. What formula will help determine the exact payouts?

Calculation formula

It is worth introducing a little specificity into this topic. The general principles by which military pensions are calculated are understandable. But, as you can see, there was no mention of a position in the service. And it is taken into account in the calculations. How?

At the moment, it is customary to use a formula that helps to easily calculate the amount of payments for the military upon reaching retirement age and leaving for a well-deserved rest.

The amount of the salary for a military post, the allowance for long service (30% of the salary) and the salary for a military rank are multiplied by the interest calculated on the basis of 50% for 20 years of service + 3% for each additional year. And after everything is multiplied by a reduction factor. It needs to be watched in each region, depending on the month of receiving the pension. Nothing difficult, right? It turns out something like: (VD + VZ + ((VD + VZ) * 0.3) * (50% + 3 * (service life - 20)%) * PC. In fact, everything is very easy and simple. And military pensions in 2015, as in 2016, remain at a relatively high level.pensions for military pensioners

Order of receipt

How to get the appropriate payment? Here the process is not much different from the usual purpose of the pension. It is enough to prepare a list of documents that are then referred to the Pension Fund at the place of registration (or sometimes at the place of residence). What do you need to bring for 2015? Pensions for military pensioners will be granted only if:

  • passports
  • military card;
  • labor book;
  • relevant statement;
  • statements of income and your position;
  • SNILS;
  • bank account numbers for accruals.

It's all. As soon as you provide the relevant documents, you must apply for a pension.

2015 pension of military pensioners

Not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Military pensions play an important role for the “servants”. As already mentioned, it is precisely because of them that many remain to serve in the Armed Forces of Russia. In any case, you know how to correctly calculate the due amount. If you are experiencing some difficulties, you can turn to online services designed for calculating pensions. Set the parameter "military" there, and then enter all the necessary data, up to your age, when you plan to go on a well-deserved rest. The computer itself will calculate how much state support can be obtained based on the information entered.

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