
The choice of equipment for the production of foam rubber and its manufacturing technology

The domestic market for the production of foam cannot fully satisfy the needs of the population. Most often, this material is purchased abroad. Therefore, the production of foam is a good idea to start a business. Due to the vast sales market, convenient transportation, and the fact that this business does not require a large initial capital, with the right choice of equipment you can make it successful.

Foam Production Technology

The production of foam rubber is quite harmful, because the fumes that occur during the manufacture of this material can cause significant damage to the human body. In large quantities, they are released into the environment. However after that harmful substances completely disintegrate into safe chemical elements that do no harm.

Therefore, it is very important that the production is equipped with a modern ventilation system and water supply. In addition, workers in the production hall should have respirators and other protective equipment.

production technology

The choice of equipment for the production of foam depends on the required capacity and volume of finished products, as well as on the method of manufacturing products, which can be periodic or continuous.

To produce foam, the necessary chemicals are mixed in a foaming machine. After that, the finished mixture dries out after a while, and it is cut into sheets of the required thickness.

Necessary equipment

To adjust the work of the foam rubber production workshop, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Apparatus for foaming a solution.
  2. Foam component dosing machine.
  3. Thermal chamber.
  4. Equipment for cutting finished material.
  5. Additional equipment, namely couplings, pumps, hoses, waste crushers, packaging machines and more.

selection of equipment for the production of foam rubber

This equipment can be purchased separately, or can be purchased as a production line, which will include all the necessary elements for organizing the work of the production workshop.

However, what should be guided by when purchasing equipment so that a business can bring maximum profit?

The choice of equipment depending on its cost

The choice of equipment for the production of foam should primarily be based on the initial capital that you are ready to invest in it, as well as on the necessary performance. In addition, you should decide on whether you will buy a finished production line or equipment separately. The production line is much more convenient. The fact is that in it all the elements are perfectly matched. Thus, malfunctions occur much less frequently.

components for the production of foam rubber

In the event that there is no possibility of large investments, it is worth considering the purchase of a machine with a capacity of about 10 cubic meters per shift. A foam rubber production line will cost two to three times more, but its capacity is about 25 cubic meters per shift. If the distribution of products is well established, it makes sense to purchase even more powerful equipment, otherwise it will be inappropriate.

The choice of equipment with a small budget

In the event that your financial capabilities are small, it is worth taking a closer look at the new domestic machines. You can buy them very cheaply, but you will have to spend a little more money on getting their working condition back.Thus, it will be possible to purchase more expensive raw materials for the production of foam rubber, so that the quality of the finished product meets all indicators.

If you have the opportunity, it is better to purchase imported equipment. It is more durable and high quality.

Basic equipment for a small production workshop

foam rubber components

The most necessary equipment that no production can do without is:

  1. A machine that foams foam components. This unit is the main one in production.
  2. Forms into which the raw material for pouring is poured.
  3. A machine for cutting foam into sheets of the required thickness.

Of course, for the normal operation of the production hall, additional equipment will be required. However, it can be bought gradually. To start production, the main thing is the presence of the three above-mentioned machines.

Search for equipment

The choice of equipment for the production of foam will be more successful if you first consult with the owners of existing facilities. If you can conduct your own investigation on this issue, then definitely do not make mistakes made by others.

raw materials for the production of foam rubber

There are several ways you can find out this information.

  1. Call your future competitors by introducing yourself as the manager of a company that sells Chinese equipment parts. You can find out which manufacturer’s equipment is used in the workshop, and how often it fails.
  2. You can call the sales department and say that you go to buy products. At the same time, ask what equipment the foam rubber is made on. You can come and see advertising samples yourself to make sure the quality of the products.
  3. Communicate in forums where the owners of a foam rubber business discuss their problems with a particular equipment. Moreover, in this way, you will be able to understand which section of production is the most inhibitory product. Most often this is the packaging of finished products.

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