
Profitable business: how to open a diner. Diner business plan: equipment and list of required documents

Nutrition needs a person daily. But he does not always have time to cook something on his own. Not everyone will choose an expensive restaurant for a snack, most will prefer something more budgetary. Therefore, a cafe, a snack bar or a coffee shop will certainly be in demand. What is necessary in order to start a business in such an area?

Official registration

How to open a diner?

Before you open a diner, you will need to obtain all the necessary documents. First of all, you need to register a legal entity.

As a legal form, you can choose individual entrepreneurship, but then you have to exclude alcoholic beverages from the menu.

If you plan to implement them, open an LLC. This form will allow, for example, to conclude cooperation agreements with nearby companies, where you can deliver hot meals. Among other things, it is necessary to have documents for the premises of the diner, certifying the rental or purchase of space. If you are thinking about how to open a diner on wheels, you will need a separate permit that defines the places where you can stop and trade.

Visit to Rospotrebnadzor

Of particular note is the package of documents that will need to be collected before the institution is opened for the state oversight body. You will need papers such as a production control program, a contract for pest control, disinfestation, removal of solid waste, recycling fluorescent tubes and the use of dry cleaning and laundry, a sanitary and epidemiological report, as well as a book of reviews and suggestions.

Only after submitting all these documents to the appropriate institution and obtaining official permission will you be able to start servicing visitors. Do not be afraid of such an impressive list. Rospotrebnadzor often holds practical consultations on how to open an institution, and generally tries to meet small businesses, so almost any difficulty can be eliminated.


For the optimal choice of location, a preliminary study is needed. Try to choose a busy street with high traffic. It is desirable that there are clothing or grocery stores, office centers or educational institutions nearby, it is also good to place a snack bar near the station or transport stop. Of course, it is worth paying attention to competitors.

Ideally, there should not be any food establishments nearby, but this is not necessary. Competitors may not cope with the flow of customers, the quality of their products may be inferior to yours. High quality service and delicious food will surely attract visitors to your institution. Just study the competitor's menu and chat with customers, find out what they like and what not. Only then can you make the choice of the best place.

Equipment and furniture

The diner’s business plan should definitely include the cost of interior decoration. You will need chairs and tables for visitors, as well as equipment. Get counters, refrigeration units, showcases and cabinets, this is the basic equipment of any institution. If finances do not allow the acquisition of a new one, rent or buy a used one.

Everything can be gradually replaced in the coming months.In addition, you may need a microwave, crepe maker, deep fryer, grill, hot dog machine, coffee machine, kettles, vertical grill and donut machine. Decide what exactly you want to include in your menu and purchase the appropriate device before opening the diner. If the funds do not allow, new items can be added after opening, when there will be some income.


Mini diner

It is important that visitors enjoy the diner. Perhaps you will come up with some kind of original idea that can be embodied in the design of the hall, menu and associated with a list of dishes. Or maybe just arrange everything in neutral colors.

The main thing is that the room was cozy and comfortable. Chairs and tables should be comfortable, a display case should allow a good look at the goods displayed in it.

If you are not sure that you can independently take into account all the subtleties, seek help from a professional designer who can think out the interior for you according to the budget that you are ready to invest in it.

Menu planning

The study of the preferences of potential customers will help determine the dishes. You can learn about them even when choosing a place for accommodation, interviewing visitors to neighboring institutions. In order for the mini snack bar or cafe to be in stable demand, it is important to ensure the fast preparation of the food on offer. That is why semi-finished products are most often used for dishes.

But they should be of the highest quality, be sure to consider this in the procurement process. Tasty and quickly cooked food will guarantee that visitors will return to you again and again, and will also tell friends and acquaintances about your establishment, providing the effect of the so-called word of mouth. The optimal solution would be to offer, for example, several soups and second courses, vegetable and meat salad, sandwiches, some snacks and drinks.

Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes can bring additional income, but special licenses are needed to sell them, so try to immediately figure out how serious the benefit will be. If the profit from such a group of goods is unlikely to be large, it is better not to start selling.


Cafe Snack

Before you open a diner, you should recruit workers. If you plan to sell burgers from the counter and put only high tables, without chairs for customers, one employee will be enough for you.

If you want to open an institution with soups and meat, you will need at least two employees: a cook for cooking and a cashier for receiving orders. With a large customer flow, a waiter is also required.

At the initial stage, such an amount is just what you need to open a snack bar without any problems. The main thing is that all employees have health books. Watch for their timely renewal. You can’t hire a cleaner in the first months; any other employee will be able to perform her functions for an extra charge.

Marketing activities

Promotion of the institution can begin even before you open the diner. The main advertising tool will be a sign. Try to make it informative and attractive. At the road you can put a pointer - a pillar. Even the modest business plan of the diner will allow you to spend money on a regular board located at the entrance, on which you can write with chalk information about daily promotions or updates.

This method of delivering news to a client is widely used in Europe and looks very attractive. In addition, before you open a snack bar, you can immediately agree with the nearest companies or office centers on placing business cards at the entrance or at the reception. Then potential customers will know about you in advance, and you will not have to face downtime in the first days after opening.

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