
Anti-bacterial simulator handles

Anti-bacterial simulator handlesGym visitors know that a huge number of bacteria are on the simulator. Each previous visitor brings their own bacteria and sometimes a whole bunch of a wide variety of sores and fungi accumulate there. Many are looking for a way out of this situation for their frequent choice falls on gloves.

Dawn Mayfert felt sick every time she visited the gym, and sometimes she even got the flu. The reason for this was the very bacteria that accumulated on the simulator. If a person with a cold was engaged in this simulator in front of her, then she will certainly get sick. Dawn decided to solve this problem. And she came up with antibacterial arms for the simulators, which she called PitGrip.

The idea of ​​how to create antibacterial handles for exercise equipment came to Dawn when she once rode her bicycle and saw that she needed to change the handles that were worn out. And then she realized that exactly the same principle can be observed with the handles on the simulators.

Mrs. Meyfer is another confirmation that if you need to solve a problem, you need to think about this problem yourself and you will definitely find a solution to your problem. With a successful set of circumstances, you can still earn on this.

How antibacterial handles for exercise machines work. With each squeezing of such a handle, a special mixture of the so-called “ink” is released from it, according to Dawn, this is the whole secret of the disinfecting effect. One pair of such handles protects from about four to six months.

There are alternative handles on the market, but the peculiarity of PitGripp is innovative technology and the absence of neoprite. At the heart of the handles is a composition of rubber and oxygen. The difference and convenience of PitGrip from ordinary handles and gloves is that the PitGrip does not slip and does not impede movement like gloves.

PitGripe in the gyms of America is one of the most popular products. After the scandal with diseases of staphylococcus aureus, visitors to gyms. After this incident, people began to be much more accrual and squeamish about the simulators. In addition, antibacterial handles for PinGrip training machines cost only $ 10.


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