
Business plan: production of cosmetics from A to Z. How to produce cosmetic products and establish their marketing

cosmetics production business plan

At all times, women dreamed of becoming even more beautiful. For this, there was a need to develop new techniques that brought good money.

Today, the sale of cosmetics is developed quite widely. Nevertheless, it is one of the most profitable businesses. After all, a woman is able to deny herself many wishes, but not in the acquisition of beauty products.

Idea for business

In the Russian market there is a fairly high competition among manufacturers of cosmetic products. That is why few people consider this business promising for themselves. However, despite the large scale of the market, you can always find a certain niche and start producing your own cosmetics with a small initial investment.

Where to begin? A business plan is pre-compiled. The production of cosmetics, as well as all stages of the preparatory activities should be described in this document.

First of all, consumer demand should be studied. This will allow the production of cosmetics to be tailored to their wishes. For beginners, the release and sale of products that include only natural ingredients can be of particular interest. It is impossible to produce such cosmetics on an industrial scale, since natural substances cannot be stored for a long time. To prevent spoilage, emulsifiers and preservatives are added to the finished products.

cosmetics production

The production of cosmetics consisting only of natural ingredients is within the reach of small entrepreneurs. They can guarantee the high quality of their products by developing their own recipes and releasing goods to order.

Advantages and disadvantages of herbal remedies

Natural cosmetics do not contain harmful chemical additives. Produce it on the basis of extracts and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Whey, natural oils, and other natural ingredients are used in this product.

The main disadvantage of such funds lies in the short shelf life. Due to the expensive components in their composition, they have a fairly high cost. However, all this is more than compensated by the useful properties and high quality of the manufactured goods.

Start a business

The production of cosmetic products, the basis of which is only natural raw materials, begins, as a rule, at home. At first, it is just a hobby, and then it is a source that allows you to get additional income. In this case, the foundation is laid for the development of one's own business.

In the event that your passion has grown into a serious occupation, you will need to draw up a business plan. The production of cosmetics in this document should be provided only after obtaining the necessary education. It is necessary, despite the enormous amount of information in the worldwide information network Internet.

The production of cosmetics will be a profitable business, provided that the necessary ingredients are carefully selected. It should be borne in mind that the essential oils sold in the pharmacy network, as a rule, cannot satisfy the requirements that apply to natural cosmetics, since they contain chemical components.

Therefore, the business plan should determine the choice of suppliers who have a good reputation in the market. Components can be purchased in small batches at retail or wholesale firms.It is only worth bearing in mind that the costs of manufacturing finished products in this case will be increased.

Cosmetic Formulation

To produce a good product, it’s not enough just to pick components. A large role will be played by their quantity and the combination provided for in the manufacturing recipe. This point is important to ensure the necessary cosmetic effect. In the event that you do not have experience in this field, all this will need to be mastered in practice.

Production of cosmetics can only be started when their own recipes appear, and all the funds will be tested on friends and acquaintances who will give positive feedback.


The production of natural cosmetics at the initial stage may not differ in the variety of products, because the certification of each product will require about twenty-five to thirty thousand rubles. However, the assortment list should include at least two or three types of products for oily, combination, and also for dry skin. This will reach a larger number of potential buyers.

Custom-made natural cosmetics must take into account the individual requirements of the buyer. But serial production will predetermine the maximum unification of the assortment. At the same time, one will not have to forget about a certain variety of products.

Manufacturing process

The acquisition of our own equipment, which will be used to produce cosmetic products, at the first stages of doing business is very expensive and unprofitable. For start-ups, contact production is recommended. Services provided by a third-party laboratory are fairly cheap. Their cost is lower than the cost of raw materials required for the manufacture of cosmetics.

Many large Russian enterprises offer the implementation of a full production cycle for the production of gels and creams, tonic and milk, masks and scrubs, balms, shampoos, etc. Services include formulation development, procurement of raw materials, quality control, product manufacturing and designer design of finished cosmetics.


Not every product sold is capable of generating significant income. It should be borne in mind that cosmetics is always in demand. The main thing to do is to organize your business well.

All products sold must undergo mandatory certification. Cosmetics must be in full compliance with labeling rules. It is important not to miss the expiration dates of the goods. In the event that you decide to sell the goods through your own store, for its opening you will need to complete certain documents.

First of all, it is necessary to officially register their activities. For a small organization, this can be an individual enterprise. For a large-scale trading network, LLC design will be required.

At registration it is necessary to indicate the type of activity. Officially, this should be the retail trade of perfumes, cosmetics and household chemicals. Before you start, you should get the advice of a financial specialist and choose a simplified tax system or a single tax on imputed income. Only after the end of these procedures will your trading business acquire legal grounds and you will not be afraid of penalties.


The business plan of a natural cosmetics store, the compilation of which must precede the opening of a retail outlet, should contain a section regarding the place of sale of the goods. Here you should consider one of the most acceptable options. So, the premises can be rented in a large shopping center. A cosmetics store may be located on the ground floor of a residential building.

As an option, renting a detached small pavilion can be considered.In addition to the cost of rent, which is important for business profitability, the number of potential buyers should be taken into account. That is why an expensive room, located on a busy street, will be a better choice compared to a budget option in a quiet, uninhabited area. The rental price will pay off with large sales volumes.

The area of ​​a cosmetics store may range from 30 to 90 square meters. A more convenient and optimal option is a room of about 45 squares. Such a space is more advantageous in terms of payment and can be conveniently organized.


A store that sells cosmetics will require certain design costs. You will need racks and counters, shelves and a cash register, as well as a sign that attracts attention. When choosing equipment, you should take into account the area of ​​the room. With its small size, only racks and wall counters are needed. In the spacious hall there is the possibility of placing island display cases.

Staff recruitment

Outgoing employees interested in the work will have a positive impact on the business. Cosmetics is one of the areas where the personal qualities of staff are especially important. That is why, when preparing a business plan, you should immediately consider the right number of consultants and sellers.

natural cosmetics store business plan

In the event that it is planned to open a small store, four employees can be included in the staff by setting them a shift schedule. In addition, you will need an administrator to control the goods and accounting.

With small volumes, this work can be done by the entrepreneur himself. When recruiting employees, pay particular attention to the manner in which the personnel communicate. Buyers will return to the store for new purchases with respect for them and receiving competent advice from sellers.


How to quickly sell cosmetics? The main profit for the business will be brought by regular customers, who should be attracted by various promotions, bonuses, as well as discount programs. That is why advertising is one of the most important tasks of trade.

Even when drawing up a business plan, it is worth developing discount programs that will be applied to regular customers. For the implementation of such actions will need to produce special cards of a regular customer. In the process, all costs incurred for advertising will pay off.

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Alla Alina
By the way, a very good idea for a business!
A friend works at the Black Diamond factory (contract manufacturing of cosmetics) - now the trend is such that many retailers are launching their own line of cosmetics. Profitable!
Aliski, stop drinking coffee, consume sugar and flour + add more raw vegetables and fruits to the diet and acne will go away
but what about the owners of sensitive skin?) this, the fourth after oily, dry and comb-type skin types, is in demand, probably even more actively! because, in the fight against acne and peeling and acne, etc., the girls are ready for anything and experiment with cosmetics quite a lot, albeit very carefully!)


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