
Your business: how to open a cosmetics store. Cosmetics store business plan: documents, suppliers, prices

The opening of a cosmetic store is a relevant and quite popular idea, which finds its implementation among middle-class entrepreneurs. This is due to several factors.

First of all, people take care of their appearance, and when certain problems arise (wrinkles, age spots, peeling of the skin and other troubles) they choose cosmetics that help them solve these problems. In addition, a cosmetic store is simply impossible without a perfume department, and perfumes have always been a great gift for any celebration.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store. Let us consider in more detail all the stages of creating this kind of business.

how to open a cosmetics store

check in

Before you begin to take any steps aimed at achieving the goal, you should register with the Tax Inspectorate. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). To do this, you need the following package of documents:

  • receipt confirming payment of state duty;
  • application for registration of an individual entrepreneur certified by a notary;
  • photocopy of passport (all pages);
  • photocopy of the INN;
  • a statement indicating the selected tax system.

For the perfumery and cosmetic business, you should choose a simplified taxation system (USNO) or UTII.

In addition, to start the store you will need permission from SES and fire supervision. It is mandatory to prepare a lease or property documents, sanitary passport of the premises and, finally, an act from the BTI confirming the commissioning of the premises. You should purchase a cash register, which must be registered with the same Tax Inspectorate.

When all the documentation is on hand, you can begin to act.

how to open a perfume and cosmetics store

Business plan of cosmetics and perfumery store

Any entrepreneur is well aware that in order to achieve financial success, you should have a well-developed list of actions detailing each subsequent step. We will do this too. Draw up a business plan for the store cosmetics and perfumes.

Choose products

First of all, you should decide what you intend to offer your customers. The domestic market has several types of perfumes and cosmetics that differ not only in quality but also in the clientele. The scheme for building the entire business will depend on the choice of the future assortment.

The main types of products

  • Original cosmetics and perfumes belong to premium products manufactured exclusively at the manufacturer's enterprises. A rather high price (for example, from several thousand rubles for a small bottle of perfume) immediately implies a target audience, which is represented by very wealthy people. If you decide to sell goods of this class, then you should not forget that wholesale purchase will cost a tidy amount. In addition, the premises of the future store will require appropriate stylish design, which means additional costs.
  • Licensed products are one step below the original cosmetics, but are also considered elite. Visually, it is practically indistinguishable from the original, but its quality is much lower. The initial investment for a business in this case will not be so breathtaking.The customer base consists of people with an average income level, as the cost of production is about 5-10 times lower than that of the original product.
  • Bulk perfumery. The product is initially delivered in large containers, and then bottled in small bottles.
  • The sale of natural cosmetics is somewhat different, since not all customers can afford these rather expensive products. In addition, it has a short shelf life. Manufacturers of natural cosmetics occupy the same segment as well-known brands with original products.

Decide on a business model

Reflecting on the question of how to open a cosmetics and perfumery shop, it is worth discussing another important point. A potential entrepreneur needs to choose the most convenient business model for him. There are not so many options: own store, department in the shopping center and online store. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.

  • Organization of the store initially involves a fairly large investment. You will need to pay the rent of the premises (or purchase your own territory, which is even more expensive), then you will need to fill the store with the appropriate goods. The table below lists the main expenses. The average figures obtained on the basis of statistics are given as an example:
Rental price 15 thousand rubles
Communal payments 10 thousand rubles
Product 500 thousand rubles
Equipment purchase 100 thousand rubles
Store Advertising from 20 to 30 thousand
Salary from 50 to 60 thousand
other expenses from 20 to 30 thousand
Total 750 thousand rubles

The projected income of the store with such figures will be approximately from 300,000 to 350,000 rubles per month. The average monthly profit will be kept in the region of 100,000 rubles. You can return the invested money in about 9-12 months.

  • A department is no longer a store, but only a rented area (relatively small). In this case, the investment is not too large, in addition, it is possible to control the assortment by removing goods that are not in demand.
  • The online cosmetics and perfumery store deserves more detailed consideration, and we will return to it a bit later.

Amount of financing

Any business plan (including a cosmetics store) is unthinkable without considering financial issues. This is a key point.

First of all, you should definitely decide on the starting capital. If you are able to invest in your own business a large amount (from 3 million rubles), then it is advisable to offer customers original products. For cash shortages, opt for a licensed product.

If we consider the averaged figures, then the cosmetic store makes a profit of about 250 to 300 thousand rubles a month, so your investment will pay off for the first year of work. The profitability of the cosmetics and perfumery business reaches about 30%.

Internet business

This business is interesting in that it can perfectly develop in the virtual space. Therefore, we will consider in more detail how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in this format.

Today, the World Wide Web offers many services, including online shopping. You can buy everything, including your favorite cosmetics. Moreover, its price will be much lower. Therefore, for such a virtual outlet, the business plan will look a little different. An online store of cosmetics and perfumes, of course, involves certain financial costs. First of all, you need to develop a website, pay for the services of a web designer and hosting. Buy a suitable domain name. But all these events will take much less money than in the real world.business plan online cosmetics store

On average, about 100,000 rubles will be required to organize this type of business. But the amount can vary, both up and down. This will depend on the intended functionality of the site.

In fact, the owner only needs to determine the type of product and the initial amount that he is willing to spend on his online cosmetics and perfumery store. Properly conducted in the network advertising company will provide the store with excellent traffic.

On this, the question "How to open a cosmetics and perfumery shop on the Internet" can be considered closed. Let's get back to business in real life.

Location of the perfume and cosmetics store

In continuation of the topic "How to open a perfumery and cosmetics store", we will consider a very important issue regarding the location of the store.

If possible, it is best to open it closer to the city center. An ideal place would be a large shopping center. The first floor of the building is also wonderful, that is, any place of crowding. After all, the more potential buyers visit the store, the greater the likelihood of its early payback.

Store design

Attractively designed appearance also plays an important role. A bright facade with huge showcases, advertising posters of new products from famous brands, an original sign - all this works great, attracting visitors.

The interior design of the premises also requires paying no less attention. Many racks and counters should be discarded. The buyer should not feel like in a warehouse. It’s better to display a smaller assortment of goods than to create a blockage.

The first and main rule of room design is the abundance of glass and light, so that customers can see the presented products from different angles. Everything else design depends entirely on your taste, wishes and financial capabilities.


One of the most important moments in organizing your own business. Ideally, it is best to start cooperation with large wholesale suppliers who have already established themselves in the market of perfumes and cosmetics. Moreover, the probability of obtaining counterfeit goods is much less.


Most often, the personnel base of the newly opened store is professional sellers who have long been working in this area. They share their experience with new consultants, thanks to which a qualified working team is gradually being formed.

Sales Consultant Training

If there is a financial opportunity, then you can send your specialists to undergo various trainings. At such training events, the staff not only gets acquainted with the basic techniques of sales, but also gets highly specialized knowledge on the types of perfumes and cosmetics, acquires the necessary skills.

To succeed, the staff must be a well-functioning working mechanism. And everyone, from the manager to the junior sales assistant, must not only know, but also clearly fulfill their responsibilities.

Determine the number of employees

The required number of employees is calculated on the basis of the sales area, customer service options, and the store’s working hours. To service a small boutique, two sellers are quite enough, who will work on a certain schedule, replacing each other.

A large trading room and a full day, from morning to late evening, will require at least four sales consultants and two senior sellers.

An online store can practically do without staff. You can take orders yourself, and couriers will deliver. If you wish, you can entrust the delivery and receipt of orders to courier services, which will completely save you from the hassle associated with finding workers.

Choose assortment

The success of the store depends not only on the number of visitors, but also on a well-chosen range of products. Do not immediately make large purchases.Try to purchase small batches of cosmetics and perfumes first and watch how quickly this or that product diverges. The most popular categories are hair and skin care products.

Specific products (such as sunblock) are only successful in season. Do not forget that cosmetics are purchased by women of different ages, so the assortment should be oriented accordingly.

If the area allows, you can place counters with related products: cosmetic bags, women's magazines, jewelry.

Xometics and perfumes online store

How to properly place the goods on the windows

It should be noted that the goods in the windows must be laid out in a certain way. The best option is to arrange cosmetics by grouping them by brand, and not by purpose. Women prefer to use cosmetics of the same manufacturer and are very willing to buy new products from their favorite company.

So, we examined the main points that you should pay attention to when deciding how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store. Of course, there are many more different nuances, but you will deal with them along the way. I wish you success!

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Thanks, useful article.
We opened our online cosmetics store in July 2017. But an online store, unlike a retail store, is harder to promote / promote, retail, anyway, people always go by, with signs, leaflets, it’s easier to lure than to a site. Therefore, having thought a bit, we decided to open a retail store, especially since the goods are already there. Just can not decide whether a store or an island in a shopping center.
Thank you very much, you inspired and animated my idea, my fears hinder me all the time, and take me one step back from my idea, but now I think everything will work out, bow to you !!!!


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