
Cosmetic business: how to open a beauty parlor. Cosmetology cabinet business plan: list of documents and equipment

how to open a beauty parlor

Cosmetic services have always enjoyed considerable popularity among the population of large cities. Now this tThe trend continues to develop, because the ecology of the metropolis leaves much to be desired.

For many people, visiting a cosmetologist has already become a habit, and each year the number of male clients in such salons increases, which indicates the demand for beauty salon services. So why do those who wish to start a new business not consider this type of activity as an additional, and perhaps the main form of earnings? Let's try to figure out how to open a beauty parlor.

Let's get started

So, for starters, it's worth understanding how you see your business. Will it be a small office that offers only a few services, or a large business in which a large number of specialists are involved? Depending on this, you need to calculate costs.

How to open a beauty parlor and where to start? The first thing you need to pay attention to is the room where all services will be provided. It is worth choosing a place in the city in which people are constantly “spinning”. In this case, it is desirable that this was a sleeping area. A good option is the first floor of an apartment building near any medical or entertainment center, market, sauna, etc. Sometimes it will be very useful to equip your beauty parlor near a beauty salon.


It is only allowed to hire people who have secondary or higher medical education or, in extreme cases, a certificate of completion of cosmetologist courses. Each employee must have a certificate of medical examination (preferably a medical book). It is necessary to pass it once a year.

Further, before opening a cosmetology office, it is necessary to establish strict rules for personnel: each employee should be dressed in a white coat and clean his hair under a headscarf or hat. Special requirements are imposed on the masseuse - she needs to cut her nails briefly so as not to injure the client, it is forbidden to wear dresses with narrow sleeves (they should be freely wrapped), all rings and other jewelry should be removed from the hands.

how to open a beauty parlor

How to find good professionals?

The best option is to lure professionals from long-known beauty salons. It is very convenient, but far from safe. For example, after working with you for a couple of months and scouting all your "chips", an employee can simply run away to the previous owner and pass on to him all the information.

Also, before you open a beauty parlor, you can advertise in the newspaper about the vacancy of a cosmetologist (or other employee). If you want, arrange something like a competition for a place. If you don’t understand much in cosmetology and don’t even suspect how to choose a professional, you can invite a specialist from a popular salon to the role of an expert (provided that his owner allows him to do this).

If there is a financial opportunity, you can send specialists to continuing education courses. Although in some cases, the masters themselves pay for their training or pay off their debt by working hard.

Or is it better to buy?

There are several options that are possible when doing business in cosmetology. The first is to open it from scratch.This is quite suitable for those who do not like to correct other people's mistakes, and are used to doing everything on their own. In this case, you will occupy your niche in the cosmetology business gradually, gaining your reputation, rather than using someone else's.

If there is no time for this, then you can buy a finished business. But it is worth considering that when buying a cosmetic business, you must carefully review all the documents, make sure that there are no debts, and examine the reputation of the salon with customers.

Well, the third option is franchise business. In other words, you take the finished business of a company and conduct it under its own brand according to the scheme it has developed. This option is suitable for those who do not want to delve into the details of promoting their brand in the market and devote time to a marketing strategy. But here there is a minus - the complete dependence of the quantity and quality of goods and prices from the seller of the franchise.

Project payback

Before you open a beauty parlor, you need to calculate its profitability. To start a business of this orientation, 400,000-500,000 rubles will be quite enough. But even with such costs, you should not expect instant profit. When you set the prices for services provided in the office, pay attention not only to the amount of finance invested in the project, but also to the prices of competitors. It is possible that the first few months you will have to work even at a loss.

Therefore, talking about the payback period of a business is very difficult. On average, with constant investments in the development of the business, it will take from 2 to 5 years.

beauty salon equipment

Services that the cosmetology office can offer

Already experienced specialists advise starting a business in this direction on the condition that there will be at least 5 jobs in the salon, and of different directions. For example, the most common services include:

  • facial skin care;
  • body care;
  • hair removal;
  • massage;
  • hairdressing services;
  • manicure and pedicure.

Some of these types of services can be combined depending on the employment of the craftsmen. In this case, the guarantee of success can be considered attracting customers as some "highlight". You can, for example, purchase equipment for laser hair removal.

What do you need to open a cosmetology office?

About where it is best to have your own mini-salon, we have already said. Now let's touch on the topic of necessary equipment and tools.

So, a small list of inventory needed to open a cosmetology business:

  • dressing table with a mirror, cabinets and a special screw chair;
  • To perform steam procedures there should be a separate table;
  • special cosmetic underwear - napkins, sheets, aprons, towels, bathrobes, hats, scarves, etc .;
  • a massage table;
  • special equipment: iron, hair dryer, curling iron, steam bath, sterilizer, etc .;
  • various trays, jars with lids, bottles, containers and more;
  • tools: probes, eyelash or clamp forceps, eyelash curlers, scissors, spoons and special needles for cleaning the skin, etc.

All equipment for the beauty parlor must be constantly disinfected, and the instruments used in the procedures must be sterilized after each use.

If we talk about the necessary documents that will be needed when opening a cosmetology office, their approximate list is as follows:

  • registration documents and certificates for equipment;
  • diplomas confirming the necessary education for specialists;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • documents confirming approval of the opening of the cabinet by fire supervision and SES;
  • an agreement for the periodic maintenance of medical devices and apparatus concluded with the relevant companies.

After you have all the above papers in your hands, you will be given the main document, without which you simply can’t open a cosmetology cabinet - a license.

beauty parlor business plan

Issue price

Before you open a cosmetology office, you must carefully calculate all the upcoming costs. On average, they look like this:

  • Renting premises will require from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles per month, depending on location.
  • For the purchase of cosmetics (and it is desirable to choose one line) will have to fork out from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. According to knowledgeable people, this certainly can not be saved.
  • To purchase equipment, about 100,000-20,000 rubles are needed. This amount does not include laser devices. With them, it will be from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.
  • The arrangement of an office for manicure and pedicure will cost at least 150,000 rubles.
  • Do not forget about the quality repair, which visitors look at first. You can spend endlessly on it, but, on average, it "takes" from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles per square meter.
  • The hall for the administrator and massage room will cost you about 50 000-70 000 rubles.

But keep in mind that a lot depends on the wealth of people your beauty parlor will be designed for. The business plan given above is more suitable for more expensive salons.

what you need to open a cosmetology office

And further

If your priority is middle-class clients, then you can save a little. For example, a place to equip your cosmetology office can be selected in a sleeping and not very noisy area. Renting such a room will cost not too much - from 250 to 400 rubles per square meter.

You can buy equipment from a not very expensive manufacturer - Taiwanese or Polish assembly. So, for example, you will have to spend about 70,000-80,000 rubles on a pedicure and manicure room, and not more than 20,000 rubles on a massage room. By the way, when purchasing equipment and tools for your beauty parlor, you can pay attention not only to foreign manufacturers, but also to ours - domestic. As practice shows, in quality they are practically inferior.

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