
Lunch delivery to the office as a business with a margin of 50%

Office lunch deliveryThe truth, which came from ancient Rome, is that people need spectacles and bread. A show-or food-oriented business will always be profitable. The closest thing is of course food, you yourself know why, I propose and do it. Delivery of lunches to the office will help office employees eat right and allow you to have good earnings for your company.

Such a business is very profitable, your margin will be from 50 to 100%, it is profitable for your customers, for example, in a restaurant, a 300% margin. Plus, you don’t have to spend time on the way to the establishment, lunch will be brought directly to the office.

It is proposed to search for clients through advertising in office centers, direct offers orally, as well as offering telephone services. A very good move that compares favorably with your competitors will be the creation of a site with the ability to order lunch online.

Office lunch delivery and proper placement

Almost all people love to eat hot dishes hot immediately after cooking, so when planning a rental space, you need to focus on the office buildings of your city so that you can deliver food as soon as possible. It is necessary to identify the main customers and will come closer.

The choice of premises.

First you need to roughly estimate the number of orders that you plan to fulfill. With the expectation of cooking 1000 meals, you need about 100 m2  area. With a minimum price of 250 rubles per meter, rent will cost 25,000 per month.

Necessary equipment for business.

In this matter, the presence of monetary assets decides the main role, when choosing equipment there are 2 ways. Buy foreign equipment of higher quality or equipment of own production will be limited. Comparing prices, you can see that foreign manufacturers sell at a price 2 times more expensive.

For a full-fledged business, you need to purchase the following equipment: ovens, stoves, frying surfaces, tables, refrigerators, shelves for dishes and consumables.

The staff of your company will consist of a technologist, loader, cook, assistant cook, dishwasher, cleaning lady and HR manager.

Lunch delivery to the office is a business requiring investments of 600 thousand rubles, payback in 1-2 years.

The success or failure of such a business will depend only on you and the desire to work your subordinates. Remember, quality products are the best advertising, a lot will depend on a skilled chef.

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A good idea. Need to research the market.


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