
Safety on the water. Water Safety

Swimming and other water procedures strengthen immunity and physical development. And rest in the summer on a reservoir will be doubly useful. Fresh air and warm sun in reasonable quantities can not do much harm. But a deep body of water is also a zone of increased danger. So that the rest does not turn into a tragedy, it is worth observing safety measures.

Fundamental rules

You can open the swimming season only when the water temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius. Many problems happen due to seizures. In cold water, muscles contract, a person gives in to panic and cannot reach the shore. Unfortunately, drowning due to seizures can be done at shallow depths.

water safety

For swimming, it is worth giving preference to proven reservoirs. It is better if it is a specially equipped beach with buoys and fences. Rescuers must be able to work here, who can timely come to the rescue. Such beaches are usually paid. But it's better to pay for your safety.

Water safety cannot be fully ensured on wild beaches. The bottom here is not surveyed by special services. This means that the pond can be filled with dense algae. Whirlpools and undercurrents will also be dangerous. It is not always possible to get out of them. Therefore, those who still decided to relax on a wild beach should not swim far from the coast. Such ponds are well suited only for boat trips.

How to deal with algae?

Water problems in most cases do not appear because people cannot swim. A person without special skills will not go deep into the water. But experienced swimmers have unforeseen situations more often. What to do if you swam into a thicket of algae? Of course, with those who observe safety on the water, this situation will not happen. After all, swimming in an unchecked area is strictly prohibited!

If nevertheless an unpleasant situation has occurred, first of all it is necessary to gather courage. It may seem that algae constrain movement and pull to the bottom. But this is just self-hypnosis. A healthy person can cope with aquatic plants without any problems. Safety rules on water describe how to move in such a pond. It is necessary to swim in the thickets with numerous stops. Do not forget that water can hold a person, even if he does not make movements with his hands and feet. Slowly moving along the pond and unraveling the algae in its path, it will be possible to safely reach the coast.

When is it better to go to the pond?

Many people associate summer vacations with beach vacations. Girls and boys tend to spend more time in the sun to show off their perfect tan. In fact, it is recommended to go to the beach in the morning or evening hours. In the afternoon there is a big risk of overheating. The water temperature should not fall below 17 degrees.

It often happens that the air has already warmed up quite strongly, and the water remains cold. A sharp temperature drop can be very dangerous: a swimmer will lose consciousness or a muscle will seize a cramp.

 water safety through the eyes of children

Precautions should be observed when relaxing on a pond with kids. Safety on water through the eyes of children comes down to the use of special auxiliary accessories. In fact, a rubber ring is not enough. Going to a pond with a child, it is also worth carefully choosing the time to relax. Kids can open the swimming season only when the water warms up to 25 degrees.Swimming with children is advisable after 4 pm.

Alcohol and pond

With the onset of the first warm days, many gather with companies and go to relax in the countryside. First of all, places near water bodies are selected. Fresh forest air and the sun perfectly cheer up. But for some this is not enough. Is it possible to imagine outdoor recreation without drinking alcohol? But alcohol is the cause of most accidents.

water safety regulations

Safety on the water cannot be ensured if a person previously drank alcohol. Alcohol blocks the normal functioning of the brain. What frightens a sober drunk person will seem like a mere trifle. In addition, alcohol leads to the expansion of blood vessels. And when it gets into cold water, the walls of the vessels, on the contrary, narrow. Such a sharp drop can lead to loss of consciousness or even hemorrhage.

Active water games

Physical activity on the river is of great benefit. Thus, immunity is strengthened, the general condition of the body improves. In water, you can play volleyball or run after an opponent. But rude games should be abandoned. Dangerous in the first place can be jumping on the water. Unsuccessful landing is fraught with dislocation or sprain. There are also known cases when vacationers received spinal injuries.

Diving should be done only in specially equipped places. There should be a special springboard. The jump will take place under the supervision of an instructor. Children under 14 years old should not be allowed to do this.

Water safety should be observed even when swimming at shallow depths. It is unacceptable to swim under other vacationers and grab them by the legs or ask for help as a joke. Then, when help is really needed, nobody will want to pay attention to the drowning man.


Traveling in the water world will be really interesting and exciting. In this case, it is worth observing the safety rules on water and under water. In the summer, you can snorkel in a small pond. But to do this is not far from the coast and under constant supervision. If necessary, assistance will be provided in a timely manner.

On the coast, diving is very popular. Vacationers have the opportunity to descend to great depths and enjoy the beauty of the amazing underwater world. A person without specific experience is not worth diving alone. On any coast, there are organizations that can provide not only a diving suit, but also offer the services of an instructor.

Diving deep under water is undesirable for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. It should be remembered that with increasing depth, pressure increases.


In the CIS countries, weather conditions do not allow swimming in an open water reservoir all year round. But nobody forbids visiting the pool. The main thing is to have a health certificate. You can go to swimming lessons even with babies. Toddlers who play in the water from a very young age develop much faster.

 water safety measures

The pool is also a high-risk area. Often, even the presence of adults is not enough to avoid an accident. Safety on the water through the eyes of children is ensured by special devices. These are rubber rings and arm ruffles. It is worth remembering that the water in the pool is treated in a special way. If it gets into the ears and eyes, it can cause irritation. Therefore, it is advisable to visit the pool in a special suit and a rubber cap.

Sail in a boat

The boat is a wonderful tool for boat trips and fishing. But traveling with such vehicles is worth caution. Ensuring safety on the water depends primarily on the condition of the boat.Before you go swimming, you must carefully examine the vehicle. There should be no signs of damage on it. The boat must have life-saving appliances, oars, as well as a scoop for low tide.

winter water safety

It is necessary to enter the boat one at a time. And it is forbidden to move around the vehicle while driving. You should also not board the boat in order to avoid loss of balance. Take a seat on the vehicle evenly. The safety of children in the water should be carefully ensured. A child can be put into a boat only in a special inflatable vest. The baby should not sit close to the edge.

Winter water safety

Winter is a great time to relax by the river. You can go fishing or just go ice skating. But do not forget about the huge number of risks. Ice on many ponds is very insidious. In appearance, it may seem quite durable. One has only to step on it, and the leg is under water. If the trouble happened at a shallow depth, then you are only facing a cold. But not everyone succeeds in escaping at great depths.

 water safety

Water safety should also be observed in winter. You can not step on ice if the temperature is below zero degrees lasts only a few days. Midsummer is the perfect time for fishing on the lake. But here you must observe safety precautions. Going to the pond in winter is only in the company. It is definitely worth taking along replacement clothes and life-saving appliances.

How to save a drowning man?

Everyone should be able to help a person in an unusual situation. It is no coincidence that in many schools they teach such a subject as life safety. Safety on the water will be guaranteed if there is a person nearby who is able to provide first aid to a drowning man. Saving a person, you need to dive under him and grab the hair. Thus, it will be possible to transport it to the shore. If the drowning man grabs his savior by the legs and pulls to the bottom, it is necessary to free himself from him and try to dive. It should be remembered that a person can be in the water in an unconscious state for up to 6 minutes. During this time, it must be transported to the shore.

water safety

Even if the victim does not show signs of life, you must try to bring him into consciousness. First of all, it is worth releasing the upper respiratory tract from algae, water and sand. Further assistance can be provided through artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.

To summarize

Relaxing on a pond is fun and rewarding. And in order to avoid an accident, it is worth refusing to drink alcohol and not go swimming alone. For relaxation, you need to choose only proven places. Ideal for swimming are morning and evening hours. Learn in advance the safety measures on the water, as well as several ways to provide first aid to drowning people.

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