
Massage parlor business plan. How to open a massage parlor

Massage is one of the few types of services which are in demand at any time: peaceful and military, crisis and economic recovery. How to open a massage parlor? If earlier massage rooms could be opened exclusively at medical institutions, today even permission from the Ministry of Health to open such an institution is not required (if we are not talking about manual massage). It is enough to familiarize yourself with the requirements, competently draw up a business plan for the massage parlor, select a room, hire good specialists - and you can get decent income. It is proved by statistics that only a third of visitors enter the salon on the advice of doctors. The rest come to have fun, relax, look after your figure or face.

massage plan business plan

How to open a massage parlor: first steps

Start a new business by drawing up a massage salon business plan. Begin by explaining the essence of the project. This is important for reviewers, but, most importantly, the presentation on paper will help the entrepreneur understand which salon is more profitable to open, how to organize his work. Masseurs can do several types of regular relaxing massage.

The massage salon business plan may include spa treatments, exotic techniques (Thai, Japanese, Chinese, etc.). Experienced entrepreneurs say that salons are very popular, where they arrange relaxing pairing procedures, for example, for husband and wife at the same time. The more services the salon will provide, the more investments will be required, but they will pay off faster.

how to open a massage parlor

What services can the salon offer?

  • Normal (classic) massage.
  • Relaxing techniques.
  • Anti-aging treatments.
  • SPA
  • Solarium.
  • Romantic programs for two.
  • Cosmetologist services (if licensed).

The types of services depend not only on the wishes of the businessman, but also on potential customers. An expensive salon in a residential area or campus will not pay off, it is unlikely that a simple institution located in an elite city block will be in demand. Therefore, in the first section of the massage salon business plan, you should:

  • analysis of the existing services market;
  • analysis of possible locations of the cabin;
  • analysis of the specifics of the clientele.

Market analysis

What do you need to open a massage room? What preliminary work to carry out? Before opening it is necessary to study well how many salons are in the district, what kind of services they provide. You can find information on the Internet, collect information about competitors or interview visitors to salons, residents of the neighborhood. It is noticed that people who want to receive medical (medical) massage do not choose the location of the office, but a specialist.

Those who visit such establishments for cosmetic purposes or just for fun, usually choose nearby points. The most affluent clients prefer exotic types of massage along with a range of additional services, a luxurious atmosphere, and a romantic atmosphere. Young people often choose treatments for two. Not very rich people (especially women) of middle age do not chase the situation, wanting to get the maximum services at affordable, not very high prices.

That is why the business plan of the massage parlor must take into account the location and needs of potential customers. You should immediately think about how high prices will be, what is the salary of a massage therapist. The first should not be higher, and the second - lower than that of competitors.

Rent and preparation of premises

When thinking about how to open a massage parlor, one should not take much risk. For starters, you can simply rent a room in a clinic, hairdresser or residential building. Only making sure the profitability of the business, you can buy your own premises. Before opening, you should prepare an office. Important: sanitary standards require that at least 8-10 square meters per client.

It is good if it is possible for each master and client to equip a separate closed cabinet. However, today paired massage is becoming more and more in demand, so you will have to arrange rooms for the simultaneous work of two masters. According to SES standards, they should be from 12 square meters. m. The salon provides space for the administrator, dressing, shower, reception.

The floors, walls, ceilings of the cabin must be made of modern, easily washable, but not flammable materials: these are mandatory conditions of the SES and the fire inspection.

Furniture and equipment

A common mistake: when compiling a business plan for a massage room, some entrepreneurs forget to include all the necessary furniture. You will need chairs and sofas for relaxing clients and staff, a table for the administrator, furniture for the pool, shower, tea room. It’s good if all the furniture is made in one style: it’s easier to create the right interior.

If the craftsmen do not have separate rooms for work, then you will have to buy portable partitions or screens. It is important to think over the lighting: twilight sets up for a romantic wave, relaxes, and it is likely that the client wants to extend the procedure.

Essential Equipment List

Equipment for the massage room will depend on what types of massage will be provided in the room. The minimum kit consists of:

  • medical couches (one for each separate room);
  • massage tables;
  • cabinets for storing cosmetics, oils;
  • cabinets for storing towels and linen;
  • cabinets for cleaning equipment (this is a requirement of sanitary inspection);
  • towels, sheets;
  • wardrobes and staff clothing;
  • wardrobe or hangers for customers.

massage therapist salary

Package of documents

No one will give permission to open until all documentation of the massage room has been collected. Each city may have its own characteristics, but the standard package must include:

  • The program for industrial control and compliance with sanitary standards (developed directly by the entrepreneur).
  • The conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the salon with sanitary standards.
  • Fire Inspection Conclusion on Fire Compliance.
  • Contracts for planned disinfection, disinsection, disinfestation. Conclude with profile companies.
  • Contracts for maintenance and cleaning of SPLITs, pools, sewers.
  • The contract for the washing of laundry for massage and overalls for staff.
  • Documents confirming the qualifications of the staff.
  • Accounting documentation.
  • Customer feedback book.

You can clarify the list in the administration of the city where the salon is planned to be opened. If there is no manual massage among the services, a license is not required. However, in this case, the businessman will have to avoid (in advertising and documentation) the words "lymphatic drainage", "medical", etc. Such activity is licensed.

Staff requirements

90% of success, according to experts, depends on the skill of massage therapists. Their qualifications must be confirmed by diplomas. In salons that provide exotic services, Thai massage therapists, Japanese, and representatives of other “fashionable” countries are often in demand. Naturally, such specialists should have not only documents allowing them to work as masseurs, but also residence permits, labor activities, etc. Usually, the salary of a masseur is 30-50% of the cost of the service.

how to attract customers to the massage parlor

The salon cannot work without an administrator. Usually a young girl of good appearance is selected for this position.However, do not forget that the success of a business no longer depends on appearance, but on the organizational abilities of the administrator and his managerial skills.

A cleaner must work in the office. Sometimes these responsibilities are assumed by the administrator for an additional fee.

The duties of an accountant can be performed by the owner himself, but it is better to hire a specialist. In a small salon, this can be a part-time job with a salary of about 10 thousand.

Salary payback

It is believed that a properly arranged salon pays for itself in about five months. When fully loaded, the salon, designed to simultaneously serve two customers, can miss up to 15 people a day. 2-3 masters can work in it at a time. Normal massage (classic) takes 20-60 minutes, relaxing - up to two hours. When calculating the profit, it should be borne in mind that a physically strong specialist is able to serve 7-8 people per shift. Between sessions, the master put a half-hour break.

The biggest burden falls on the spring: it is at this time that women (and men) begin to pay attention to their appearance, trying to get in better shape by the summer. In winter, the demand for massage falls, so it is advisable to offer customers additional services: SPA, aromatic baths and other procedures that can warm in the cold.

The most popular at any time of the year are relaxation and anti-cellulite programs, anti-aging treatments, various Thai techniques, yoga, etc. This is why it makes sense to expand the list of services from the moment you receive your first income. Obviously, only the best massage parlor can count on a decent profit.

A few words about advertising

Already before the opening, you should think about how to attract customers to the massage parlor. It’s proved that the best advertising is word of mouth. However, this does not mean that you can do without investment in advertising. You can advertise in popular media, send flyers to residents of the immediate area, use flyers, etc. The first customers can be attracted by free procedures, regular ones - with promotions and discount systems. It is important to pay attention to the sign: it creates the first impression.

It is strongly not recommended to place information on poles and fences. This indicates not only the stinginess and bad taste of the entrepreneur, but also the low quality of service: a profitable company does not save on advertising. You can leave colorful leaflets in clinics, hotels, post information on board the transport, stretch marks. The more expensive the advertisement looks, the more attention it attracts to potential customers.

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