
Paintball business: how to open a paintball club. Paintball club business plan: equipment and documents

Paintball has become a very popular game in recent years. More and more men and women prefer to spend time in the fresh air instead of traditional corporate parties. Entrepreneurial people do not ignore the increased interest in this sport and open special clubs. We will explain in detail how to create a business on paintball in this article. how to open a paintball club

No license needed

The main type of weapon for paintball is a marker. Despite the great resemblance to a real firearm, it is not. This is clearly spelled out in the federal law on weapons. Markers belong to a group of goods called "Sports equipment and gear." Their acquisition, carrying and storage does not require special permission. In addition, the provision of sports and entertainment services (namely, this is paintball) does not require a license.

What documents are needed?

Paintball business, like any other type of activity, requires registration. You can choose LLC (limited liability company) or individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). For small firms, the second option is more convenient. In it you can choose a certain form of taxation - a single tax on imputed income. In addition, you will need a lease of land / premises where you will locate your club. paintball club business plan

general information

Before you develop a business plan for a paintball club, you need to decide how, why and for whom you are going to open sports. Paintball is not played spontaneously, usually this event is planned in advance. This is a kind of tourism, and therefore you should take care of where you will locate the club.

We need a certain infrastructure. Experts on this issue advise placing a sports zone on the territory of a recreation center or a former pioneer camp. This is true if the main emphasis is placed on the corporate client. In addition, you can equip the club with additional amenities and entertainment. For example, a cafe, sauna, relaxation room, customer delivery.

A place

Where is the best place to play war games? Remember your childhood, and you can easily answer your question. Construction sites, abandoned buildings, wastelands littered with trash - where you can place a “headquarters” and ambush the enemy. Look for such a place.

When developing a business plan for a paintball club, you need to count on the fact that it is best to rent a place for sports competitions. The best option is an old warehouse or a hangar with an adjacent platform. There should be the ability to equip gaming areas.

Abandoned buildings are not very suitable for this, since their reliability and safety leave much to be desired. Therefore, only rent. If you plan to open a club in the city, then such premises can be found in industrial areas. The price is quite difficult to name. It depends not only on the city, but also on the desire of the owner of the building to earn more money.


There are many recommendations and tips on how to open a paintball club. Experts say that for a convenient and comfortable game you need to have at least 2 playgrounds, each of which should be approximately 50 by 70 meters. This will allow you to turn around well during the game and not run sprint distances.

What to place on playgrounds?

The sites need to be cluttered with various shelters and obstacles.For this, additional investments are not necessary, it is enough to bring old car tires and skeletons from cars into the territory. For delivery, you need a couple of movers and transport.

If desired and possible, you can build simple objects for the assault. For example, the walls of the boards. Do not forget that the sites must be fenced with a fine mesh. This is to ensure that the paintballs do not fly out of the playing area.

Paintball club business plan

Now let's move on to specific numbers. Before you open a paintball club, you need to decide how many sets of equipment you plan to purchase. If you are just starting your business and are not sure that at the first stage you will have enough customers, it is best to purchase 20 sets of equipment. These include markers, safety vests and masks, camouflage, gloves and more.

You can complete the sets yourself, but it is best to contact specialized stores. Information can also be found on manufacturers' websites. There there is a section called “Kits for paintball clubs”, where an average set of 10 markers will cost you 85-90 thousand rubles.

The standard set includes 10 guns, protective masks, a gas station, cylinders. For an additional 30-35 thousand you can buy spare parts, spare feeders (containers for balls), repair kits, tubes, garnes, 10 boxes with balls, 20 sets of camouflage vests. Some manufacturers include referee kits in this amount.

And one more small nuance that you should know: cylinders with CO gas2 work only at plus temperature. If you play paintball games in the winter, you will have to purchase nitrogen tanks.


Before you open a paintball club, think about who will work in it. There are often firms where owners at the initial stages independently engage in equipment maintenance, counting funds and refereeing. But ideally, it is better that specially trained people do this.

  • Technician. A specialist who will deal with the maintenance and servicing of equipment.
  • Cashier accountant. It takes into account incoming cash. Plays orders for equipment. Keeps track of the movement of goods.
  • Judges. They can be the owners or administrators of the club. They provide safety briefings, come up with game scenarios, and teach how to handle weapons properly. Their responsibilities also include ensuring that each player is provided with the necessary protective equipment and does not remove them during the game.

When developing a business plan for a paintball club, make sure to place a catering point near the playgrounds. In between battles, you can drink tea, coffee or a little snack there. In addition, this can bring you additional income.

Financial investments

Making a financial paintball business plan is easy. It is enough to know the initial investment. So, let's calculate (prices are in rubles):

  • Opening of IP - 10 thousand.
  • Rent, preparation of sites for the game - about 50 thousand. There is no fixed amount, it all depends on how you manage to agree.
  • Equipment for the paintball club - about 120 thousand for a complete set of 10 players. For 20 - 240-250 thousand.
  • Salaries to workers: accountant (full-time) - from 15 thousand, technician - from 15 thousand; judges (administrators) 3-4 people - piecework payment of 60 thousand per month (for all).
  • Balls - based on the full load and a decent number of customers per day, 3-4 boxes are consumed. The average cost of one is about 1,500 thousand rubles. Up to 120 pieces may be needed per month. That is approximately 180,000 thousand.

Summing up the numbers, we get an amount approximately equal to 600 thousand rubles. This is an initial investment. Monthly expenses will be about 300 thousand, taking into account wages, depreciation of equipment, supplies.

How much can you earn?

A list of what you need to open a paintball club, compiled. Approximate expenses are calculated. Now you need to find out the most basic thing - what is the profitability of a paintball club. It should be borne in mind that the main income goes to trade balls. The more they use the client, the more the owner will earn.

Therefore, sniper arrows are not the most suitable clientele. But those who like to shoot around the neighborhood "from the hip" should enjoy a lot of privileges.

paintball business

Sample calculations

In one game, not the most experienced fighter shoots from 300 to 500 balls. The first 2 hundreds of ammunition he receives along with all the equipment. The cost of renting a kit is 500-600 rubles. Extra balls are bought for a very considerable price. The cost of one "cartridge" is about 75 cents. You can sell it to battle participants on average 2.5 rubles.

Let the daily norm be 2 game segments of 10 people in each team (when fully loaded, 2 times 20 people). First income - 500 rubles from each player for participating in the competition. This is 20 thousand. Some fighters save ammo, others shoot all 200 pieces in the first battle.

On average, each of the participants can add 100 balls. This is 4000 pieces (2 boxes) of additional sales. In total, 6 boxes of 1,500 rubles each were consumed per day. Total 9,000 rubles. 6 boxes of 2.5 rubles per ball - 30 thousand.

If a month will be only 15 working days at full load, the club’s revenue will be about 450 thousand rubles. It will cover expenses and quickly enough (6-8 months) will pay back investments.

By setting up paintball battles, you can use the game areas in other competitions. For example, in a crossbow and pneumatic shooting ranges. If the sites are located in the recreation area, you can rent bicycles or install simple simulators.

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