
Profitable business: mini pig farm. Pig farm business plan: equipment and standards

pig farm business plan

In the event that you only decide what kind of business to do, it is best to choose the field of activity that is considered the most profitable from year to year.

AT national economy this is pig farming. Its profitability averages twenty-five percent. At the same time, it is worth considering the interest in the development of agriculture of the Russian governing bodies.

Such an enterprise is a good idea for a novice businessman. Initially invested capital will bring a high steady income. However, the success of any pig farm will be possible with a well thought out and drawn up business plan.

Product Sales

The pig farm’s business plan should reflect the marketing of its products. Only after thinking through the implementation channels is it worth starting to invest in the development of the business. The first profit capital will bring only after the sale of three generations of pigs.

It’s easy to sell adults. Problems arise only with the implementation of young animals. The most optimal solution, which should reflect the business plan of the pig farm, is the sale of livestock through small private farms.


Before starting your own business, you will need to find the necessary premises for the pigsty. To build such a building is not easy. In this regard, it is more profitable to rent or just buy ready-made premises that remained after the closure of farms.

pig farm equipment

Anyway, before starting work in the pigsty, disinfection will be required. In the room where animals will be kept, it is important to organize the correct heat transfer. This indicator will depend on many factors. The age category and sex of pigs, the layout of the room, as well as the available energy resources, affect heat transfer processes.

The pig farm’s business plan may include the installation of appliances that will directly burn fuel. This will significantly reduce costs. In addition, to create the best climatic conditions in the pigsty, the organization of a ventilation system will be required. If possible, it is advisable to purchase equipment for removing manure. It is also important for creating favorable conditions for keeping animals.

Slotted floors

The business plan of the pig farm should contain a description of the arrangement of the premises in which it is planned to keep animals. It should be borne in mind that energy saving indicators will largely depend on the quality and type of floors that serve as part of the heating system in the room.

The future reproductive performance of the piglets depends on their conditions. That is why for growing recommended the arrangement of slotted floors. This will facilitate the work of personnel, effectively remove manure and save a significant amount of electricity.

whiskers pig profitable businessSlotted floors help to reduce the number of colds and intestinal diseases in animals. Consequently, smaller investments will be required to purchase veterinary products.

Slotted floors can be concrete, plastic or cast iron. They greatly facilitate the maintenance of pigs and are used throughout the growing process. This equipment should provide good conditions for animals, which will allow the company to obtain economic benefits from its work.

Water supply

Equipment for the pig farm must include in its list of drinking bowls for animals. They must be installed next to the feeders.Then the pigs will be able to regulate the consistency of their feed.

pig breeding as a small businessInstalled drinking bowls can be of two types. They are released nipple and cup. At the same time, drinkers made of PVC, stainless steel or brass are distinguished by the type of material. For each group of fattening pigs, piglets and sows, this equipment has its own differences. The drinkers have their own nipple sizes and connection diameters.

Manure ventilation and disposal systems

Pigs should be kept indoors with optimal humidity, air mobility and temperature. All these parameters affect the comfort of the conditions, which affects the efficiency of the entire growing process. In this regard, the ventilation system is the necessary equipment for the pig farm. It can be equipped in a different way.

You can apply diffuse roof ventilation. With this scheme, the inflow and outflow of air is carried out through the roof. To create comfortable conditions for animals, ventilation through the supply and exhaust shafts will also be effective.

The necessary equipment for the pig farm will be a manure removal system. With its self-alloy type, the need for additional flushing with water is eliminated and drafts in the room are eliminated. This is important when growing piglets. The main advantages of a self-alloy system are its small investment, quick installation, reliability and durability.

Such equipment is a network of sewer pipes with dung baths installed above them. The principle of operation of this system is quite simple. Manure through a drain hole flows into the sewer pipes and is removed from them into special containers.

Feed systems

The equipment of the pig farm should include a system for feeding animals. It includes various devices. So, with the help of this equipment dry feed distribution is carried out and pigs are liquid fed.
One element of this system is a plate-type fixture with a built-in nipple. It is installed in the center of the room. The design of such a feeder allows for metered or continuous feed.

The principle of operation of this equipment is very simple. From the thick-walled galvanized bunker, which is located outside the pig farm, the feed enters through a conveyor into a special separating device located indoors. After that, it is transported to the feeders. For dosing, an opening device with divisions is installed.

A special approach is needed when feeding sows with piglets. For the organization of their food does not require special equipment. It is enough to equip the simplest feeders, into which the feed should come at certain intervals.


Business plan for pig breeding must contain the requirements that will be required for staffing. To care for animals, you will need to select specially trained people.

Moreover, their number will directly depend on equipping the pig farm with mechanized equipment. The staff should include a livestock specialist and a veterinarian. The enterprise will not do without a manager and an accountant.

Pig purchase

With special responsibility it is necessary to approach the purchase of animals. As a rule, pig breeding as a small business begins with the cultivation of three hundred to three hundred and fifty heads. Before purchasing animals, you should first study all the nuances of this issue.

Initially, the livestock is recommended to be composed of one hundred and fifty sows, ten boars, and the rest should include pigs for sale and fattening. It should be remembered that the purchase of heterosexual individuals cannot be made from one supplier. Only in this case there will be no problems with related couples bringing weak offspring.

Which breed is recommended?

Recently, a Vietnamese lap-bellied pig has been very popular among manufacturers.A profitable business with this breed has appealed to many entrepreneurs. What are the advantages? To the mass required for slaughter, a whiskey Vietnamese pig grows in just four months. Grass is used as feed. This pig is ready to breed already half a year old. It is also beneficial that the animal is extremely unpretentious in care.

Feed procurement

Pigs are omnivores. That is why for their cultivation it is necessary to purchase various types of feed. The daily diet should include components of both plant and animal origin. This will have a beneficial effect on the whole process of raising pigs.

mini pig farm

Of great importance in nutrition is given to proteins. However, in animal feed it should not be in excess, as this can cause illness. However, protein deficiency also negatively affects livestock productivity. Important for animals and carbohydrates. Their main role in the body is maintaining body temperature and the formation of fat.

Various types of feed are purchased for fattening and raising pigs. Their list includes the following:

- concentrated (bran, grain of corn, barley, rice, as well as grain feed);
- green (mass of alfalfa, clover and peas, as well as nettles and tops of garden crops);
- juicy (beets, potatoes and carrots);
- rude;
- animal origin;
- additional.

A start-up business with a livestock of three hundred to three hundred and fifty pigs will require about thirty-five tons of grain and three hundred kilograms of various additives annually. Much attention needs to be paid to the quality of the purchased feed. The weight and health of the pigs will depend on this. Particular attention must be paid to feeding sows and small piglets. Experienced farmers advise for such animals to purchase feed not at the factories, but from pig farmers who have proven their products.

Financial performance

Calculating the revenue side of a pig farm’s business plan is quite difficult. It depends not only on the number of pigs, but also on the installed equipment. One of the conditions of profitability is qualified personnel.

Mini-pig farm, according to experts, pays off in three to four years. This is facilitated by a stable demand for meat, which allows you to set a high price. Production is accompanied by the possibility of the sale of by-products - skins, bones, fat and fat. The success of the business also depends on the growth rate of pigs, which allows them to be implemented as soon as possible.

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Reason for complaint
I plan a pig farm.
3 hectares of land.
It is planned 200 sows and about 15 breeding boars.
There is no input data on the cost of maintenance (taking into account the offspring from each sow 20-30 piglets per year.)
There are no questions regarding the construction of the complex.
those. I don’t have a complete understanding of the primary costs - purchase of individuals, feed consumption (in figures - in kg, in rubles).
In terms of organization and marketing, everything seems to be clear.
In order to calculate the profitability of pig production, we assume that the number of livestock will be 350-400 individuals. For this amount, it will be necessary to prepare about 30-35 tons of grain and 250-300 kg of various additives for a year, a staff of 4-5 people will be required. To reduce the cost of feed, you can use your own sown areas for growing crops, root crops, potatoes and other additives. Obtaining and registering such sites is initially envisaged in the business plan for the development of the pig farm.
Andrey Pavlovich
Hello. Need a business plan for a pigsty about 2 thousand goals.


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