
Business plan: installation of air conditioners. How to make money on climate equipment

Climatic equipment

Starting to earn money for yourself is always difficult, because there are not always enough funds and opportunities to open a business. Most often, the snag in the starting capital, which to accumulate today, to put it mildly, is difficult.

Therefore, most novice entrepreneurs turn their attention to the kind of activity that brings good profit with minimal initial investment. One such option is the air conditioning installation business.

Why is it profitable?

The last decade will be remembered by the inhabitants of the Earth for its abnormal temperatures, which go far beyond the level of 30-degree heat in the summer and 20-degree frost in the cold season. All this, of course, scares the average people, but an entrepreneurial person will always find the opportunity to make money using all the factors, even if such disappointing as global warming.

After all, judge for yourself, at any time of the year a person wants to feel comfortable: in winter, do not freeze, and in summer do not "die" from the sultry heat. That is why climatic equipment is always in demand. Moreover, they install it not only in offices and industrial premises, but also in ordinary residential buildings and apartments.

Climate company business plan: what to look for?

It is clear that the initial contribution to this business will depend on many factors. First, you need to decide in which region you will work. After all, the climatic conditions of different parts of our vast country are quite different from each other. Therefore, you need to consider the possible number of potential consumers of your services, the purchasing power of the population in the region, the presence of industrial facilities on your chosen territory, etc.

In addition, depending on the target consumers, it is necessary to determine your budget (for this, a detailed business plan is drawn up).
air conditioning installation business plan

The installation of air conditioners in office, residential and industrial premises requires a varying degree of technical support and staff qualifications.

And in order to receive a permanent service order from a specialized industrial plant or any other serious organization, it is necessary to have not only sufficient funds (from 50 to 100 thousand dollars), but also good diplomatic knowledge and skills. If you have one, you have the flag in your hands!

Knowing your product is the key to success

Good results can only be achieved in that case, in which you understand all 200%. Therefore, before you do anything, study all the information about the product,
which you are going to offer to people, and consider this data when drawing up your business plan.

Installing high quality air conditioners - the service is not so cheap. The equipment itself will cost more than 1 thousand dollars, plus the installation cost. But customers who order such a service know what they pay money for: high-quality modern products (most often Japanese-made) combine excellent characteristics, have a protection and self-diagnosis system.

The most popular, in view of their good characteristics and more or less affordable prices, are middle-class air conditioning systems. They are mainly produced in Japan and Europe. Their main disadvantages are relative noise and a short warranty period. Such climatic equipment will cost $ 600-900.

Well, the most budget option is domestic or Chinese air conditioners, which are not particularly reliable, but also cost about $ 500.

A knowledgeable leader - a good leader

Perhaps if you do not have sufficient material resources, you will have to deal with the installation of the equipment yourself. Thus, you will save on wages and will learn all the intricacies of the matter, which you will manage further. Agree, a “trained” person will be able to become a good leader, will be able to control the quality of work of his subordinates as much as possible. Therefore, do not rush to implement your business plan - the installation of air conditioners requires experience in this matter.

In this case, the best solution would be an internship under the supervision of a real specialist, preferably in some organization with a good reputation. You will have to study for about 6 months, although it all depends on the level of your initial training. During this time you will get an excellent knowledge base of theory and practice.


selling air conditioners as a business

For your business to progress, you need to recruit a team of experienced professionals who can work with equipment, including equipment for industrial mountaineering. Such employees can be found at the same enterprise where you did your internship - there are always a couple of people who want to change

Other search options include newspaper ads and online publications, recruitment agencies, or acquaintances. True, in this case, it would be better to establish a trial period of a week or two to make sure the qualifications of a potential employee.

To begin with, you will not need many workers - 4-5 people will be enough, especially since you yourself will be able to directly participate in the implementation of the orders received.

Equipment and materials

Any split system for its excellent work requires high-quality installation, so its durability will depend not only on the integrity of the manufacturer and the qualifications of the installers, but also on the quality of the tools. So, each group of your workers will need to carry:

  • a power tool (a pair of perforators (one powerful, the other weaker) with a set of drills, chipper with diamond blades);
  • refrigeration tools (vacuum pump with manometric manifold and charging cylinder, leak detector);
  • pipe tools (pipe bender, pipe cutter, rolling, scraping);
  • sculpting devices (torch, preferably propane-oxygen, and solder).

For safe work at height it is also necessary to purchase climbing equipment with a security system. Consider this point when drawing up your business plan. Installation of air conditioners does not tolerate savings on working materials - how can you demand quality work from a master without providing him with reliable equipment? Over time, all costs will pay off, but it will be difficult to recover a lost reputation.

Shop or warehouse

How to sell air conditioners without having any retail space? For this, the opening of a specialized trade will be optimal
points. In this case, the entire range of your product will be on display, and the presence of such a store significantly increases the level of trust in the seller. True, it will be necessary to spend a little more on the salaries of sellers and consultants.

A cheaper alternative is to rent an office and a warehouse. The money saved on this can be invested in promotion, that is, advertising, and only then, having “recaptured” your expenses a bit and getting your first profit, you can fork out for your own store. Although this method does not add solidity and seriousness to your organization.

We create a customer base

Initially, your main task is to find serious, preferably regular customers. Well, if you have experience in this field.If not, then temporarily settle in some, preferably successful, company that sells and installs climate equipment.

In this case, you not only have access to the client base of your future competitor, but also learn in practice, from the inside, the essence of the organization of the business you are interested in. Take into account that large companies often are lame in matters of maintenance and maintenance of equipment installed by them. Therefore, this is your good chance to receive an order from such “deprived” clients for the prevention of their climate system.

When you gain a decent number of customers, try not to repeat the mistakes of large, already earned a reputation for companies that do not really cherish the "petty" customers. Constantly ring counterparties, take an interest in their problems and offer solutions.

air conditioning installation business

Make yourself talk

How to make people aware of your new organization? The most effective way is advertising. This, of course, can be ordinary ads, flyers or banners, but it’s better to create your site and actively promote it. Any web studio in your city will help you with this. Customers love variety and economy - do not forget about promotions and discounts, which will also attract attention to you.

Another solution - agree, of course, officially, with any company selling air conditioners, so that it sends its customers to service your organization. It will be beneficial to both you and the store.

As you can see, selling air conditioners as a business is a profitable business and not as expensive as it seemed at first.

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