
Dental laboratory business plan. The cost of dental equipment and an example of building a dental business

dental laboratory business plan

A dental laboratory is where you can get a dazzling smile, no matter what condition your teeth are in. You can open such an office yourself. However, first you need to find out what is needed for this.

What documents should be issued?

So, if you had a desire to open such an institution, first you need to draw up a business plan for the dental laboratory. It takes into account the calculation of your income and expenses. In addition, you will need the following documents:

  1. License to conduct business.
  2. The contract of sale or rental of the premises where the dental equipment will be located.
  3. Contracts with suppliers of consumables.
  4. Permission of SES, firefighters and (or) other bodies (if necessary).
  5. Quality certificates for equipment, tools and supplies.
  6. The certificate fixing registration with the tax and pension service.

Features of the choice of premises

In order for your laboratory staff to work comfortably, they need a room in which all the necessary conditions will be provided. First of all, the building must be in good technical condition. That is, pay attention to the wiring, the presence of water and sewage. The room should also have a telephone and Internet.

The building must necessarily have several rooms: for staff, storage of materials, the manufacture of prostheses or crowns, as well as for the reception and examination of patients. Please note that the premises must comply with all applicable sanitary standards. That is, in all rooms there must be perfect cleanliness, as well as an appropriate microclimate.

Personnel recruitment features

installment dental equipmentThe business plan of the dental laboratory includes expenses for the maintenance and advanced training of employees. During the selection should pay attention to the education and experience of workers.

In addition, they must have good personal and professional qualities. First of all, pay attention to the accuracy and responsibility of staff.

All employees are required to regularly undergo a medical commission. And they should periodically raise their level, be interested in new products in the dental field. As for the number of employees, it all depends on the size of your business. For a small office, it’s enough to hire a nurse, a nurse, a specialist in the manufacture of structures.

What services can the laboratory provide?

Before you begin to select equipment and materials for dentistry, you should decide what exactly your employees will do. Among the services that you will provide may include:

  • production of removable and non-removable crowns from various materials;
  • production of zirconium and composite linings;
  • the manufacture of solid and partial bridges, which can be removable and non-removable;
  • production of individual prostheses.

If you wish, you can offer other services. In principle, with the expansion of the business, the assortment of work increases.

What equipment and materials should be used in the laboratory

The business plan of the dental laboratory provides for the purchase of special tools and units for examining patients, as well as devices for the manufacture of prostheses and crowns.First of all, you will need at least one chair in which you can carefully examine your client's mouth. In principle, this equipment is presented in the form of a whole complex of tools, devices and stands.

In addition, you definitely need a drill, a sterilizer and a lamp. You should also have chairs so that clients can wait their turn. Well, if you are lucky enough to get your own x-ray machine (which requires a special room or well-organized protection). A device for computer diagnostics of the state of the oral cavity will be necessary. Very important in the laboratory will be devices that provide the manufacture, casting, polymerization and polishing of crowns or prostheses.

Naturally, the cost of dental equipment is not small, so you can consider different purchase options. As for the tools, you will need:

  • tweezers;
  • different tips;
  • turbines;
  • micromotors, gingival scissors, curettage spoons;
  • syringes, needles.

How to choose the right equipment?

equipment and materials for dentistry

In order for your laboratory to be effective, you must definitely choose the right equipment. Naturally, you should pay attention to the name and reputation of the manufacturer. Of course, you can’t call it cheap. However, you have several purchase options. For example, you can buy dental equipment in installments. In this case, you can start work at any time convenient for you and slowly pay off the debt.

Now you should understand the cost of tools and other devices that will be required for your business. So, the simplest products to view will cost you in the amount of $ 9 apiece. Materials for filling and other chemicals that are used to make prostheses can cost from 30 cu

As for the main equipment, its price depends on the name of the manufacturer and completeness. For example, an x-ray machine costs about $ 2,000; computer diagnostic devices can cost you 150,000. e. As for the chair for examination and treatment of patients, then you need to pay for it from $ 10,000

When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the equipment and the material of its manufacture. It should be durable and hypoallergenic. That is, neither metal nor plastic should contain harmful impurities that can cause a painful reaction of the client.

Project cost

dental equipment on credit

If you want to organize such a business, then first you need to draw up a business project for a dental laboratory and find out how much it will cost you. So, you may need approximately the following amounts:

  • room rental - from $ 5,000;
  • paperwork - about 800 e .;
  • salaries and utility bills - from $ 5,000 per month;
  • consumables - from 1000 at. e. monthly;
  • equipment from 40 000 dollars.

As for profit, it all depends on what services you will provide and how your specialists will work qualitatively.

Useful Tips

In order to promote your business, you will need to carry out a quality advertising campaign. To do this, it is better to contact the agency and hire a professional. In addition, do not hesitate to post ads in transport or the Internet. The best advertising will be your customers with whom you have worked well.

If you want your business to bring you good income, try to look for new working methods, use new materials. Never be hacky, as one dissatisfied customer can ruin your reputation for a long period. If you want to start work right away, but you don’t have the necessary amount of funds to purchase equipment, you have the opportunity to buy dental equipment on credit. Take this chance.

This small dental lab business plan helps you organize your business.

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