
Dentistry business plan. Ready-made business plan for a dental office: necessary equipment and SES requirements

If with a healthy, say, stomach - subject to the rules and nutrition standards - you can live up to retirement age, then things are somewhat different with teeth. Only a few manage to save a Hollywood smile until old age, but the majority of the population already from childhood know all the “joys” of communicating with a dentist.

Yes, unfortunately, non-compliance with oral hygiene, embryonic preventive measures to prevent dental diseases, improper nutrition and - most importantly - the lack of truly qualified dental care in small towns lead to the fact that if people go to the dental doctor, it is only with the aim of removing the almost completely destroyed tooth.

Reassuring yourself that the stomach is one, but many teeth. In fairness, however, it is worth noting that at the moment the situation is noticeably changing for the better. People more and more often think about the safety of their incisors, fangs, molars and premolars, and therefore the services of a dentist are becoming more and more popular.

And, most importantly, the population is very reluctant to go to the state clinic, and having accumulated the necessary amount, it tries to turn to the private trader as much as possible. And although the competition in the dental market is quite high, it would be wrong to say that this niche is already fully occupied.

Therefore, today we’ll talk about how, if there is a desire, to organize your own “dental” business so that it is cost-effective. And we will provide you with a brief business plan for the dental office with calculations that you can rely on when creating your own business. But first things first.dentistry business plan

And if I'm not a dentist?

There is a very erroneous opinion that only a person with the appropriate education can have their own dental business. It's a delusion. The question of how to organize a turnkey dental office can be relevant both for a person with a dentist’s diploma and, say, an engineer who decides to take the path of entrepreneurship.

Just in the first case, you will provide a workplace for yourself and you will be able to provide services yourself, in the second you will rent an office for rent, receiving your percentage of the profit. Therefore, the business plan of dentistry, or rather, the future office, must be drawn up precisely with these features in mind. Indeed, you must admit that it’s stupid to start all the red tape to open this specific business just for the sake of renting a single job.

Therefore, you need to work for the future and, making calculations, imply that in your office there will be not one, but several armchairs. And who knows, maybe in due course your small office will turn into a mini-clinic, succeeding and bringing really tangible income.

So to be an office or not to be?

If you are a graduate and feel like a fish in the water in this field of medicine, then it will naturally be much easier for you to draw up a competent business plan for dentistry, especially with our tips. But even if you still do not have a specific education, and you like the idea on all counts, then go for it. Everything will work out.The only thing to remember is that the path to opening your own “dental” business is long and thorny.

Some SanPiNs in dentistry (the so-called code of sanitary and hygienic requirements for medical organizations) are able to discourage engaging in this type of entrepreneurial activity. After all, it is in accordance with them that one will have to look for a room, carry out its repair, and purchase equipment. But if opening a dental office is already a matter of honor, then you will go through all the stages of this difficult path and still be able to one day become the proud owner of a very profitable business.

check in

First of all, you need to formalize your activities. If you plan to work yourself as a practicing doctor, then you can focus on the simplest thing - get the documents of the individual entrepreneur. But if you are thinking of renting an office or at night often still dreaming of your own clinic, then you should register as a legal entity (open an LLC), because without this, dreams will never come true and your office will not be able to work. As for the documents necessary for going through this procedure, we will not focus on them, since you can always get a list of them from the tax office itself or from the website of this organization.

But, perhaps, the registration of entrepreneurial activity is the simplest thing to be done. Because the opening of dentistry without an appropriate license is impossible. And here, of course, you have to run. Especially when you consider that both premises and equipment are licensed. Therefore, you need to start your business with the search for a suitable place for an office, carry out repairs there, purchase and install equipment. And for this it is advisable to have a ready-made business plan for the dental office on hand, in which all upcoming costs should be taken into account.

Looking for premises ...

America cannot be discovered in this matter. There are only a few ways, more precisely - two: buy or rent. The first assumes the presence of simply an astronomical sum, so the second option is still most preferred. But here there are some difficulties. Given the specifics of future activities, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the location of the future office (which, incidentally, is also important), but also to its area and the availability of necessary communications.

In our case, you will need the whole set: heating, electricity, sewage and water supply. Remember, you need to draw up your own dentistry business plan taking into account how many specific jobs will function in your office. Because the licensing organization has its own very stringent requirements for each of them. And the area of ​​the dental office is very clearly defined.

Dental office business plan with calculations


Rospotrebnadzor and SES standards set a clear limit for the office area - fourteen square meters per dental unit. Plus seven for each subsequent. Therefore, to organize a turnkey dental office for only one workplace, you will need a room with an area of ​​about thirty squares (since it is necessary to have a bathroom and at least a small hall for clients).

But this option is acceptable only if you plan to work quietly and calmly in this office yourself, providing only some specific type of service: to engage, say, in therapeutic and preventive activities. When compiling a promising business plan for dentistry, one must take into account the presence of additional space.

So, for example, an additional six square meters will be needed for a sterilization room, 11 and 5 squares respectively for an X-ray room with a development room, and fifteen square meters each for orthodontics and orthopedics rooms.In cases where it is planned to provide pediatric dental care and the opening of an implantology cabinet, feel free to add another 15 squares.

And, of course, in such cases, you will need a room for staff, auxiliary, albeit small, rooms. At least thirty or even forty square meters should be allocated to them. It turns out, in theory, such a mini-clinic. By and large, as you can see, the conversation about how much it costs to open a dental office is quite difficult to back up with specific numbers.

Take at least the same rent. Its size depends directly on the city in which the office opens, on its location. So, for example, in the center of Moscow for one square meter will have to pay five hundred dollars a month, on the periphery - three hundred. Accordingly, in regional and district centers the rent will be significantly lower.how much dentists get


You can’t do without it. Especially considering the fact that the SES requirements for it are very high. So, each chair should be connected not only to water supply and electricity, but also to the sewerage. Accordingly, all these communications will have to be laid under the floor. In addition, all walls and floors in the office, as well as in other rooms, must be faced with ceramic tiles, which are easy to clean and can be treated with disinfectant solutions. The average cost of repairs will be from 200 at. e. for one square meter of area, taking into account work and materials.

We buy equipment

When starting a purchase, remember that the prices for equipping a dental office vary, and it’s noticeable. Of course, the breakdown between the minimum and maximum is simply striking. You can also purchase used equipment. But not to the detriment of quality. Therefore, we give you average prices. So, to organize one workplace, you will need to acquire:

  • dental unit - 500 thousand rubles;
  • dental chair - 110 thousand rubles;
  • with a dental chair - 13 thousand rubles;
  • a set of dental instruments - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Autoclave - 115 thousand rubles;
  • a polymerization lamp - 25 thousand rubles;
  • a sterilizer - 28 thousand rubles;
  • mobile x-ray unit - 96 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator - 34 thousand rubles;
  • an ultraviolet camera for a sterile instrument - 19 thousand rubles;
  • a table for the doctor - 8 thousand rubles.
  • furniture (tables, cabinets, chairs) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • computer, monitor and accessories - 4000 rubles.

Well, after the repair is completed and everything is put in its place, you can go for a license.

dental office area


Before you go for a license, carefully study the requirements of the SES first. And especially the SanPiNs mentioned above. If you find any discrepancy, correct all the deficiencies, otherwise you simply won’t get permission. Remember that all installed equipment will require a certificate of conformity from you. So you will need to collect the appropriate package of documents, consisting of:

  • statements;
  • certificate of registration as a legal or natural person;
  • certificate of TIN;
  • extracts from the USRN;
  • a lease agreement for the premises or proof of ownership of it;
  • explication and layout of the BTI;
  • contracts for washing clothes, disinfection and disinsection, disinfestation, plus garbage collection;
  • contract for the destruction of fluorescent lamps;
  • examination results of water and air, as well as swabs for sterility;
  • health books employees and contracts for medical examination of personnel;
  • microclimate measurements, lighting;
  • permissions from SES, fire protection.

Also, each dentist who will work in your office must have a diploma of higher education, a certificate for the type of activity that he will be engaged in, plus a five-year work experience in the relevant profile.Copies of all these papers also need to be attached to the package.

I must say that the law provides for the issuance of a license - if the relevant authority does not have complaints - within two months. But in practice, things often go very, very slowly. However, there is an alternative option - to seek help from a company that will deal with the registration of a license instead of you.

True, you will have to spend up to 1,500 y on this. e. But you will definitely save time and health. Therefore, calculating how much it costs to open a dental office, do not hesitate to include this amount in expenses.

dental market competition


According to the standards, each dentist can stand at his chair for no more than six hours. Therefore, if you want to provide your services for twelve hours, then you will need two doctors. And for each one nurse. You will also need at least one nurse.

We have calculated the number of staff per job. If your plans include the provision of services around the clock, plus several installations will also work, then, of course, there will be more doctors and nurses. You yourself will calculate this based on the presented standards.

How much do dentists get? It is rather difficult to answer this question, since in private offices there are no solid salaries for doctors. Their wages are directly dependent on production. As a rule, this is about 30% of the cost of what the doctor did within a month.

As for nurses, their salary is usually about 10,000, nurses - 4,000. These are very, very conditional figures, everything in this matter will completely depend on the owner of the office, in our case, on you. As well as prices for the services provided, which can be set at your own discretion and focusing on their average performance and your own mind. Since, of course, if in a nearby similar institution they put in seals for $ 50, and you ask for 100, you are hardly destined to wait.

When composing a business plan for a dental office with calculations, do not forget to include the column “Operating expenses”. In it you will enter the amount necessary for the payment of wages to staff, having previously known how much dentists receive in similar institutions. Plus include the article “Consumables” in it. You will have to spend at least 25% of the main income on them. This is primarily the necessary medicines and filling materials, plus the purchase of clothing for staff, underwear, shoe covers and other components, without which the work of an enterprise of a dental profile is simply unthinkable.


So, if you calculate all the necessary expenses, then we can conclude: it makes sense to open a dental office if you have the amount of 45-50 thousand dollars. This company usually pays off within a year - subject to a well-conducted advertising campaign and the presence of a clientele.

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