
Land management - what is it? Fundamentals and types of land management

Among the wealth that man owns and disposes of, the key is land. The welfare of the population largely depends on how carefully people treat it, use it rationally, ensure its protection. land management is

Land resources and land management

The most important thing in resolving issues related to the rational use of natural resources belongs to the legislation. Various regulations use the concept of land management. It involves measures to study the state of natural wealth, planning their rational use and protection. Land management is a sequence of specific interconnected engineering, cartographic, and inventory works. It is aimed at streamlining existing and the formation of new sites, establishing their boundaries. The purpose of land management is to ensure the rational use of the territory by citizens and legal entities. As part of the set of measures, the area is also planned on which the small indigenous peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East live.


The land management procedure is provided for in the LC, urban planning and forestry laws, as well as industry-specific federal laws. This area is also regulated by a number of government decrees, regional and departmental normative acts. Land management is the conduct of topographic and geodetic, aerial survey, soil, geobotanical and other measurements and studies. It includes land surveying, development of proposals aimed at ensuring the rational use of the territory. Activities allow you to collect information about the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the area. To ensure the reliability and reliability of the data, rules for certification of measuring and technical equipment, which is used in examinations, are provided.


In accordance with the results of the surveys, documentation is being developed. It includes diagrams, plans, cartographic and other materials. All land management projects are being launched. The plans include information about the plots. In particular, their area, location of structures and other facilities, utilities, natural monuments are indicated. The plan also contains information about the burdens and restrictions established for specific territories, including indications of those parts for which the right of easement has been introduced. Documentation (land) is mandatory for the sale or purchase of land, other transactions. land management concept

Social conditions

The land management system operates according to certain principles. When carrying out certain events, in particular, social conditions are taken into account. These include:

  1. The structure and density of the population.
  2. The level of improvement, quantity, location, size, purpose of settlements.

The organization of land management in villages and villages has a number of features. When conducting their survey, the development of infrastructure, the presence of production centers (farms and other enterprises for economic purposes), the level of mechanization, and so on are taken into account. During the events, the condition of transport routes and interchanges, the presence of water resources, the level of electricity, gas, water supply, sanitation, telephone installation, etc. are taken into account.


The key areas of land management were established on January 30, 1991. However, as experience in carrying out events has shown, the tasks set do not fully meet the requirements of the present. Currently, new areas of work have been developed. These include:

  1. Implementation of land state policy through environmentally and economically sound redistribution of territories by subjects of law and patterns of ownership.
  2. Formation of special land funds, a rational system of use, ensuring the validity and fairness of transformations, guarantees and protection of constitutional rights to land.
  3. Planning and fixing on the ground of municipal and other administrative entities, zones with a special legal regime of use, establishing the features of cities and other settlements.
  4. Preparation of documentation, which is necessary for decision-making by local, regional and federal authorities on issues of management, turnover and registration of rights to land resources.
  5. Obtaining data on the qualitative and quantitative state, the use of territories necessary for the preparation of plans, monitoring, implementation of state control and other management functions.
  6. Development of measures to preserve and improve landscapes, increase and restore soil fertility, reclamation, protection against erosion, flooding, desertification and other negative phenomena.
  7. Conducting on-farm planning of the territory with the creation of conditions ensuring the efficient and rational functioning of land use facilities. land management organization


Land management is the main state mechanism of nature management. At the federal level, it ensures the implementation of reforms, determines the prospects for work in the territories, the redistribution of sites by subjects of law and patterns of ownership. Departmental functions of land management depend on the specifics of the industry, the characteristics of production. At this level, the activities are aimed at finding territories for non-agricultural activities, and seizing valuable plots. Inter-farm land management is the creation of conditions for the work of enterprises of all sectors. At the territorial level, the structure of sustainable use of various sites on the ground is being formed. In this case, rules are established for the exploitation of lands of both agricultural and non-agricultural significance.


Allocate the following fundamentals of land management:

  1. Ensuring the interests of entities with rights to land plots and citizens living in territories under the control and registration bodies.
  2. The priority of environmental standards over the economic feasibility of land exploitation. This provision implies the requirement to justify the degree of intensity of use of the territory. This principle makes it necessary to protect valuable land from seizure for non-agricultural activities, land reclamation, conservation of territories contaminated with chemical, industrial, and radioactive waste.
  3. The formation of equal conditions for different forms of economic activity and the development of economic sectors. This requires ensuring proportionality, a balance between the amount of land allocated and the capital-labor ratio, technical equipment, labor supply and other parameters of enterprises.
  4. Accounting for the integrated development and prospects of the territories of municipalities and other administrative units.
  5. Rational use and conservation of natural landscapes and natural resources. land management basics
  6. Taking into account the suitability and environmental sustainability of agricultural and other areas for their intended use at a reasonable level of operation.
  7. Compact placement of sites during their formation and provision, ensuring the optimality of their configuration and area, easy access.
  8. Prevention of unnecessary fragmentation of territories if their intended use becomes impossible or is significantly hindered.
  9. Ensuring the optimal ratio, composition, location of land, as well as an acceptable level of intensity of their operation.
  10. Preservation of agro-ecologically correctly placed and sustainable elements of territorial planning (reclamation network, forest belts, roads, etc.).
  11. Degraded, contaminated and contaminated sites should be removed from agricultural use. They should be preserved and excluded from the redistribution.
  12. Determination of environmental requirements is carried out in accordance with current factors. They should be implemented on the basis of relevant regulations and standards. land management facilities


The following types of land management are available:

  1. On-farm.
  2. Territorial.

The latter is aimed at studying the condition of territories, planning their rational operation. As part of the activities, the administrative-territorial boundaries and the boundaries of the plots are determined. In case of their change, as well as in case of identification of disturbed territories, conservation and restoration, allocation of shares, seizure or provision of land for agricultural activities, a land survey is carried out. Territorial measures also include the transfer or establishment of borders of rural and urban settlements, zoning, the creation of parks and other specially protected areas, zones with special conditions of use, the placement of institutions and enterprises.

On-farm land management and cadastres provide planning for the rational operation of already allocated plots for agricultural work, as well as territories inhabited by communities of small indigenous peoples of the Far East, North and Siberia. In practice, measures consist in the development, consideration or approval of projects for the placement of land, residential and industrial buildings, pastures, engineering and transport infrastructure. The indicated types of land management differ in obligatory measures. So, on-farm work is carried out at the request of the entities to which the plots are assigned. land resources and land management

Land management and cadastres

Preparation of various design documentation is provided for in the regulation of the use of territories in cities and other settlements. The content of land surveying is the development of general plans and development projects, integrated territorial planning schemes for the development of the area, zoning of land protection from the effects of anthropogenic and natural factors, the formation of conservation zones, plans for individual allotments, land surveying projects, etc. Events are carried out in accordance with decisions of state authorities, local self-government, court orders. As a basis for land management with the aim of planning the rational use of land for agricultural production, as well as provided to legal entities and citizens, agreements are made. In accordance with agreements or decisions, the necessary research and research, cartographic and geodetic works are carried out. If necessary, surveying is carried out.

Subjects whose rights and interests are affected during land management are notified of the proposed activities no later than seven days before the start of their holding. Notifications are sent in writing. Land management documentation is required when allocating territories for collective gardening, summer cottage farming, and truck farming. Based on the results of the zoning of the area, a scheme is drawn up.

It includes information about the purpose, areas, location of sites, the type of permitted use. The scheme indicates data on the burden and restrictions, easements, rights, on which specific sections can be granted. Such documents are used in determining the volume of construction of automobile access roads, communication facilities and energy supply for the development of public transport networks, medical and consumer services, and medicine. The development of projects related to site planning, their improvement and protection from harmful effects, carried out at the initiative of owners / owners, tenants / users, is carried out at their expense. land management procedure

Document types

Land management documentation can be submitted:

  1. General scheme of the territory of the Russian Federation, subject, Moscow region.
  2. Map (plan) of the object.
  3. On-farm zoning project.
  4. A plan for improving agricultural lands, developing a new territory, reclamation, protection against mudflows, erosion, flooding, secondary salinization, waterlogging, compaction, desiccation, pollution with industrial waste, chemical and radioactive compounds, infection and other negative impacts.
  5. Materials of geobotanical, soil, other studies and surveys, inventory or quality assessment.
  6. Thematic maps and atlases of use and condition of territories.

The Federal Law and other regulatory acts may provide for other types of land management documentation. Prepared and approved papers are subsequently used when registering rights to the site with the receipt of the relevant certificate. When operating territories with violations of land management documentation, guilty entities may be subject to legal liability measures. It is not allowed to provide plots with non-compliance with legal requirements.

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