
Rights, duties of a passenger train conductor

The summer period for the railway is the most intense, there are always not enough employees to work in wagons. Holidays and the holiday season increase the flow of people. For employment in Russian Railways, the first thing it is recommended to familiarize yourself with is the question of what are the responsibilities of a passenger train conductor. For the resume, it will be useful to indicate information about your knowledge. A competently constructed speech and knowledge in the field of passenger service will be a plus for the candidate.

This question will be of interest both to beginners to improve their professional skills, and to people who are consumers of company services. Being on a trip, it is interesting to observe the work of employees, and it will be easier to explain to them that they are unwilling to fulfill the duties of a passenger carriage conductor. So, a frequent violation is untimely garbage collection or unwashed floors.

How to learn to become a company employee?

There is a constant demand for qualified conductors. Every summer, part-time programs for adult students open. Beginners are required to take a three-month course. The duration may be less, but the number of hours is invariably equal to 498.

duties of a passenger carriage conductor

Training begins with an application for employment, you need to attach to it:

  • a photocopy of the passport, presenting the original;
  • copy of pension insurance certificate;
  • copy of TIN;
  • it will be useful to provide documents on education;
  • employment record, if any;

Each conductor is required to have a sanitary book: it is related to the work with dishes, linen. You will need to purchase a blank form in the print department. Paperwork is made at the expense of the organization.

Training Sections

The standard procedure for employment should include an interview with the authorities, the personnel department. Schedules for attending classes uploaded by the exam are assigned. It is extremely undesirable to miss lectures, because they consider:

    1. The duties of the passenger car conductor: during boarding, all the way, in emergency situations.
    2. The device and methods for using the car’s inventory, signals for the driver and other railway workers.
    3. Rules for filling out documents: acceptance certificate, the car transfer certificate. Learn the instructions for receiving property and actions in case of problems.
    4. A course on medical assistance to victims, fire protection and sanitary and hygiene standards.

official duties of a passenger carriage conductor

After employment

Based on the results of the exams passed, the manager determines how well the new employee has learned what is the responsibility of the passenger carriage conductor. The obtained place of work depends on the ability to communicate, make decisions, responsibility and competent speech of the candidate.

Working conditions depend on the comfort of the car: seats, reserved seats, coupe, CB. Accordingly, each newcomer must show their knowledge in order to be in comfort.

The received positive assessment is not the end of the test. To consolidate the learned responsibilities of the conductor of a passenger car will have to be in practice. The internship lasts one trip lasting no more than two days with an experienced guide.


The results of practical exercises are recorded in the diary, at the end of the trip it is transmitted to the head. The final exam will confirm your theoretical knowledge, the minimum passing score is three.Estimates are recorded in an official document - a certificate of a passenger train conductor, issued by the Ministry of Russian Railways.

The received qualification document becomes the basis for employment. A referral for medical primary commission is issued. Also, the employee goes through the procedure for registration sanknizhki. All actions are performed in 2 weeks, at the end of all activities a travel schedule is formed.

rights of duty of a passenger carriage conductor

The certificate indicates the third category, further work involves advancement in the career ladder: mechanic, train leader. Promotion Timing tariff rate determines the head. Each new rank should be confirmed by the next exam. It necessarily includes a ticket, including the question "Fundamental rights, duties of a passenger carriage conductor".

What items are included in the employee instructions?

The duties of the passenger carriage conductor are to fulfill the following points:

  • Verification of documents at the landing station. Forwarding people to the team leader to pay for the ticket, as well as if they want to change the place.
  • Issuance of linen upon payment, filling out receipts. In luxury cars (compartments, CB), the conductor plays the role of a food delivery man, covers a sleeping place, and sells issued products.
  • Keep order inside the car along the route. This includes wet floor cleaning, sanitary measures for cleaning the toilet, removal of garbage at the stations. The conductor is required to deliver tea, if it was purchased from him.
  • Self-management of unforeseen situations: conflicts, inconvenience in the event of breakdowns, warning passengers when the schedule changes. For complex questions, you need to contact the foreman, mechanic.
  • Notify the driver using the learned alarm. To do this, the conductor has two flags: red and yellow. In the dark, use lights: red and white. Red color is rarely used, only in emergency cases.

The nuances of work

Unfortunately, there is no escort crew consisting of full-time police officers on long-distance trains. The conductor acts according to the instructions of the employer, he is obliged to call them through the foreman and inform others about the conflict.

additional duties of the tail passenger carriage conductor

Colleagues rarely refuse help, collectively pacifying the offender. Officially, this is not the responsibility of the conductors of passenger cars along the route, but life situations do not allow you to stay away from what is happening. Sometimes it is necessary to repair worn-out windows of cars, which are full in the Siberian and southern parts of the country, on their own.

When boarding passengers, the main responsibilities of the passenger carriage conductor are to verify each letter and number in the passport. In addition, it is allowed to buy tickets according to the following documents:

  • current military ID;
  • passport, for foreigners - according to the native document;
  • officer book;
  • sailor's passport;
  • birth certificate.

What else is required from the employee?

Work with passengers always requires a neat appearance, a clean, ironed shape and a neat hairstyle. Have to give up bad habits, even during the rest. On the road, the unspoken responsibilities of a passenger carriage conductor are to provide all possible assistance to colleagues in the event of a mass landing or disembarkation during parking, during an accident and a sudden check by auditors or law enforcement agencies.

There is a choice of travel directions for employees, if one was not offered, you need to voice your wishes. Depending on the range, the number of days off is built, in practice there is an excess of standards, this may be due to the current situation. In calm times, the number of days on a trip corresponds to a similar time for the weekend.

main responsibilities of the passenger car conductor

In cars that go outside the country, there should be workers who have issued a passport.All communication with people should be friendly, offensive tone is excluded. After the first requirement to provide a complaint book, it is mandatory to bring one, providing the means to fill out the recall, after the first requirement to provide a complaint book.

What needs to be done by an employee of a tail passenger carriage?

Additional duties of the tail passenger carriage conductor include signaling the driver with a flag at each station. Such an employee is appointed only after a year of service in the Russian Railways. He is given a bag belonging to the main conductor-conductor for the duration of the trip.

The train employee must also fulfill the basic duties of the passenger carriage conductor at the formation point, as well as on the road. He must follow the unspoken rules of collective action along the way. Activities on the road:

  • fencing during breakdowns, unexpected stopping;
  • escort with the door open, holding the flag folded in yellow, until the station ends after the start of movement (insufficient visibility will require the use of a white flashlight);
  • the procedure for transferring the workplace includes checking the rear lighting fixtures;
  • participation in brake testing.

The duties of the tail passenger carriage conductor include measures to carefully check the signals from the attendant on the platform: if you suddenly need to stop moving, he will give an appropriate signal. The conductor must react, make a visible signal to the driver. If his reaction did not follow, stop the train forcibly stop-crane.

If there is a mail or baggage car behind the place of work, then all the actions correspond to the instructions of the conductor located in the last car.

What is the payment made of?

The result of payments is formed from the tariff part, depending on the category. Its dimensions depend on the number of hours worked. The bonus fund is built according to the results of the ticket fee.

what is the responsibility of the passenger carriage conductor

The full amount is retained by conductors who do not have negative moments in work: negative reviews, complaints, loss of property. With a long period of work, there are incentives in the form of an annual payment. There is also an additional length of service fee.

If you work more than 12 months, the conductor acquires the right to one-time free use of the services of Russian Railways inside his road. One internal ticket is provided for the employee and his two minor children. Also paid by train to the place of work and back.

What else can an employee of Russian Railways count on?

The conductor can get preferential tickets to the sanatorium, to the children's camp for his child, and use the services of the trade union. If necessary, use free insurance treatment.

The organization makes one-time payments for the wedding, the birth of a child, the funeral of loved ones. Russian Railways makes full payments: to tax authorities, pension contributions, life and health insurance.

It is also possible to transfer the funded part of the future pension to the closed fund of the Russian Railway. Third-party applications are not accepted.

What is the burden for the employee?

In addition to the main responsibilities, the conductor is given a portion of the products that must be sold. Tea, coffee, newspapers, scanwords - this is a small set to be included in the report on return to the point of departure. In addition to the listed goods, drinks and confectionery may be issued.

duties of conductors of passenger cars along the route

The sales plan applies to all train employees, the accrued points are taken into account in the formation of wages. The car is equipped with a boiler with boiling water, the conductor must monitor the level and temperature of the water. In the modern world, manual heating seems absurd, but such cars still travel on roads. The conductor provides loading of coal into the heating boiler in the cold season.

What is forbidden to do in the workplace?

Under new legislation, a ban on smoking in wagons is imposed. The use of alcoholic beverages, being intoxicated in the line of duty is excluded. Accept goods for transportation: parcels, money, packages and other forms. Violators will face a fine of more than 50 thousand rubles and the risk of being fired.

Landing while the train is moving is strictly prohibited, despite the cries of running passengers following the wagon. This safety rule is prescribed in blood, there are many injuries when falling during jumping on the steps. Absurd incidents were even recorded when a passenger lost a limb on a slippery apron during a fall. A leg or hand fell under the wheel of a cart.

During the performance of duties, the employee should not use physical force against violators. Such actions should be performed by a police representative. If bags, things forgotten by passengers are found, law enforcement agencies should be called in to rule out a terrorist attack.

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