
The line of demarcation: definition, modern realities

The freedom of one person ends where the rights of another begin. Similarly with states. Their sovereignty extends only to their territory. Therefore, in order to avoid constant conflicts, you must first consolidate it. This process is called delimitation of boundaries. If the parties fail to immediately agree, a demarcation line is drawn along the disputed territory. The features of this process will be discussed in this article.

demarcation line

Terminology Basics

In order to understand the features of the process of delimiting borders, you must first understand what this process is. For example, Cyril and Methodius Megaencyclopedia may help. According to this source, delimitation is the establishment of the borders of states in accordance with international treaties. After ratification of the relevant treaties, demarcation is carried out on the ground. During it, topographic and aerial photographs of the border strip are performed in order to avoid possible disputes between interested parties.

What is a demarcation line?

In history international relations quite often there are situations when two interested parties fail to agree. In this case, a demarcation line is drawn between their territories, and not the official border. This term has three basic definitions, each of which emphasizes the temporal aspect of this state of affairs. In military affairs, the demarcation line is a ceasefire between two warring parties during a ceasefire. It happens that a defeated state is divided into zones. The line that runs between them is called the demarcation line. In addition, this term can refer to the temporary border between two states. After signing and ratifying the relevant treaties, it can become official.

Modern realities

After the great geographical discoveries, it turned out that there was nothing more to conquer in the world. Therefore, all wars have since been aimed at the conquest of territories already owned by someone. And, unfortunately, there are no less disputes between states between them. The news is increasingly discussing the demarcation line of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The conflict further complicates the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, the country did not bother with the official delimitation of its borders. The separation of the republics was carried out by an ordinary treaty within the CIS, about which the UN was not duly informed. The association agreement with the EU provides for the assistance of the European community in demarcating the borders of Ukraine, but the state does not yet have an official border. And then a legal conflict arises. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the sovereignty of the state extends to its entire territory, which is integral and inviolable. But the problem is how to determine it, since the official delimitation, not to mention demarcation, has not been drawn borders with Russia.

demarcation line of Ukraine

Other definitions

We are all used to the fact that every new number starts at midnight. But at various points on the earth’s surface, time does not come at one moment. Therefore, in different cities on the calendar dates may not coincide. To avoid errors in the account of the day, an international agreement established a demarcation time line. It passes along the 180th meridian through the Bering Strait and numerous Pacific islands. To the west of her time differs by one day.It turns out that the inhabitants of Chukotka are the first to celebrate the new day, and the last to Alaska.

time line

People are quite controversial creatures, and this complicates the relationship between us. The state is the personification of millions of individuals with their own desires and fears. Therefore, there is nothing to say about the complexity of international relations. But one must always remember that the freedom of one ends where the rights of the other begin.

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