
Why is a production characteristic needed and how to compile it?

Sooner or later, any manager or human resources officer is faced with the need to draw up a production profile for an employee. A sample can be found in the article. If in doubt about the correctness of the material found, it is better to understand what a production characteristic is and what features it has.

When is a characteristic needed?

production characteristic

This document is prepared at the request of the employee. It describes the qualifications, personal qualities, as well as work biography. In addition, production characterization per employee it may be necessary if he is transferred to another job, he is promoted, he passes certification or in other cases.

Best of all, if the direct supervisor will compose it, since when working side by side, he knows much better the identity of his employee, his qualifications, and so on. But as practice shows, basically this task is passed on to the shoulders of the personnel service. Of course, a private matter can help in the preparation of the document, but the picture may be incomplete, so the boss should still take part.

Compilation rules

Production characteristics can be compiled in any form, as certain standards have not been developed. Yet there is one feature. It should be written on the letterhead of the company and certified by the signature of the head. Before compiling a characteristic, it is necessary to clarify why it was needed - certification, translation, and so on, because what information will be indicated depends on it.

What should be written?

production characteristics per employee

As a rule, in the characteristic should be indicated:

  • name of the document and its number;
  • FULL NAME. employee
  • Date of Birth;
  • Name of the organization;
  • position and length of service;
  • skills and professional qualities.

If necessary, you can also indicate what responsibilities the employee performs, what kind of relationship he has with the team, whether there were rewards or penalties, personal qualities, the purpose of drafting, signatures of managers, the date of the document and the seal.

Production specifications are compiled in an official style, just like any other document.

Types of characteristics

production characteristics per student

Production characteristics are divided into two main types - external and internal.

The first is drawn up for provision outside the enterprise - the place of study, the police, the bank and so on. As a rule, this document is compiled at the request of the relevant authority.

The internal characteristic is drawn up for use already at the enterprise. Basically, it is formed when deciding on the issue of promotion, promotion or recovery, certification or translation.

In addition, a production profile can be compiled for a student who is undergoing internship.

The company must have a document regulating the procedure and cases of drawing up the characteristics. In addition to the two main types of document divided into official and psychological.

The characteristic can be compiled to provide a commission for certification, police, custody or a bank.

Service characteristic

Most common in contrast to other types. It is compiled upon a request from a higher authority when it is necessary to certify, transfer or raise an employee.

The document reflects the entire track record, length of service, qualifications, as well as information about the employee as a specialist.

Psychological characteristics

It is compiled if necessary, analysis of personality.As a rule, more attention is paid to personal qualities, since when assessing his psychological state, it is possible to choose optimal working conditions and achieve greater efficiency.

Characteristic for the certification committee

This document should reflect professional and personal qualities, employee skills, as well as the general cultural level.

Such a document may contain recommendations on how to improve the professional level of the employee. Conformity of the position is determined only by the commission.

Police Feature

It is compiled if the police sent a request. Moreover, a certain period is given for registration. For the reason that the characteristics indicate personal data that are transferred to the hands of third parties, the employee must provide written consent.

After that, the document is drawn up just like everywhere else - briefly and clearly. Particular attention is paid to the positive qualities of the employee. At the very end, it is required to indicate where exactly the characteristic will be provided.

Characteristic for guardianship authorities

In some cases, custody may be asked to submit a characterization from work. The document is made up as usual! It is also important to emphasize what positive qualities an employee has, and this applies not only to professional, but also personal ones.

Description on the resigned employee

It also happens that former employees turn to the old place of work for a characterization. With such a request, it is necessary to clarify why he needs it, since the employer is not required to provide documents to former employees.

The characteristic is made with the consent of the employee, certified by the seal and signature of the head. She has no features.

Now you know for sure that making a characterization is not so difficult.

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