
Job Description Lab Assistant Chemical Analysis

The job description of the laboratory assistant is drawn up by a chemical engineer or the head of the enterprise. Subsequently, the employee will report to precisely these people. The document includes all provisions related to work. Therefore, you can not refuse to consider it when applying for a position. It is also not allowed to sign a document blindly, you need to read each item, carefully analyzing.

Along with the contract, MDI is provided by the employer to the applicant during employment. You must familiarize yourself with both documents, otherwise the person will not have information about the social package, work schedule, rights, duties and responsibilities.

CI and its main paragraphs

The job description of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant includes the most important data. It indicates everything related to further activities, the relationship between other employees of the team and superiors, the main tasks and functions.

laboratory assistant’s job descriptionFirst, a statement of a specific person for the position is written, signatures and date are put. Then come the general provisions, which describe who the applicant submits to, what he should know and be able to, and who will perform his duties in the absence.

The following are job descriptions and rights. The potential laboratory assistant should pay special attention to them, since the tasks and work assigned to him depend on this.

After the responsibility and working conditions are indicated. The last paragraph is often skipped, as it is duplicated in the contract. Also, the conditions can be found in the charter of the company.

Employee Functionality

The job description of the laboratory assistant includes the functions assigned to the employee. They can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Performing research.
  2. Logging where the results are written.

However, if we consider the functionality more popularly, then we can distinguish several more tasks facing the performer. First, you need to observe safety precautions, and also make sure that interns or paramedics do not violate it either.

senior laboratory assistant job descriptionSecondly, the employee must be attentive to his workplace. Cleanliness is observed everywhere - on tables, in flasks, cabinets. Otherwise, troubles may arise with analyzes, materials and reagents.

And thirdly, the laboratory assistant must monitor the proper operation of the equipment. Violations again lead to problems with the analyzes being performed, incorrect calculations are obtained, and the meaning of the research is lost.

The senior laboratory assistant is responsible for conducting analyzes that are not prescribed in the plan, but required by senior managers. He cannot shift these functions to support staff.


The job description of the laboratory assistant contains information about the duties of the employee. Most often they are as follows:

  • Perform analyzes and tests with the material provided.
  • Collection and processing of raw materials in accordance with the program established by senior management.
  • Adjustment of laboratory equipment.
  • Preparation of technical devices before conducting certain studies.
  • Direct participation in experiments, the implementation of preparatory, auxiliary operations, recording the results in a work journal or report.
  • Processing of analysis results, their systematization and presentation.
  • A selection of data from various literary sources, which can help in the analysis, or will bring any other benefit.
  • Performing calculations, scheduling related to the analysis.
  • Drawing up technical and laboratory documentation on demand.

laboratory assistant job descriptionIf the laboratory assistant has interns, then it is necessary to provide them with the necessary instruments, devices and materials for conducting work. It is also necessary to ensure that they comply with safety precautions, conduct briefings if changes are made to the work and charter of the company.

CI can be corrected according to the specifics of the laboratory.

The rights

The job description of the laboratory assistant will not be complete if there is no paragraph with rights. Every employee should know what he can do. In this case, the laboratory assistant has the right to further training. After that, he can return to the organization to another position with a higher salary.

job description laboratory assistant chemical analysisThe laboratory assistant also has the right to require technicians to properly fulfill their obligations if any equipment fails. Until it is repaired, work is suspended.

If the laboratory is production, then the employee has the right to demand a ban on the sale of goods, semi-finished products or various raw materials when these products do not meet technological standards. First you need to notify the authorities.

Targets and goals

The job description of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant usually does not include tasks and goals. However, this does not mean that the applicant does not need to familiarize themselves with them.

The main goal of the activity is auxiliary work. They are conducted during chemical analyzes.

laboratory assistant job descriptionThe tasks are to help the engineer, fulfill his instructions, prepare reagents and laboratory equipment. Directly during chemical analyzes, an employee can participate only under the supervision of superiors.

Qualification requirements

What education and skills should a senior laboratory assistant have? The job description contains his rights and obligations, as well as what he is responsible for. But getting a job does not work if there is no appropriate qualification. The requirements for it are as follows:

  • Knowledge of design and the ability to use devices that are involved in the process.
  • Knowledge of the basics of chemistry and various methods of analysis.
  • Knowledge of the properties of materials that are used in the work.
  • Awareness of the current technical standards and regulations, focused not only on the industry, but also the country.
  • The ability to draw up technical documentation, which is the result of the analysis.
  • Knowledge of the storage of various materials and raw materials, as well as instruments and equipment.

The job description of the assistant paramedic is more relaxed. As it relates to support staff, there is no need for higher education and work experience.

The salary of the employee is indicated in the contract. The job description of the laboratory assistant does not include such information.

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